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TamaTalk Lifetime Angelkusatchi
TamaTalk Angelgotchi
Jan 2, 2018
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Well, I guess I'll start one of these since most people at work are kinda sick of hearing me talk about Tamagotchis lately.

Anyhow, I'm a married guy in my 30's, living in Minnesota. I got back into tamagotchis recently when I saw one of the 20th anniversary minis sitting at a gamestop. The clerk noticed me eyeing it.
Clerk: "You know you want it."
Me: "Yeah, but $17 seems steep"
Clerk: "Chicks dig tamagotchis."
Me: "...I'm married."
Clerk: " dig Tamagotchis?"
Me: *picking one up* "Darnit, I really doooo."

Let's hop back a bit. 20 years ago, I guess? I had a black-and-white shelled P1, but I don't know what happened to it. I think I traded it away for the Star Wars Rancor giga pet that I still have. I had a first generation digimon as well, though I haven't found that in my stuff (suffice to say, he'll get a reboot if I find him as well!) I kept them going from when I got them until I moved to Minnesota at about age 14. Those were some rough times, and high school is not the place to be raising tamas if you're 6'4" and about 240lbs (which is what I was back then), not to mention living in a town that didn't even have much in the way of internet (since this was the late 90s). The batteries went dead, though they always hung from thumbtacks on the bulletin board in my room.

Back in the present, I picked up the blue-and-yellow clock face mini from Gamestop. A couple days later, I found some batteries and booted up my old translucent orange P2 from the original run. At work, I showed it off to my team, and one of my team members grabbed one of her own that night. The nostalgia was hitting me hard, but it was more than that. I've always loved raising things. When I was little, we would raise fish and frogs and salamanders from a local stream. Pokemon, Monster Ranger, Jade Cocoon... I played the heck out of all of those games. Anything where you had a pet that turned into something else, that was my jam. There's just something so enjoyable about seeing something grow into something else. There's something so deeply rewarding about caring for a collection of black-and-white pixels and seeing it react to the things that you do, even if it's all just preprogrammed. There's something about having something to take care of, and while it wasn't that there was something missing in my life right now, finding Tamagotchis again added more than was there before, and helped me go back to a piece of my childhood that was lost to a rough handful of formative years.

I wanted to know EVERYTHING. I googled a growth chart for my mini only to discover the last decade and a half of tamagotchi that I had missed out on. It was all so amazing. I spun, I read (when I probably should have been working), pouring over the wikis, dragging through threads here on tamatalk, looking up random 'top 5' lists online in a hunt to find which tama I should hunt down. I loved my mini and P2, but... but there were tamagotchis that had color now! Ones where you could change their house and get new traits by breeding them with other characters! There was so much new stuff! I had to get one.

As luck would have it, one of my coworkers was in Japan at the time. He messaged me that day asking what souvinier I would want, assuming something Gundam or Transformer related (I've also collected Transformers since '98, and Gunpla is an on-again-off-again hobby). Without hesitation, I said 'Blue Tamagotchi M!x Spacey', and he found one for me (though I chipped in since tamagotchis had also gotten kinda pricey in the last 20 years). I was on a work trip when he got back, and even though I returned from the trip at midnight of the following evening, I drove into work and grabbed the M!x off my desk, playing with it immediately when I got home

Anyway, I've been lurking around tamatalk for about a month, and I'd really like to kinda keep up a log of where things are at with my tamas. Right now, they're in a bit of a sorry state, honestly. Got hit hard with straight-up influenza last week, and that took out my Anniversary Mini and P2. My M!x resiliently hung on, but I spent a decent chunk of time tonight getting him back into fighting shape. On top of that, my wife's Gudetama Tamagotchi arrived tonight (it was one of her Christmas gifts from me because she wanted to have her own tama... and I know she'll probably get bored of it pretty quick. :D )

I'll probably post once every couple days, and most of them will be shorter than this, but I'm excited to share with you all and see what your tamas are doing as well! I'm so happy a forum like this still exists since I don't really use other social media.

Tamagotchis are the best. :D

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Quick status update just to get things started:

MIni and P2 - both dead right now. I'm playing catch-up at work from getting slammed due to holidays and sickness, but I'll reboot these little guys this weekend at the latest.

