Hardest video game enemy you ever fought.


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Well-known member
Jun 19, 2008
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A Horrid rock at the bottom of the world
Doesn't have to be a boss or anything. Simply state the Enemy/Boss and the reason why it's the hardest. Also state the gamme it's from.

Mine would have to be Raktavija from FFXIII beacause even though it only has a Moderate amount of Health, (2,062,500) it made itself almost immune to damage with Impartial Barrier and Multicast does 2000-6000 damage on everyone. Still can't beat it.

Well I would have to say, um.....probably Ignis the Furnase Master in World of Warcraft. He puts you in his stupid hot pocket and if the healer doesn't pay attention and you don't have enough health...you die in a pocket of flames Dx

That's not the hardest boss though. The hardest boss is The Lich King. I've been waiting to murder the freak for a few years now...he can do, like, 250,000 damage easily in hard mode.

Riku/Ansem - Kingdom Hearts

He's just simply a really hard boss. No doubt about it. xD Getting used to his attacks is annoying and as soon as you get him down to his last bar of health, he goes all beserk and invincible. Ugh.

Xigbar - Kingdom Hearts II

Oh. My. God. I wanted to shoot myself. His attacks are horrible, especially certain ones. If you're not careful, you can lose complete health in a matter of five seconds. >___>

Demyx - Kingdom Hearts II

He must have taken me twenty tries. At least. Pft. He's an Organization XIII member. Of course he would be hard.

Xemnas, last stage - Kingdom Hearts II


Mr. Generator from Mother 3 was really a huge pain because I didn't know the electricity-resistant items existed. If you don't have them, every once in a while he'll deal out a ~250 damage attack to all of your characters. Also he recharges ~300 HP in 3 turns after that. Also if you hit him with physical attacks when he's not recharging, you get shocked.

That was the one that stood out in my mind, but I might have faced something worse. Not sure.

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I was fighting Cubia in Hach Mutation (I haven't played the game in like two years, mind you) and I think I had Mistral and Blackrose (Or Elk..? What was I thinking?) on my team. Anyway, there's two (maybe more?) things I hated about this boss;

1. Wavemasters (like Elk, Wiseman and Mistral) are very weak, so whenever Cubia used attacks like Ark Bullet, they almost died... :(

2.Sometimes Kite nearly died... And sometimes those little floaty things would go away so quickly, you barely had any time to attack them.

3. The place where you fight Cubia. It made me motion sick.


Xemnas, last stage - Kingdom Hearts II

Same here D:

EDIT: I beat him once, but this happened:

1. My controller ran out of batteries (Playing on PS3)

2. After I got my controller on the charger, I turned the system off...WITHOUT SAVING!!!!! :'(

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Xion on KH 358/2 days

why? because as soon as you beat one form, she takes on a whole new one D:

Flandre. Freaking. Scarlet.

Embodiment. Of. Scarlet. Devil.



I've played a lot of games and none of the bosses were too terribly hard. I was just way under level and spent like four days leveling up.

OHWAITIACTUALLYNOWAHARDBOSS! RED IN POKEMON! D:< ...Though he could be defeated if you have a bunch of 'troll' pokemon, so to speak, or just have all level hundreds. Even then it's hard. xD You would only be ten to fifteen levels higher than Red's pokemon. xD -shuts up-

Abyssion from Tales of Symphonia.

Nebilim and Arietta from Tales of the Abyss.

Traitor to Heaven from Tales of Vesperia.

I HATE ALL THOSE WAR GAMES AND CRUD, SERIOUSLY YOU GUYS PLAY kingdom hearts? that game sucks, it way too easy and its boring and it has disney characters. hardest for me was bowser on super mario galaxy 2.... meh

GLaDOS in Portal, I am dead serious.

I;m sorry, but with terribad lag, 5 minutes to kill her with terribad lag on top, AND precise aim/planning with 5 minutes to kill her with terribad lag on top of all of that makes her difficult to fight.

[QUOTE='/={3]I HATE ALL THOSE WAR GAMES AND CRUD, SERIOUSLY YOU GUYS PLAY kingdom hearts? that game sucks, it way too easy and its boring and it has disney characters. hardest for me was bowser on super mario galaxy 2.... meh

You think Kingdom Hearts is easy yet find Bower of all things hard! Wait. Troll alert.

Deviljho from MHtri for me. 12000 health but considering you do about 30 damage per hit and he kills you in 3 its pretty hard.

Oh, where to start...

Well in Pokemon Mystery Dungeon Explorers of Darkness/Time you have to fight Primal Dialga, and I was younger so I was stuck on it for weeks. I even left it alone for a month. So I started playing it, then I found out I had defeated him, and I cried tears of joy. Then there was a very, VERY sad cutscene... and I cried real tears.


There's also Digimon World Dusk (VERY strong Digimon),

Kirby Super Star Ultra (The True Arena, I had to get help from a buddy),

Pokemon Diamond was easy, but then by accident I went back in and fought the Elite Four again,

The Legendary Starfy's last boss was easy, he had 2 forms. But then you have to get blisters on your fingers and push this huge meteor. It hurt sooo bad.


boswer on super mario galaxy 2

Oh, where to start...
Well in Pokemon Mystery Dungeon Explorers of Darkness/Time you have to fight Primal Dialga, and I was younger so I was stuck on it for weeks. I even left it alone for a month. So I started playing it, then I found out I had defeated him, and I cried tears of joy. Then there was a very, VERY sad cutscene... and I cried real tears.


There's also Digimon World Dusk (VERY strong Digimon),

Kirby Super Star Ultra (The True Arena, I had to get help from a buddy),

Pokemon Diamond was easy, but then by accident I went back in and fought the Elite Four again,

The Legendary Starfy's last boss was easy, he had 2 forms. But then you have to get blisters on your fingers and push this huge meteor. It hurt sooo bad.
going back and beating the Elite four again is the best way to train! I fight them over and over again until my pokemon are as strong as i want them to be. The elite four are some of the most powerful trainers you'll meet in the game (that you can re battle that is) so you get tons of experience!

Still can't think of the hardest enemy I've ever had to fight. The one thing that comes to mind is from LoZ: twilight princess, when you do the cave of ordeals a second time, the last room has three of these really tough knight guys that you have to defeat, all at once. They take, like, a million hits to kill and they inflict a lot of damage with each attack. Not to mention all three are constantly charging at you at once.

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