Tamagotchi news report on Good Morning America!


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Well-known member
Dec 31, 2006
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Long Island,New York
Today on Good Morning America,they said "A boy got kicked out of church when his Tamagotchi changed into a Mimitchi and beeped out loud as it was changing."

That isn't good!

Wow,... that is amazing, to bad he got kicked out--- But other than that, there was a news report for tamas!!!.. to bad I missed it.

Why isn't it good? I love cute little tamagotchis, but give me a break! If you go to church/temple/whatever you are there to presumably celebrate your faith, so why do you have a toy with you?

The bonehead deserved to be kicked out of church! :mellow:

(yay for Tamagotchi on the news, boo for the goof making the rest of us look bad!)

I honestly don't believe this myself. I doubt the newscasters would be as detailed as to mentioning WHO the character became.

Do you have a source? Like a page or online video?


Why wouldn't they tell who the character was?
Because we doubt that news reporters on live TV would actually describe what character the tama became as that is just quite irrelevant anyway, why would it be on the news, stuff like that happens all the time. Do you have any proof that it happened like, videos, etc.


Wow! That is alot of publicity for tamagotchis! I am amazed though why they would put something like that on the news though...


:) The news tends to put small stuff like that in when the run out of more major news. Its too bad that happened though...I hope the news didn't spark a fight against tamagotchi's being banned in certain places again.

:( I agree with Tamaliss though...church isn't a place for tamagotchis but maybe the boy was little and wanted his beloved tama to have a faith too. He should turn the sound off when he goes into places like that though.

:D I swear some people do not have any common sense.

Really i always bring my tamagotchi to church and i never got kicked out! I feel sorry for that dude. :( my parents would like kill ;) me if we got kicked out because of my tama. but it didn't happen so that's good. :blink:

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I think he should have turned the sound off.But like Tamaliss said why bring it to a place of worship.But like many people are saying do you have proof?Because my parents know I love tamas so they would tell me news about tamas.And they watch good morning america everyday.And they never miss it because they wake up early.

It's a bit unlikely this is true. It is a church, a place of worship, everyone is welcome to STAY. If I got kicked out of church, my Mum (she is training to be a priest) would be horrified! Or is it in the USA that you can?

Obviously, it is still believable and still rude. My tip to that boy, whenever you want to come back, keep the sound off!

I don't believe this....in fact...I'm going to search this on youtube.....if it's not on there, then it's not true. UNLESS you can show us a video....

LOL That's acually pretty funny but horrible at the same time! Oh well I think it was probably an accident. If I could talk to him before church I would have said to turn the sound off before he went in... unless he was a foreign guy and I couldn't speak his language.. LOL ;) :blink: :p

I find that difficult to believe. I doubt that they would kick somebody out of Church for that. Everybody is welcomed there. If a person's cell phone went off in church it would be very awkward, but I seriously doubt they'd kick the person out. Unless I see it, I'm not gonna believe it...

it's not good to bring a tamagotchi to church youi should pay attention to church not tamagotchis but who kicks people out of church thats weird

Woah! That is really amazing they put something that on the news. I wish I would have seen that. LOL....Why would that boy have brought his Tamagotchi to church. Well I probabaly would have too lol! Why wouldn't he at least turn off the sound. Oh well WOOT FOR TAMAGOTCHIS! Thats something to be proud of!

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