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Well-known member
Feb 23, 2009
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Howl's Moving Castle
C'mon, you know we all have funny stories of when we were little. 8D

When I was very young, we used to take these chewable Flintstones vitamins. They were very tasty, indeed. Someone had left a chair near the counter and I climbed up and ate almost the whole bottle. o_x My mom was freaking out and thought it would kill me. Yet, here I am! :D

I knocked some rat poisoning into a cake bowl :D We had to throw it out.

When I was four I got out some baby oil and talcom powder and put it all over my little brother :D

I was young (like about 4) and I decided to attempt to kill my brother. Whole can of fly spray in the mouth. All I remember of that day was climbing up the side of a stool to get the new can of flyspray and then cornering my 1 yearish old brother between the couch and the wall.

I was a trouble child. I bet my mum could write a billion things I have done but my memory fails me.

I rolled down the stairs, like atleast 10 times.

I called 911

I also used to eat chewable vitamins like they were candy =]

I also drank pen ink once... I though I was gonna die XD

Heh, I still do stuff I'm not supposed to... but, this is a kids topic so I'll stay on topic :)

When I was like 3, I got onto the treadmill and set it to like, 12kmph and slipped off and killed my butt. Lolz... I remember that one well...

And, I ate alot of vitamin tablets which I wasn't supposed to :)

Well, Its also how I got my nickname.

When I was sleeping as a baby, I used to coo. now, since my name is Katie, Its Kooz.

(Its about my cousin) He was a baby, and he was with my grandfather for the day. When he needed his diaper changed, my grandfather got poo satins on the WHITE CARPETS.

I tried to eat my hamster.

I stuck my tongue in an electrical outlet.

I tried to break the window on a plane ;P

I called 911, who hasn't?

I always wanted to make fire, so I put paper on every lamp, computer light,stuff like that. Did not succeed.

I really wanted to be on the news, so we were drivng to the airport one day and (I was 4) I drew a sign that said "HELP ME" and put it up against the car window, all the cars came by and they were giving my parents funny looks.

^ I used to always play in the ball pit until I found out what little kids do in them.. T_T

Michelle- XD. I guess I was wrong then :angry:

911 is 000 here :eek:

And yeah, I once called 000 and told them my dolly had a cockroach in her hair. I got screamed at by mummy.

Me and my friend attempted to kill her cat so we locked it in her room for about an hour. (4ys We thought I wouldnt be able to breath xD)

My brother told me to jump out the wiindow so I jumped out the ground floor one (5ys)

I ate a worm when I was 6. -.- (or so I got told I did)

I shoved a crayon up my brothers nose (7ys I saw the simpson episode were Homer had one stuck up his).

I guess I was a stupid kid. (Still am :angry: )

Me and my elder cousin used to eat vitamins as if they were candies.

When I was 5 years old, I got a box of crayons and drew stick figures on the wall. The maid got mad.

And I tried to my finger cut off. How weird can I get...

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