Zoria's Virtual Pet Adventures!


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Well-known member
Oct 16, 2005
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On the computer...
That morning, Zoria awoke at 4AM. She could barely go to sleep, so she grabbed her garfield book and read it. Before she knew it, it was 6AM! She rushed into her mom's room to wake her up. "Wake up, mom!" Said Zoria. She went into Kanji's room and shook him; too. Then she shouted at Kymie to get up. Zoria, last but not least, woke up her pets. All of them rushed downstairs. The whole family. Kanji picked up the presents, and handed them out to everyone. He went first opening his. "Oh wow! A Tamagotchi! And a Miuchiz!" He said as he looked at his Dark Blue Tama with Stars, and his Miuchiz Paws, Spike. The rest of his presents were junk. Toy trains, etc.

Zoria went next. She opened everything. "OH WOW! A Tamagotchi, a Miuchiz, and a Baby Furby!" She said, pretending to be suprised. Her mom might have fell for it, but kymie was just not buying it. She was frowning. She tapped the screen, and Fireheart awoke. He stared at Zoria. "Today is the day." He whispered. He was now face-to-face with the person whom put him here. Silk was now wide awake. She smiled at Zoria, whom smiled back. Zoria also got a series of things. Money, a gold necklace, etc.

After everyone had opened their presents, including all her pets, it was Kymie's turn. She had one. And one only. She tore off the packaging... A miuchiz paws! The cat one! Zoria's jaw dropped. Kymie grinned. "Thanks." She said. Zoria looked at the 50 dollars Kymie had gotten too.


Kymie ran into her room opened the package with scissors. She ripped out the tab, and looked at her cat. It was sitting on the couch. It was just like her. "I'm going to name you Gothia." Said Kymie. Gothia looked at her and stood up. "Go to the store." Kymie told her. Gothia nodded, and ran to the salon. "Buy some black furspray..." Continued Kymie. Gothia smiled. She liked this. She got her fur painted black. "You look awesome!" Said Kymie. "Lets get you on Planet Mion."


Kanji tore his tamagotchi out of it's package and pulled the tab. An egg bobbed up and down. He set the time, the date, and his birthday. He used Kanji as his username. He waited as the egg bobbed up and down... Out hatched a boy. "I'll call you elf." He said. Elf looked at him innocently and ate the food that was given to him, then exersized tje extra weight off. Elf had 150gp now! Kanji told elf to go to the shop, and he did. "Buy that lollipop!" Said Kanji. Elf picked up the lollypop and paid the casheir. Boy was this fun! "One second, elf." He told elf as he placed him down and opened his Miuchiz.

He pulled the tab again. The dog was kniave and young. "I'll call you buddy." Kanji told Buddy. Buddy wagged his tail. "I wanna eat!" Said Buddy. Kanji smiled. "Uhm... Go to the Cafe." He said. Buddy wagged his tail and didn't stop still when he got there. He ate a few treats, which costed 150 creditz. Kanji rushed into the livingroom to play with Buddy on Planet Mion.


Zoria tore open the package. "Hello Fireheart." He told Fireheart. Fireheart smiled. "Hmm... Go to the salon." She told him. Fireheart shrugged and ran to the Salon. He got his fur painted white, and then he headed over to the clothes store and bought a scarf and some green running shoes. Fireheart rushed back. "Can I go to Mion now?" He asked. "Sure." Zoria nodded and plugged him into her PC. The next thing he knew, he was riding a plane to Planet Mion!


Gothia looked around the Mion core. This was so cool looking! She walked around and bumped into some Calico cat. "Watch where you are going!" Growled Gothia as she got up. It was spottedleaf. Spottedleaf ran away, and bumped into Fireheart whom was looking at the sky. Spottedleaf turned bright red, then realized there was mistletoe above them. Fireheart noticed too. He leaned in slowly, and kissed spottedleaf. Spottedleaf turned Dark red and closed her eyes. She pulled away slowly. "So... wanna go look at the stores?" Asked Fireheart. "Uhm... Sure..." Spottedleaf answered. Fireheart inched his hand closer to her's, and held it.

Zoria messenged Shadow using the chat. "You /ARE/ getting all this, right?" She asked. "Yep." Shadow replied. "Cute, eh?"

Buddy, meanwhile, ran in circles chasing his tail. People walked by and stared.

* * *

Zoria looked at Fireheart, whom seemed lost in though about Spottedleaf. "Fireheart..." Said Zoria, inturuptign his thoughts. Fireheart snapped out of it and looked at Zoria. "I am gonna start up the Tama. Everyone is watching. Fireheart was placed inbetween silk and Princess. Fireheart looked at his mom and purred. I guess his mom was staying. Zoria pulled the tab and showed the screen. An egg bobbed up and down. She set the time and the date, and then her birthday. Th egg bobbed up and down still, and then, a crack showed. The baby leaped out of his eggshell, ready to play. He wanted food! "I'll call you Xmas, because of today." She declared. X-mas looked really odd. He had christmas markings on him. He looked really cute, even though odd. He bounced around the screen untill Zoria fed him some food. Then she exersized, like Kanji, to get rid of the extra weight. Zoria looked at Kanji again. He was sick! She gave him a bit of medicine, and he was feeling a bit better. But his tummy still hurted, so he curled up for a short nap. When he awoke he was much better, but then he cried. He was awoken. Zoria praised him, and he was happy. Soon he evolved into Mizutamatchi. "Hi." Said Xmas. His first word after a whole hour ago. Zoria smiled, and waved back. "Hello!" Kanji looked out his window. "I wanna go swee store! Mememe!" He said. "Okay. Off to the store you go." Said Zoria. Kanji hopped ovr to the store, and picked up some Apple pie and a Bowtie. He put of the pretty Bowtie and ate his apple pie. Oh how yummy it was! By time he got back to his house, he had devoured his apple pie and it was nearing 8:00. Zoria used the controlls to put him to bed and tuck him in. Kanji put his bowtie on the front of his bed for tommorow, while Zoria kissed him goodnight. She stuck him in her purse, and had noticed Fireheart had gone to bed early, too. Fireheart purred deeply in his sleep as Zoria shut off the lights. He looked so peacefull sleeping. She put him in her purse, too, and looked at the rest of them. She got out 'Charlotte's Web', A book she had gotten for Christmas and read it alloud untill it was time for them all to go to sleep. Zoria fixed up one more bed, and placed Hannah there, this time. She also put Silk there, too. They were both furbys. The two slept huddled together. Hannah was alot bigger than silk, Hannah was 12 and silk was 3. Hannah felt like her mommy. Silk snuggled a bit closer, and fell asleep. Nemo enjoyed having room in his bed, so he fell asleep himself. Princess didn't want to go to sleep, but since she was 18, Zoria told her she can stay up untill 12:00. Zoria climbed in herself and hugged Way-loh tight. She fell asleep very quickly...


Kymie picked up Gothia after a long long day. She yawned and picked up Gothia. She climbed into bed with her, placing Gothia on her pillow. Kymie fell asleep to the rythamic purr of Gothiz as she slept.


Kanji curled up to sleep, too. He pulled Elf, whom had turned into a Kutchitamatchi closer to him, and he had Buddy sleeping on his pillow. Kanji could tell buddy was dreaming about chasing his tail. He giggled and looked at Buddy, whom was twitching his tail, and growling.
