tamagotichi v5.5 Project


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Well-known member
Jan 18, 2009
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As most of you know there's not a lot of v5.5 charts or help so now it our time to shine and do what we can. so i have decided to do this job and if we all pitch in we can all have fun with our tamagotichi v5.5s.

Our goals

#1 Make a tamagotichi v5.5 Growth Chart, Sleep Time Chart, Charcter Chart,Gliches,Debug,bonding help,report on how to get a specific family ETC.........................

#2 Have fun with our tamagotichi v5.5

#3 Publish this some where on tamatalk like reffrence center or a hole to forum in the help section called: Tamagotichi Projects.



tamagotichi v5.5 report on how to get royal family:


step 1:get a item that can raise bonding points like satilite

step 2:get your bonding points up to 80%-100% when your tama is still baby-teen.

step 3:pray that you ether get a prinsess tamako/prince tamako/tamastatchi.

step 4:marry a prinsess tamako+tamastatchi or prince tamako+rose-tichi (both ether way).


Report done by: royal_tama_king

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group of tamas from the v5.5

free $1000 for tamagotchi V5.5

Free $1000 Click Here

You can look for the main tamgotchi by looking in the middle of your screen. Look at the tamgotchi that is in the middle and see what tamagotchi that is and then go to this chart below and find the same profile (picture) of the main tamagotchi. Once you have done that go to the heart. Then click on pc. Once you are there do not change or mess with anything with the login number. Once you have done that type in the logout number on your screen.

Click Here

Click the link above for a chart that shows you what your tamgotchi can turn into or will eventually turn into for tamagotchi v5.5 celebs!

How to increase Bonding on the V5 Celebrity

Missing Celebrity Familitchi information will be added as it becomes available.

The bonding level you see on the status screen is from 0% to 100% in steps of 10%. Internally, bonding is measured on a scale of 0 to 999 points.


Points Stat Rating

------- ---- -------

0- 99 0% low

100-199 10% low

200-299 20% low

300-399 30% low

400-499 40% medium

500-599 50% medium

600-699 60% medium

700-799 70% medium

800-899 80% high

900-998 90% high

999 100% high

You can earn bonding points by...

Playing the built-in games with a parent. There are four selections listed in the Game menu. The first two selections are played solo, and can fill happy hearts. The third and fourth selections are played with a parent, and can earn bonding points. (Note: since they are played with a parent, they are unavailable if your Tamagotchi is on first generation.) The number of bonding points you get from playing these games depends on your score.


V5 and FamiTama Royal FamiTama

Golf Putt Shoe Match Billiards Sing-along

Score Points Score Points Score Points Score Points

----- ------ ----- ------ ----- ------ ----- ------

0- 2 0 0- 2 0 0- 2 0 0- 2 0

3-12 2 3- 8 2 3-12 ? 3- 4 ?

13-24 8 9-14 8 13-24 ? 5- 7 ?

25-29 14 15-19 14 25-29 ? 8- 9 ?

30 20 20 20 30 ? 10 20

Playing a connection game with another Tamagotchi. The winner of a connection game is rewarded with 5 bonding points. To get 100 bonding points, you need to win 20 connection games. The chances of winning are 50-50, so you will probably have to play about 40 connection games in order to increase bonding by 10%. But that's not so bad because if you've used the same two Tamagotchis for all the connection games, when you're done you will have increased the bonding by 10% on both of them.

Some items reward bonding points when you use them. To get 100 points, you need to use a 1-point item 100 times, or a 3-point item 34 times. After that, the bonding level you see on the status screen will go up by 10%.


V5 Celebrity Items

------ ------------------- -------------------- ------------------


famous painting




ferris wheel

game console


home theatre


Providing your Tamagotchi with training when they call for it. It's random whether they call for training or not, but if they do call for training it will be at the times listed in the table below. You will receive 40 bonding points every time you train your Tamagotchi. We haven't found a daily maximum number of points you can earn by training, so if you want to cheat, an easy way to gain bonding points quickly is to repeat this process several times: {set your Tamagotchi's clock to 1 minute before one of these times, wait 1 minute, respond when it calls for training.}


Celebrity Familitchi


9:30 AM

1:00 PM

4:00 PM

5:30 PM

7:30 PM

You can lose bonding points by...

Not providing your Tamagotchi with training when they call for it. You will lose 10 bonding points every time you miss a training call.

*Thank you Snellasia for the Celebrity Familitchi training times.*

*Thank you Binary for the Celebrity Familitchi info.*

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