I'm Angry That...


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Well-known member
Apr 12, 2007
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Pennsylvania, USA
I got this idea from watching Oprah,

And I really liked it.

Fill in the blank, and don't hold back:

I'm angry that...

I'm angry that... I'm always hungry.

I'm angry that... I still worry about what I'm putting in my mouth.

I'm angry that... all my friends are in marching band an I'm not.

I'm angry that... I got my first and only B this year.

I'm angry that... I'm not in the highest level math class.

I'm angry that... people judge me before they even know me.

I'm angry that... the "popular" boys won't even look at me becaue I'm not in their "clique". They won't even give me a chance.

I'm angry that... I have scleroderma.

I'm angry that... when I say I have scleroderma people think I'm sick, but I'm not.

I'm angry that... I think that I'm never going to find anyone.

I'm angry that... I'm afraid my cat will be the only male other than my father who loves me.

I'm angry that... I feel sorry for myself.

I'm angry that... I'm never going to be good enough.

I'm angry that... I can't talk to my mother, because I know all she'll do is yell at me and critisize me.

I'm angry that... I'm insecure with myself.

I'm angry that... that I lie and tell myself that everything will be okay, and I can be happy even though I quit dance and all my best friends are in marching band and I always get left out.

I'm angry that... I'm shy around people I don't know and/or am not comfortable around.

I'm angry that... I'm not happy with what I have.

I'm angry that... I always want more.

I'm angry that... my mom calls me selfish and spoiled.

I'm angry that... I try to be "good" and my mom never tells me when I am, and only points out when I'm not.

I'm angry that... I'm not a better singer/vocalist.

I'm angry that... I disappoint my dad.

I'm angry that... I'm never going to be as amazing as Sarah.

I'm angry that... my brother has so many problems. I wish I could just take them all away.

I'm angry that... I try to please others.

What are you angry about?

Just fill in the blank:

I'm angry that...

I'm angry that... I'm not the person I want to be.

I'm angry that... My post count sucks.

I'm angry that... It's Sunday.

I'm angry that... It's winter.

I'm angry that... I'm sick.

I'm angry that... I ever found TamaTalk.

I'm angry that... My throat hurts.

I'm angry that... I feel like I don't fit in.

I'm angry that... People rarely tell me anything.

I'm angry that... My nose is stuffed.

I'm angry that... I'm easily attracted to boys.

I'm angry that... I get uneasy when I'm near boys.

I'm angry that... I didn't tell him how I felt before the last day of school, and I most likely won't see him in high school.

I'm angry that... I think, but I'm not sure, that he told my best friend how he felt about her.

I'm angry that... No one ever tells me anything.

I'm angry that... I've spent my first two days of summer sitting and doing nothing.

I'm angry that... I've gotten seven hours of sleep in two days, because I think too much.

I'm angry that... Our TV broke.

I'm angry that... I have no plans with my friends for summer.

I'm angry that... My parents won't let me go to the Hey Monday concert.

I'm angry that...I can never believe people.

I'm angry that...Everyone who's said they loved me has left me.

I'm angry that...I fear Andres will leave me.

I'm angry that...I'm haunted by what Andres did to my ex-best friend.

I'm angry that...I'm not pretty enough.

I'm angry that...I'm not smart enough.

I'm angry that...I'm not perfect.

I'm angry that...People can do crap to me, but even trying to get back at them is illegal.

I'm angry that...People I hate get away with anything.

I'm angry that...No one believes me.

I'm angry that...I only have one girl friend.

I'm angry that...I care that I only have one girl friend.

I'm angry that...Everyone in my class hates me.

I'm angry that...I'm going to have to go through a whole year without Andres and Jose.

I'm angry that...My parent's are racist.

I'm angry that...People don't shut up.

I'm angry that...I can't go to the movies because my parents think I'll have sex.

I'm angry that...Every guy I talk too I'm "Dating"

I'm angry that...I haven't gone out to a good movie that I don't regret in five years.

I'm angry that...I don't get out more.

I'm angry that...I'm not fast enough.

I'm angry that...I'm never good enough.

I'm angry that...I'm always second best.

I'm angry that...People can't spare me the time of day.

I feel like I'm ranting, but I could go on.

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I'm angry that.. I woke up at 6:45 Pm on Thursday

I'm angry that.... My internet on my computer isn't working

I'm angry that... My voice isn't a feminine Contraalto (It's Baritone-ish.)

