Whats 'in' at the moment, girls?


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Well-known member
Jun 23, 2008
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Sydney, NSW, Australia
So...yah. Basically what the title says.

The point of it is; like, learning new fashion tips and stuff, and seeing what's 'in' in other places in the world.


In Australia, skinny jeans are the most 'in' jeans, especially with this new bleach-splotching tecnique done on plain blue skinnies. Maybe you've heard of it? It's really cool, and you can do it yourself. I don't have a pair, cuz' they don't sell good ones in the shops, and my mum won't let me use bleach, but if I ask her to help me bleach she says "not right now".


Gah, yes, skinnies.

My cousin wears them and he looks like a skinny, boobless girl LOL.

At my school, dye and extentions are huge. And I'm like.. Ew, I don't want fake hair thanksssss.

And like, really short pants? Aren't they like.. Adored?

I don't have the legs for them haha.

Haha. XD

It's early Autumn, or Fall, if that's what you prefer, and its getting colder here.


Shorts are going out of fash, as it gets colder. Eeep. I've probably just experienced the last warm day before highschool v.v

And hi-5, Americans, my highschool has no school uniform XD

like, 98% of schools in Australia have uniform. Wooo.

Ew, lucky, my high school is way strict and has this stupid gray uniform. Aha, yeah, it's getting too cold to wear shorts now, but I remember, like.. Everyone worse these completely ew denim shorts and I seriously don't understand WHY. They were ugly D:

^ I didn't know you were in high school next year >D

And in Canada.... yeah, skinny jeans are in, of course.. hmm, right now, there isn't really a certain clothing article that's in (besides skinny jeans, although they're getting less and less popular) but so many people wear Aeropostale. Probably 80% of the girls in my class have at least one shirt from there. I have a few, I only went in for about 2 shirts but they had a bunch of 'get one free' '50% off' deals.. so I ended up with 5 shirts for the summer and a sweater o:

But aeropostale is actually pretty good, it'sjust abercrombie, hollister, etc that I'm not so crazy about.

... I wonder what is going to be 'in' this summer.. I don't really pay attention to that stuff, you kind of just know it...

Well at my school, mostly like shirts with bands/movies that you like, skinny jeans, Jeans of like wild colors, for the popular girls really short skirts shorts and revealing shirts xD um, bangs is a big one for girls, also flat shoes, Aeropastale, Hollister, Abercrombie&Fitch, and stuff. Thats all I can think of for now.

Skinny jeans, TNA, Uggs, flats, DC shoes x3 All i can think of right now...

My Aussie school has a uniform. LOL.

But long tops over leggings are popular right now.

So is plaid.

And pearls.

^ Plaid shorts are 'in.'

forgot that one!

Lots of people have plaid shorts. I like them ^.^

I could care less about the fashion trends in my school, all the girls know each other, and there are no cute boys. Just fat, pervy, and stalker boys. (90% fat. XP)

In America though, short shorts are in, which my mom probably won't let me wear. :)

Also plaid shirts of all kinds are in. They look pretty sexy, actually. 8D

My Aussie school has a uniform. LOL.
But long tops over leggings are popular right now.

So is plaid.

And pearls.
PEARLS? You been livin' underground or WHAT?!

Naw, joking. But in my area, people say that if you wear pearls, you look like a grandma. Haha. XD

Black leggings with no other bottoms(except underwear, of course) are popular at my school. I never thought I had the legs for it, but surprisingly, I can. Just not lighter coloured leggings. Cuz' black causes the illusion of length and flatters any body making it look slimmer. Ah, black. What would we do without you?

PEARLS? You been livin' underground or WHAT?!Naw, joking. But in my area, people say that if you wear pearls, you look like a grandma. Haha. XD

If you wear all black and have a pear ring or something.

Or one of those huge big chunky necklaces then they're in. :)

No grandma pearls. :)

Converse are in right now.

Hi or low tops, it doesn't matter.

And bright colours are also in.

Especially when paired wit black.

Short shorts over leggings is pretty popular too... I think.

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flats are popular, and odd colored converse are coming into style, too.

And HA-HA, Supre' is finally going out of style. GOD, I hate Supre'. Bad quality, terrible styles, and poor designing with color. Thats what Supre' spells out.

Supre is the most ''in'' thing right now. SHUN THE TWILIGHT SHIRTS! Lol, Carly...

Yeah, well like everyone else said, skinnies are in. But if you wear them, you're automatically a copier. Scene-ish hair is in too. Oh, and really really really tight singlets with really baggy pants is what some people wear... I find that disgusting.

Converses aren't in. We have these shoes which are like, copying converses. They're called VOLLEYS. I hate them with all my might, yet everyone loves them so much.

Me and my friends don't stick to trends though :)

We kiwi fashionistas are getting into winter fashion now. Its all about skinnys with boots that are almost knee height or uggs. And big hoodies with cartoon or kid show t-shirt underneath. Colourful beanies and fingerless gloves. Head bands. Leggings and mini dress. Scarves.

PEARLS? You been livin' underground or WHAT?!Naw, joking. But in my area, people say that if you wear pearls, you look like a grandma. Haha. XD
I love pearls. ;_; They're not really "in", but they sure do look nice. :]

Bright colors are really in. You walk into PacSun, and it's neon everywhere. So are big bright colored chunky Adidas-type footwear, and Converse, though Converse are old.

Ugg boots were in over winter, but it's spring turning to summer now, so you don't see them quite so much.

Baggy sweat pants are majorly in. I see girls all the time with boxers on, and bag sweats rolled over andn falling off their hips. They look comfy, but I know I'd never be able to pull them off without looking like a bum.

Single braids pulled back are in for hair styling.

Maxi dresses are in this season, though I haven't seen anyone in school wear one yet. Once again, not something I could pull off, because I'm short and all the fabric would overwhelm me.

[YES! Finally, some signal.]

Colourful shades, skinnies, bright converses, big tacky bags, headbands, zipper hoodies, Aeropostale, Abercrombie, Ts, lipgloss, bangs, short shorts. Just a few examples of huge trends over here, which everyone is wearing.

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