Battery issues


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Aaarg... 8 days thats realy quick it could that ur connecting ur tamagotchis allot that drains lots of energy :)

[SIZE=8pt] :) Yeah, that quick battery drainage gets really annoying sometimes... Oh well, must cut back on connecting :blink: [/SIZE]



The batteries in my first tama conx died after about 4 days and then the second one I bought lasted maybe a week and a half. It is strange to me since the batteries in one of the first tamagotchis i had lasted for years. I assume the extra graphics are more draining. At least Bandai was kind enough to add an additional battery in the packaging.

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My American ones both died after about 16 days.


There is another battery in the package. I hope every one knows that.

Wouldn't want to throw that away.

I'm going to wait to put it in though. I have the more reliable Japanese ones going along with one other American one I bought a week after the first two.

I'm not happy about that short battery life either. :D

My own Connection lasted a little over two weeks until the battery died. I haven't connected with it yet, so I assume the "longer" life is because of that. ^^;

mine died yesterday, and replaced the batt..

but.... what i dont get is y my tama wont age.

its been 2 yrs for a while now and im worried. i hit the download option so i didnt have to start over but shouldve been 3 now.

and i dont want to start over b/c this is my 2nd gen

this happen to neone else?

Wow.. does batteries die so fast? Mine is still as new after 2 weeks or so.. mine's a conx btw..

i think its just the american versions because hrer in the uk ive never seen a situation like that come up.(and we're not given spare batteries) :)

mine died yesterday, and replaced the batt..
but.... what i dont get is y my tama wont age.

its been 2 yrs for a while now and im worried. i hit the download option so i didnt have to start over but shouldve been 3 now.

and i dont want to start over b/c this is my 2nd gen

this happen to neone else?
Have you checked the time?

When my batteries died and I downloaded, the time was off by a few hours.

Also, I found that 24 hours doesn't necessarily mean a day ("year"). My own Tama doesn't age until it's fallen asleep for the night.

:3 good eye or is it a fact that most people know about? Anyways<im going to marketville mall to get my tama....I hope that marketville mall has them! Please wish me luck lol

Also - if you pause your Tama alot, that could also affect it's growth speed.

As for the batteries...I've heard they go quickly. I'm hoping it's just a cheap battery issue, and that when I purchase some good quality replacements, they'll last longer.

like u kan save your tamagotchi data,right? im not sure what the phrase means either to tell you the truth!

I think it just download to the time whereby the last big thing happened. Like when ur pet grew up.. or it woke up or smth like dat... :p

I think once you replace the battery and hit reset, you are given the option to download..which means to go back to your character you had before the battery died. Otherwise, you just start a new one (if you don't select download).

oh yay, a battery thread. I'm such a dork (shouldve looked a bit more)

mine lasted about two or three weeks.

I wonder how long you can wait to keep batteries out and still have your previous info saved? o_o;

I wonder how long you can wait to keep batteries out and still have your previous info saved? o_o;
That's actually a good question. I'm assuming that the programming makes that X pop up when there's still enough battery life left to keep the character (otherwise it would just shut off). Now the question is...if you take out the battery, do you have a limited amount of time to put in a new one...before you lose the character. It'd be good to know that's for sure!

I guess a good idea would be to always have a spare battery on avoid the chance of losing your character.

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