I'm angry that... My dad doesn't want me to get my bangs cut

I'm angry that....I think I turned off my crush

I'm angry that.... My voice is very low, people think I mumble, so I have to repeat myself many times

I'm angry that... My dad didn't order me this necklace I wanted

I'm angry that... I can't get new glasses soon

I'm angry that.... I probably won't be able to play Sousaphone in Marching Band

I'm angry that.... None of my friends are online on gaia.

I'm angry that.... I made a small rip in my brand new shirt. D:<

I'm angry that.... There's 3 holes in my 2 week old 3OH!3 shirt, which cost $20. :\

I'm angry that... I had to go to the flea market instead of a beauty salon. ._. (But I guess it was good because I got a necklace and a shirt there.)

I'm angry that.... I'm kinda pale.

I'm angry that.... My mom put my new sheets in the wash.

I'm angry that... I have a problem with my scalp, so I can't get my hair bleached or dyed until it heals.

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I'm angry that...Andres trusted himself not to yell at me, when he was upset, I was the only one he could talk to without worrying about hurting me, and I forgot about him.

I'm terrible.

I'm angry that.. mum's crying when absolutely nothing's wrong.

I'm angry that.. some of my friends pretend to be so depressed for absolutely no reason whatsoever.

I'm angry that.. sometimes things just don't go your way.

I'm angry that.. Yo Gabba Gabba got cancelled.

I'm angry that..................I liked him for 5 years and she only liked him for 1 month and a half.....and she still got him...

I'm angry that.................I never told him how I felt because maybe I wouldve been the one dating him instead of her......

I'm angry that...............I left my school of 5 years without telling him how i felt and will never get the chance to anymore....

I'm angry that...................Boys i know only like pretty girls

I'm angry that...................People tease me about my trivial details such as my germophobianess

I'm angry that......................I was the one who accidentally set up him and her........

I'm angry that.................I've had so much stress in my life...

I'm angry that...............Nothing ever goes my way

I'm angry that....................I get blamed about everything

I'm agnry that........................My freinds get to go on vacation every few months while im stuck at home.....

I'm angry that................................I'm angry that my best freind stole him...

I'm angry that................I never get to be with the person I want to be

I'm angry that.........All my freinds get to be with the person they've always wanted to be with...Or the person they just barely fall for but they still get him....even tho they dumped their bf and started liking the other guy, who i never got a chance with....

I'm angry that...........People always judge me by one day.

I'm angry that..........I talk so much

I'm angry that............I'm always so angry....

I'm angry that... I'm not angry.

BAHAHA!!!!! ;) :lol:

Ohhhh.... :angry:

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I'm angry that... I lack self-control.

I'm angry that... I'm not skinny enough.

I'm angry that... I just can't find the right person.

I'm angry that... I lack talent.

I'm angry that... I can never find a good makeup technique.

I'm angry that... My sister is so stubborn.

I'm angry that... My sister lacks understanding of me or others.

I'm angry that... I shouldn't be unhappy, I have plenty of reasons to be happy, and yet I still am not.

I'm angry that... Being angry and unhappy at things make me feel spoiled and unappreciative.

I'm angry that... No matter how hard I work, I can never satisfy myself.

I'm angry that... On the rare occasion I do manage to feel good about myself, someone tears me down.

I'm angry that... I'm heavily reliant on my modern appliances.

I'm angry that... I'm so used to having money.

I'm angry that... This list is too long.

I'm angry That.... My best friend is going out with the guy I'm in love with

I'm angry That....Said guy is my best friend and I'm almst sure he loves me back, but he swears he doesnt

I'm angry That....My best friends are leaving for the beach tommorrow and my family wont take me

I'm angry That....My friend is acting older than he really is and acting like a jerk cause his 16 year-old friend is over [The guy is 13 and I'm 12 and so now he thinks hes soo much older than me!]

I'm angry That....My phone broke

I'm angry That....Everyone thinks I'm a freak

I'm angry That....I don't have a boyfriend

I'm angry That....No one understands me

I'm angry That....I don't think I'm pretty, but ppl always tell me I am

I'm angry That....I am constantly criticised for wearing black and liking vampires

I'm angry That....I am constantly put down

I'm angry That....I'm fat but I wanna be skinny

I'm angry That....My parents sometimes tel me I am selfish and only care about myself

I'm angry That....I have more enemies tha friends Dx

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I'm angry that I have to be on two plane rides tomorrow.

I'm angry that we have no food and I am starving.

I'm angry that I don't have a nice hair color.