M!x - Currently a mix of Wagassiertchi (sp?) and Kikitchi, but this weird pale yellow color. I like the breeding aspects of the M!x, but I'm not a huge fan of how care doesn't really affect the adult stage. Also, being the only person in the state I know with a M!x, it's a bummer I can't get the water or japanese towns. C'est la vie. I think I like the oldschool ones more. The endless family tree is cool, but sometimes it results in just hammering out a few generations as quick as possible to breed out traits. For a while, I kept getting only male tamas, but they only took traits from their moms. Nothing really wrong with that, but I like the aesthetic of the male tamas in the M!x more. Cool concept overall, though.

Gudetama - Well... he's Gudetama with a bonnet. Seems to require way less care than other tamas?


Wishlist: A Tamagotchi Connection. Sounds like V3 is the way to go, but I'm still learning so much. I really want to have a tama that's basically just the old P1/P2, but with more options. The M!x is cool, but I want care to matter in the end result. Seems like I'll have to sell my firstborn to get a Tamagotchi Connection, tho...

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Oooh, excited to hear more updates!

I definitely recommend a V2 or V4.5! I heard V3s are great, but I think V2s are my favorite. DO NOT sell your P2!!! I believe I'm speaking for the entire tamagotchi community when I say you'll regret it so much! Seriously, having your first tama still with you is a blessing so seriously keep it.

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Yeah, don't sell it. I have a V2 and as Hapi said it's awesome (still simple but has more games and a shop, and for me it has the best characters). I used to have a P2 as well and gave it away but now I missed it and ordered another. It has its own advantages as well. The gameplay is different, the care influences more the evolution, it also influences the lifespan of it, and in the end it always dies (either of bad care or of old age). The connections can live forever if you don't marry them off. On the P2 you can keep a tama for many more days, too.

I don't really like the V4.5 but that's personal taste. Too many notifications for mail, also too many features for me. I like keeping it simple. It may sound weird but I also didn't like how the function to turn the lights on/off was lost. But on the positive, it has quite interesting minigames.

Oooh, excited to hear more updates!

I definitely recommend a V2 or V4.5! I heard V3s are great, but I think V2s are my favorite. DO NOT sell your P2!!! I believe I'm speaking for the entire tamagotchi community when I say you'll regret it so much! Seriously, having your first tama still with you is a blessing so seriously keep it.

Yeah, don't sell it. I have a V2 and as Hapi said it's awesome (still simple but has more games and a shop, and for me it has the best characters). I used to have a P2 as well and gave it away but now I missed it and ordered another. It has its own advantages as well. The gameplay is different, the care influences more the evolution, it also influences the lifespan of it, and in the end it always dies (either of bad care or of old age). The connections can live forever if you don't marry them off. On the P2 you can keep a tama for many more days, too.

I don't really like the V4.5 but that's personal taste. Too many notifications for mail, also too many features for me. I like keeping it simple. It may sound weird but I also didn't like how the function to turn the lights on/off was lost. But on the positive, it has quite interesting minigames.
I don't think I'd ever sell any of my tamas. I wish I still had my P1, but at least P2's got Kusatchi, who's always been one of my favorites (as my avatar shows). I think the main thing I'm looking for is more character variations than the OG tamas. That's why I went with a M!X, but the fact that after the first generation, care doesn't matter for the adult form, and that kinda eliminates a lot of the appeal for me of Tamagotchi (though, as I've said, I still really like my M!x).

A V2 does sound great, especially because I like the oldschool character designs more than the heavily 'cutesy' designs on the M!x. They're still neat designs, but I like my weird duck-plant-lookin' tamas. XD I've scoured around Ebay and Amazon, and it seems like it'll be hard to get one without selling a kidney or settling for a knockoff. (Do you guys buy used? I feel pretty iffy about going that route) My other big fear is that I'll have to get a Japanese one. I'm managing fine with the M!x and Gudetama, but it'd be nice to be able to easily read the screen.

Anyways, update!

P2 and Mini - Poor guys. They remain between lives because of stuff at work. I wish I could get into more detail, but honestly my team knows I love tamagotchis and might stumble over this. XD Can't create an incident! That said, this weekend should be open, so I'm going to start work on my next novel (I write books in my free time) and start up both of them. Juggling 3 tamas at work was tricky, but the M!x can be sent to his parents for the day, the mini is super easy to manage, and the P2 game is a lot easier to beat quickly than the P1. I think I'll shoot for a Zatchi on the P2. I remember the first time I evolved that back in the day. I was so surprised since I didn't know anything about how those things happened, and I had never gotten anything past the other adult forms before!

