Getting Back into Tamagotchi


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Coco Boy

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Oct 4, 2007
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I don't want to be made fun of for liking tamagotchis [i do get made fun of a lot] and I want to get back into them though. Any help here?

You can try buying one and connecting with your friends. I think that'll do the trick.

If you don't like Tamagotchis and you just want to get back into them just because people are making fun of you for not liking them, that's a bad thing. You shouldn't have to play with something if you didn't want to but you're being made fun of for it. Ignore whoever makes fun of you for it, and just remember that you're entitled to your own opinion. Seriously, if you don't like Tamagotchis, that's just who you are. No one except yourself can change that.

The first thing you need to realize is that kids are cruel these days. If tamagotchi's are something you like, Then get yourself one and have fun. Other people are always going to say something, you just need to decide if having a tamagotchi and being happy is worth the ill words that may or may not come. If you are worried someone will make fun of you for having one because your [too old] they probably will. But if it helps, I am 21 and I haven't had anyone say anything to me about mine. If they did I wouldn't care at all. I like them, they kill time at work (i work 14 hour night shifts) and everyone is always going to have something to say. Its up to you whether or not you choose to listen and let it bother you.

If you really like them, but you hate being made fun of, maybe you could just play with them at home.

It really sucks how people think they aren't 'cool' and give you stupid labels for playing with them. But, if you are strong, you probably could handle it, because it really doewsn't matter what other people think.

It doesn't matter if you're a kid or an adult, someone's always going to have something to say.

If you like Tamagotchis, then why shouldn't you play with them? Does what other people think matter enough to make you give up something you enjoy?

I'm 20 and I still drag mine to work with me. They kill time when it's slow, and they give me an excuse to take a break every now and then and just clear my head. I've never had someone be rude to my face about it, but I'm sure there are comments made behind my back. But do I really care? Nope!

Don't give others the power to control your interests. Do what makes you happy and everyone else can like it or lump it!

dont listen to them they jst dont understand that if u like something they shouldnt make fun of u they like things and do u make fun of them no.(or i think u dont) like i dont care if the guys in my class(guys r jerks in my class they make fun of me cause i made a website about tamas) make fun of me because i like what i like and they dont have a say they cant tell u what to like or not like it only matters what u think

Well, I get made fun of sometimes for playing with my Tamagotchis in school. But honestly, they can't really say anything that bad to you about your Tamagotchis. So it's ultimately your decision.

I don't really mind being made fun of sometimes, but nobody except for my family knows that I play tamagotchis. So you could make it not so obvious that you like tamas.

Be yourself.

You shouldnt let other people comments affect you.

If playing with tamagotchis is one of your interest,

why not play with it ?

It doesnt hurts to just ignore people comments about it .

I'm sixteen years old, and no one makes fun of me for my tamagotchi.

Last week at school, I told a boy that I have a tamagotchi. And he said, oh I remember those they're cool!

And then he said, "Wait, you have it HERE? Hardcore!!"

'Retro' toys are really in style. Sometimes, I let my friends play with my tama.

Some people might make fun of you for a toy, but those are the kind of people who TRY to find reasons to make fun of people.

You'll probably find people who have similar interests as you, who don't mind your tama. They might even think it's cool.

i just LOOOOOVEEEEEEEE tamas they r so cute and fun to play with when i grow up im gonna paint tamas on my car get a tama tattoo a tama bedroom tama shoes tama clothes hats and backpacks and much much more :)

Just ignore the people who make fun of you. They're just stupid.

As for getting back into tamas, name them after game or tv show characters. It worked for TamaGirl07(TamagotchiGirl2007, in case you hadn't worked that out. :furawatchi: )

i just wanted to say. im 21 and ive gotten myself back into tamas. i currently have 4 and an angelgotchi on the way. my coworkers ALL make fun of me for liking them but i just snicker and say things like "ur jsut jealous that when you get bored you got NOTHING to do" and "omfg why not!? theyre just soooo cute ^.^; ur uncool for NOT having one and missing out on all the fun!!" just make witty comments to show them you dont care. ppl will eventually see you having so much fun without their help(because they are not friends anyway if they poke fun like that) that they'll want one too. i love my tamas and noone bothers me anymore cuz they know im glad to be different and happy in my own right. dont let ANYONE influence you to be the same as them JUST because they dont liek the one you are. take it from me honey ive been made fun of all my life and look at me now i even cosplay at my age(which isnt really old but whatev) and have been mascot of conventions and what not. right now they make fun but later on they'll be begging for your attention. you wont see it now as i didnt in the past but soon youll understand just as i do! good luck on ur journey, your tamas appreciate you even if those bullies dont. and WE DO TOO~~~<333

I agree 150%

If you like tamagotchis then you should do what you want to do, instead of listening and worrying on how people are going to judge you on what you play. Yes people are going to have a say on what they think about them like ,''Why do you play with those things?'' or ''They are very babyish!'' Who cares. And if you are afraid of YOUR friends doing this, like making fun of you, they should accept you no matter what you play or do if they were you real friends.

I am going to admit tamagotchis are great! So be yourself and do what you think is best for yourself.

~TP~ :(

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if your friends make fun of you, then they aren't real friends! i'm 13 and i LOVE tamagotchis. and if the people making fun of you aren't your friends, then who gives a crap what they think!

Every one is saying pretty much the same thing. If you like 'em do it. You might start a trend. Don't be afraid of being teased. It will happen. It happens to everyone in every part of their life. This is what will separate you from the fake people and the people who actually have humanity. These people who tease you will stop and the people who stay are really friends. Don't be afraid to be who you are! :eek:

Well tbf the person who makes fun of you DONT KNOW JACK!

IMyTama :eek:

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