Why don't people like to read?


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Eternal Mametchi Fan

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Jan 22, 2012
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In an egg
Why do so many people dislike reading? Sometimes I ask people, "What's your favorite book?" and most of the time they're like, "I hate books!" "They're boring!" "Video games are more fun!"

It makes me sad. I think reading books is much more enjoyable than playing video games, watching television, and listening to music.

What do you think? Do you enjoy reading or is it boring? :huh:

I would enjoy them if the books I like would get English or Italian versions.

No Leafie.

No Umasou.

No Arashi no yoru ni (there's just the first book in Italian).

I prefer touching stories, I cried watching the Leafie movie, of course Leafie is Korean while the other are Japanese, the problem is the different culture, and I don't like happy stories, I love stories who make people cry and I love to cry...

I love to read.

But I think many people don't like reading because they haven't found books they enjoy. If a person is only exposed to school books with plots they can't enjoy, they'll think books are boring.

Most of my friends have little interest in books, preferring TV as their method of entertainment. However, I don't have (and don't want) a TV. Books, music, and the occasional movie are all I really need.

Sadly, most people from this generation has been pampered with technology that they have overlooked the simplicity of doing other things.

Trying hard not to date myself, but I'm happy that I'm enjoying the best of both worlds (digital and otherwise). :D

Hey, books don't need batteries to run... and can take you places. Your imagination is the limit. ;)

I usually read various manga but my favorite books would be The Hunger Games, To Kill a Mockingbird, and Of Mice and Men.

I haven't read too many things lately but I do read the newspaper or online articles too.

I guess i haven't been completely overtaken by our Computer overlords yet :p

I grew up having lots of books be it manga or the fictional novel but I've moved so many times I've had to get rid of most of them so I bought myself a tablet to be able to buy my books and store them all in one place that doesn't take up physical room but personally I love reading esp the series by Tess Gerritsen

I enjoy reading but I can also understand the people who don't, and I also read way less than I used to. I have to say for me, reading was always about the story and the characters etc. When I was younger I didn't have cable tv or fast internet, so I never really got a chance to get into TV shows or movies on TV. But when I got older, I realized that I pretty much get the same level of happiness (in terms of the "story" element) when I watch a tv show or movie as I do from a book...and as my schedule got really busy with school, it was like "Okay this book will take me 4 hours spread out over a week to read," or, "I can watch this 30 minute show and get the same happy feeling."

Well, I love reading AND playing games. So I really love those adventure gamebooks like the Steve Jackson's 'Sorcery!' Series. Its really cool, its basically like the book version of any fantasy game or RPG or whatever.

I also read normal novels sometimes too, my favourite book is Looking for Alaska :D

Ooooh, I've loved reading ALL my life!
I just feel like I'm "Eating words" out of it and I get so hypnotised that I don't even listen to outside sounds!
So far I've started reading the Harry Potter series. It's pretty good! ^_^

I dislike reading. A lot... but I am talking about novels etc. The last book I read was in 2010 for Grade 12 English, and the last book I read of my own free will was HP & The Deathly Hallows (2007). I guess I just don't enjoy novels. I read a lot when I was a child, but enjoyed educational books on (simplified) science a lot more than fiction. It carried over into my adult life; these days I read a lot, but only academic scientific papers relevant to my work. I also love the comics Tintin and Calvin & Hobbes, which I keep on my desk and read on a regular basis ^_^

While I was brought up with technology, I wouldn't say that's the reason I dislike reading. It's my personality, and the kind of world I grew up in. I grew up learning music, so I appreciate music over other mediums, and gain the most satisfaction out of sitting down to good music/practicing violin rather than watching TV or reading a book.

I love to read and it was something that was always encourage as soon as I was older enough to learn, as a kid I rarely sat in front of the TV all day, I would read and still read now and kinda addicted to books and the kindle, best invention ever. I love how I can keep over 1,000 books on one device :D

Some people had me under the impression that their vision made reading too much of a hassle, when they were younger

i love reading mangas but i also love diary format books, like dear dumb diary (fav), diary of a wimpy kid, etc. waiting to get the new dork diaries

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