I remember being on the school bus, making sure my tama's food and happiness were a specific number of hearts. I didn't know about the mechanics of the growth system yet (how could I? There wasn't really any internet!), but I meticulously went through it each generation, getting every variation as I went along.

As for Mini... I think I'll shoot for Mametchi. I honestly haven't even gotten him yet! When I first booted him up, I forgot that you want to max out food/happiness! Oh, what 20 years will make you forget.

M!x - Same form as before. I've been keeping his happiness up and trying to farm up a nice chunk of change for the next generation. He's wearing that little leaf toupee because his Wagassiertchi dad liked them. Like father, like monkey-headed son, I guess. It's fun that the M!xes have holidays programmed into them. I've been keeping him at adult because of the business at work, but I'll marry him off tomorrow night and raise his progeny. It's a bummer that the Japanese/Water areas are locked off if you're playing solo. Maybe I'll find another Minnesota Tama fan someday to unlock things with. Maybe I should just buy another M!x? (.....nah. Not yet. Gotta get that Connection!)

Gudetama - My wife is also super busy with her work, as she's setting up a lot of the cellular infrastructure in the area for the influx of people due to the super bowl. That said, she really likes her Gudetama. He evolved on the second day into the classic lazy Gudetama, hanging out on an egg-white. A friend of mine at work is helping me translate, because rather than the usual hungry/unhappy symbols, Gudetama talks in text a lot. (It's probably mostly "MEH LEAVE ME ALONE"). He's fun. In a way, he reminds me of my Rancor Gigapet (which I'm still debating rebooting). He's different than a tama, but there's that same feel, and that same pride in seeing him grow. Added bonus: Towards Superbowl time, my wife will be working a TON of extra hours, so I'll get to raise it for a bit!

I also downloaded Tamagotchi Classic app on my work phone... I dunno. What do you all think about it? I mean, it's OG tamas, sure, but there's just something different about holding an actual egg than looking at just another app... I can't get attached quite yet. That, and 4 tamas at once might be a little too much right now.

In other news, I finished a short horror story about monsters that prowl around during a snowstorm for a contest that I've entered every year on a site called Bogleech. To some degree, I feel like Digimon and Tamas fed into my love of monsters that started when I was little (if you wanna consider original tamas 'monsters'). I love strange creatures. I love watching those creatures grow and change. The old school black and white LCD of my P2 still feels more real to me than a lot of things, and getting to watch my tama bounce around the screen still creates this spark of imagination for me. Maybe my next story will be about a duck plant. :D

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Enjoying the log :) love to see other adults playing with tamas....I'm 22 so I know it's not the most common thing haha. It's also really cool that you write, especially horror! I'm reading Lovecraft's short stories right now. Love a good horror story. I hope you continue to enjoy your tamas. The vintage ones are definitely my favorite.

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i basically just got my first "tamagotchi" last night. had suspicions on how to even work it. I looked for answers and found them on tama talk here. it comes to find out I have the rip-off tamagotchi connection with four buttons. if I set it down too hard the screen goes blank. anyways, I am surprised to see such a current post. pleased to meet you. I am not as experienced at this as you obviously, but I have many years to do so. my 168 in one is a bust and I got it for a dollar thinking it was a deal, but that was actually the right price for it.

I actually want to try and get a legitimate vpet for myself and do a comparison log even though I don't know how to post and despite no one being on here anymore. ciao!