I'm angry that I missed the last week of school.

I'm angry that I'm shy to people that I wish I was friends with.

I'm angry that I spend too much time on the computer.

I'm angry that my online personality seems more jumpy and annoying that my real life personality.

I'm angry that I lost a group of my friends this year.

I'm angry that I can't find a good paying career that I'm good at.

I'm angry that I might waste my summer on the computer and not get out enough.

Otherwise, I'm doing well =\

I'm angry that.. Yo Gabba Gabba got cancelled.
What? Yo Gabba Gabba got cancelled? D:

I'm angry that I have to plot things out so carefully all the time

I'm angry that I only have one real friend in real life, I can't seem to keep any others

I'm angry that I don't get crushes on people

I'm angry that I don't know anyone else in real life who has gerbils

I'm angry that my best friend won't be home all summer

I'm angry that my sleep schedule is messed up, I'm going to bed at 4 am and waking up at 3 pm

I'm angry that every post I make contains the word "gerbil"

I'm angry that there are only 2 or 3 topics I think about regularly

I'm angry that my mom wants to start dating again

I'm angry that the person she met has the same name as my dad

I'm angry that I'm afraid to try new things

I'm angry that nothing interesting or exciting ever happens to me

I'm angry because I know that seventh grade will be exactly the same as sixth

I'm angry that I have too many secrets I'm keeping for people....and myself

I'm angry that I got glasses

I'm angry that I have so many things wrong with me

I'm angry that my life will be dull forever, and because I never take chances I'll be alone my whole life with a house full of gerbils

I'm angry because I know that no guy I ever meet will LET me have a house full of gerbils

I'm angry because I'm scared of everything. Not little things, like spiders or the dark, but important things, like meeting new people and going new places and trying new things and change. I hate change. And new things.

Gee, I'm angry about a lot of things. xD

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I'm angry that I lost weight.

I'm angry that no stores sell coloured skinny jeans for under $70

I'm angry that people think its okay to phone me at 11pm.

I'm angry that... my mom thinks I'm a bad person.

I'm angry that... my eyes are not pretty. [Lame.]

I'm angry that... I think I'm smart. ._.

I'm angry that... I wear glasses.

I'm angry that... I can't act like others, I can't seem to get in a group and go with the flow.

I'm angry that... mom doesn't like the computer.

I'm angry that... she has no idea how I use it.

I'm angry that... life is hard.

I'm angry that... I like a guy not for me.

I'm angry that... he is older than me by -- years.

I'm angry that... dad hates mom.

I'm angry that... mom hates dad.

I'm angry that... They hate each other.

I'm angry that... They separated.

I'm angry that... mom thinks I'm ridiculous talking about this stuff.

I'm angry that... some people can't stop annoying others..

I'm angry that... some people don't reserve our human rights.

I'm angry that... Thailand is bombarding each other. .___.

I'm angry that... My pretty phone is broken and I have to use a crappy one.

I'm angry that... My cousin (Taylor) is such a horrible person

I'm angry that... Taylor's friend pretended to be my other cousin on facebook, tricked me into saying things about Taylor, then threatened me.

I'm angry that... Wherever I go people always seem to hate me

I'm angry that... I have to wake up early on tuesday just to get my report card

I'm angry that... I always nervous around people and end up doing or saying something stupid

I'm angry that... Most of the people at my school act like such idiots

I'm angry that... I gained weight

I'm angry that... My only real friend lives 4 hours away from me

I'm angry that... Everything I want is so expensive

I'm angry that... There are hardly any hairstyles that look good on me ;l

I'm angry that... All of the jobs I'd love to have when I'm older either don't pay nearly enough or are next to impossible to get

I'm angry that... People care so much about looks

I'm angry that... There are no bagels and cream cheese left ;(

I'm angry that... I can't seem to get to sleep any time before 1am

I'm angry that... My body clock is all messed up due to my going to bed at various times each night

I'm angry that... I am angry at so many things

I'm angry that... I cannot remember everything else I am angry at

I'm angry that... I will always have to hide secrets

I'm angry that... I always feel like people are talking about me.

I'm angry that... All my friends turned out to be jerks.

I'm angry that... I lack self-control.

I'm angry that... I'm always stubborn.

I'm angry that... Mom hates Dad.

I'm angry that... Dad hates Mom.

I'm angry that... One of my friends mom thinks I do drugs.

I'm angry that... I always tempt to do drugs.

I'm angry that... I want to do drugs.

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