I'm Angry That...


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I'm angry that I told him I liked him, finally, and now he ignores/hates me. We were close, and I ruined our friendship.

I'm angry that I can't hear out of my freaking right ear.

I'm angry that My best friend got to date him when she barely knew him.

I'm angry that I have more friends online than in real life.

I'm angry that My parents don't trust me to walk around the corner to the bus stop or to the deli.

I'm angry that My parents are separating, but won't actually tell us.

I'm angry that People always leave me behind.

I'm angry that I'll never be good enough.

I'm angry that I can't get away from the computer, no matter how much I want to. I always end up back here.

I'm angry that I think I'm anti-social.

I'm angry that I'm so d*mn insecure.

I'm angry that I'm shallow.

I'm angry that I have such a long list.

I'm angry that..... I'm so very hated in this world.

I'm angry that..... my art sucks.

I'm angry that..... no one understands me.

I'm angry that..... I'm so violent and rough. I wish I could be a girl who actually understands girls.

I'm angry that..... this world is so cold.

I'm angry that..... everyone thinks I'm crazy.

I'm angry that..... I'm ugly.

I'm angry that..... I bash on myself too much.

I'm angry that..... I have only 1 friend in the real world, and we haven't talked to each other in four years.

I'm angry that... I'm not as skinny or beautiful as I need to be.

I'm angry that... People say things behind my back.

I'm angry that... My hair isn't growing fast enough.

I'm angry that... I don't have enough money to buy all the things I want.

I'm angry that... I feel occasional jealousy.

I'm angry that... I just ate three cupcakes.

I'm angry that... Everything is so expensive.

I'm angry that... I'm not perfect.

I'm angry that... People expect me to happy absolutely all the time.

I'm angry that... I'm so far from where I want to be.

I'm angry that... I don't have a sister to talk to.

I'm angry that... I'm even saying all this. I should be joyful right now, I'm lucky.

I'm sorry. I do love my life. I did need to get this stuff off my chest, though.

I'm angry that... I think too much about what others think about me.

I'm angry that... I'm not more like I am on the internet in real life.

I'm angry that... I only have 2 actually friends in real life that I can trust.

I'm angry that... for everything that I do well, I'll always have a friend who does it better than me.

I'm angry that... I'm constantly being criticised.

I'm angry that... my parents have high expectations.

I'm angry that... I have more friends online than in real life.

I'm angry that... I'm too competitive.

I'm angry that... people hate me for who I am.

I'm angry that... I don't have anyone that I can talk to, except for TTers.

I'm angry that... people only talk to me to ask for school help.

I'm angry that... people tell me that they're gonna be my bestfriend, but end up ditching me.

I'm angry that... I can never tell anyone how I feel.

I'm angry that... I'm the spoiled sibling in my family.

I'm angry that... people talk about me behind my back.

I'm angry that... I can't be happy for who I am.


Yeah, I'm a pretty sad kid. I just act happy here, so that I don't bother you guys with my misery.

I'm angry that... My mom is getting re married

I'm angry that... I have many crushes. Including internet ones.

I'm angry that... I can only trust about, 3 girls who like me. The rest are just weirdo obsessed stalkers.

I'm angry that... I'm spoiled

I'm angry that... I trust my TT friends more than Real life friends

I'm angry that... I don't get very good grades

I'm angry that... I'm moving today.

I'm angry that... My mom getting re married is hurting my dad alot.

I'm angry that... I'm made fun of alot

I'm angry that... Most of my friends are girls. I only have about, 3 friends that are guys.

I'm angry that... I'm addicted to the computer

I'm angry that... I'm hungry right now

I'm angry that... I'm too competitive.

I'm angry that... this list is kinda long.

I'm angry that I'm sick today.

I'm angry that That means I have to look after my brother who is also sick.

I'm angry that Today I will miss health.

I'm angry that People are complaining that they aren't skinny enough.

I'm angry that I'm more socail on the internet than I am in r/l

I'm angry that I'm a lazy slob.

I'm angry that I may never meet any of you.

I'm angry that I just missed Yo Gabba Gabba.

I'm angry that I can't give a straight answer to a particular person.

I'm angry that The thing I was about to write I feel I can't write so I won't.

I'm angry that...Jose can't get rid of his ex.

I'm angry that...I let rumors bother me.

I'm angry that...I stay awake at night, thinking up lies about myself.

I'm angry that...Angelina just said something about lies, me lying.

I'm angry that...I'm even talking to her.

I'm angry that...Andres fell asleep, and I just really want to be near him right now.

I'm angry that...My parents are racist.

I'm angry that...I'm so different from everyone I talk to.

I'm angry that...I just want to fit in. I shouldn't want too.

I'm angry that.... my grandma hates me because I'm atheist.

I'm angry that.... I'm always too hyper.

I'm angry that.... I can't resist using cheat codes on my Sims 3 game.

I'm angry that.... I don't have cheerleading practice this week.

I'm angry that.... I'm such a coward.

I'm angry that.... I chew my hair.

I'm angry that.... my dad ate the rest of my taremisu cake.

I'm angry that.... the older people in my family hate my guts. They wish I was never born. All because of my grandma. I wish she wasn't so religious!

I feel much better after doing this for the 2nd time.

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