Duck-plants are cool. I love all sorts of alien ducks, alien octapus, alien bugs, alien bunnies... Ah, except the one with the tiny legs... what is his name... Tarakotchi. :p And Bill. Seriously... who thought about raising a human head with an Elvis haircut and stick legs? :p

Horror stories are awesome. I love Poe and scary folk tales and I've also started writing some but they turn into nonsensical nightmares. :unsure:

Enjoying the log :) love to see other adults playing with tamas....I'm 22 so I know it's not the most common thing haha. It's also really cool that you write, especially horror! I'm reading Lovecraft's short stories right now. Love a good horror story. I hope you continue to enjoy your tamas. The vintage ones are definitely my favorite.
Thanks! I read that article that talked about you a lot from back in April when I first found tamatalk. Feel like I'm meeting a celebrity. XD

i basically just got my first "tamagotchi" last night. had suspicions on how to even work it. I looked for answers and found them on tama talk here. it comes to find out I have the rip-off tamagotchi connection with four buttons. if I set it down too hard the screen goes blank. anyways, I am surprised to see such a current post. pleased to meet you. I am not as experienced at this as you obviously, but I have many years to do so. my 168 in one is a bust and I got it for a dollar thinking it was a deal, but that was actually the right price for it.

I actually want to try and get a legitimate vpet for myself and do a comparison log even though I don't know how to post and despite no one being on here anymore. ciao!
Don't feel bad - I almost got one of those too when I was first getting back into things. The four buttons and low cost immediately set off warning bells, but dang, they say tamagotchi right on them. >< Check out the site I've seen it mentioned a few times, and it seems to have a lot of decently priced older Tamas. (It's where I'm getting my Mori no Tama)

Duck-plants are cool. I love all sorts of alien ducks, alien octapus, alien bugs, alien bunnies... Ah, except the one with the tiny legs... what is his name... Tarakotchi. :p And Bill. Seriously... who thought about raising a human head with an Elvis haircut and stick legs? :p

Horror stories are awesome. I love Poe and scary folk tales and I've also started writing some but they turn into nonsensical nightmares. :unsure:
lol, I never even got Bill on my original P1. 12-year-old me went to bed too early to get tamas to live that long. >< Tarakotchi's definitely one of the weirder ones, but that was the cool thing when I was little - there was no growth chart, so I had ZERO way to know what things could turn into and why! I remember the first time I got Zatchi on my P2 and being so confused because none of my tamas had ever evolved past adult before! Also, write away! And then submit to to Bogleech's Creepypasta Cookoff! I've entered it every year (and placed/won a number of times) for the past.. geez, like 6 years!

Seriously, since you guys mentioned horror - check out Bogleech! ( He has lots of good stuff and it's generally pretty tame. His articles are a lot of fun, and his giant creepypasta archive is full of a lot of neat amateur writing (bonus if you can figure out who I am on there!) Also, I LOVE Lovecraft. He's one of my main inspirations for my horror writing (despite the fact that personally he wasn't the best person). Junji Ito is my other big inspiration, and I have a copy of his manga 'Uzumaki' on my desk at work at all times. His stuff gets a bit grotesque and/or goofy, but Uzumaki is amazing, since the horrific element isn't necessarily a monster, it's a shape (spirals).

ANYWAY, my M!x got married off to a Decoratchi who proposed to him.


They had another son (seriously, 8 generations and 6 sons!). I let him evolve into a Mittsupotchi because I haven't had one of those before, and sure enough, he has his father's rad monkey ears.


One of the main things that bums me out about the M!x is a lot of the character design. I don't need everything to be manly and tough and beards and camo, but the fluffy pink aesthetic just isn't my style. The tricky thing is, with the M!x, there's a good chance that'll carry over from generation to generation, resulting in tamas you don't really want, especially since mine tends to take the traits from the tama my characters marry rather than the tama I'm raising. The result is I've had some very fluffy pink sons. XD I'm glad we're stuck in monkey head territory lately, though. The even bigger bummer is that some of the coolest designs (IMO) are the ones gated behind having to link up with other M!xs, and I don't really want to drop the $60-$90 it would take to import another one, especially since I wouldn't even really use it. Oh well. I'm still having fun with it, even though I leave it at home most of the time (it takes so much more time to fiddle with at work). The daycare/visiting parents feature is the BEST though. It's cool to see how far things have come.

Gudetama - Still just normal Gudetama. My wife is getting super attached to it. It's cool to be able to share that with her! Hopefully, by Monday, I'll have a full translation of the manual, too!

Mini - HE LIVES! ...AND THEN IMMEDIATELY WENT TO BED! XD Well, I did get him restarted at least.

P2 - Since I started him up late in the evening, he seems to be staying up way later than his Mini brother. I'm trying to get Zatchi again, so we're doing the balancing act of keeping his hearts partly full. There's still something so charming about the originals. Compared to the M!x, I just feel there's more character in a tiny white blob comprised of a handful of pixels than there is in a super-detailed off-white monkey thing.

I feel like I keep bashing the M!x. I'm really not bashing the M!x! It's a great tama, it's just I think that tamagotchi really excels at simplicity, and there's an elegance in that. The older styles just feel more like companions to me, where the M!x feels more like a whole game, like Animal Crossing or something. It's a different sort of fun, but there isn't the same personal connection for me.

Oh dang, P2 just started evolving!

...And immediately went to sleep. XD

Where was I...

I love where Tamagotchi has gone in the years since I left. It's been a blast to come back to this crazy amount of variation. What a cool time to be alive.

In other news, I'm still digging around for a V3. There doesn't seem to be really a JP equivalent that has as many characters. The complexity of the V4/Entama is cool, but with the M!x and how busy work is, I don't think I could have time for one. The trick is, I can't justify dropping $100 on a V3, and the used ones I'm running across are pretty banged up (and I'm not even sure they'll work, y'know?) Oh well, the hunt continues!

I did pick up a Mori no Tamagotchi today, though! It's used, so we'll see how it works when it arrives, but I like bug-designs a lot, and it was pretty inexpensive, so I'll look forward to it showing up.

Anyhow, thanks for reading! I'm hunting for new Transformers for my other collection tomorrow, so I'll probably post on Monday. Have a great weekend!

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One more quick update - I looked through a lot of the seller advice here on the site and ended up using it to find a V3! :D

It's used and the screen's in good condition despite the deco being a little scuffed up. Considering I would have paid twice as much for a brand new one, I think I'm fine with that (as long as it works). We'll see what happens!

Geez... how many tamas do people usually raise at once? Am I biting off more than I can chew?! XD

In regard to tama raising, I guess I'm kind of extreme as I had around 8 running at once (sometimes it dropped to 6). Glad you found a V3 and I should also add that I wouldn't have any aversion to buying used Tamagotchis since I see most people mentioning they've been tested and work or show pictures. The worst I've seen on the second hand market is maybe missing antennas or dead pixels, which are usually clearly documented. And even if the Tamagotchi was untested, it will probably work unless it looks smashed. Cosmetic damage doesn't bother me but I don't really see tamas in that bad condition. Also if scratched up screens worry you, you can remove them with Displex ("scratch remover" I think).

It's fun to read about several different tama versions and also your perspective of rediscovering Tamagotchis :^)

Cosmetic damage doesn't bug me either unless it's screen stuff. I'll have to look up displex, though!
It's funny - my 20 year old P2 looks immaculate, but my 2 month old mini already has a lot of it's paint scuffed off. C'est la vie.

This weekend was pretty chill. Hung out with my wife a bunch, watched a lot of TV, played a lot of video games. I needed a good weekend to decompress. Started watching Parasyte and Season 3 of Food Wars. Also went through all 4 Dave Chappelle stand ups on netflix. Did a couple runs around my area for new Transformers and came up empty-handed, which was a bummer, but it's wave 1 of the new set, so I'm sure it'll be all over in a week or two.

Anyway, Tamagotchi stuff!!

Gudetama: I hope someone cracks the growth charts on these. He only seems to have 2 growth stages. Since it's my wife's, I haven't played it much yet, but hopefully the translated manual will help me figure out a little more.

Mini: Mametchi! I don't remember ever getting him on my P1 so long ago. I'm hoping I can turn him into Bill, though I wish it had the Ginjirotchi from the original minis instead. Either way, I like that even though they're more simplistic, there's more idle animations for each character.

P2: Still a tonmarutchi. I'm trying to remember where exactly I need his care at to get Zuccitchi and then Zatchi. As I've said before, this one's still my favorite right now.

M!x: Looks like this:

Haretchi with Kikichi ears/color and Decoratchi scarf. I actually really like the scarf and hope that sticks around for a few generations. The coloration is kinda blah overall, though. He's been carrying this weird off-yellow for a few generations now, and hopefully it'll modify itself out soon. We'll see what the adult form is, but this is one of my more favorite generations. See?? This is when I like my M!x! It's such a cool idea, but a lot of the appearance combos just aren't quite right. I'd love it if there was a M!x, but with all oldschool designs. Plant with Mametchi head... that'd be cool.

....I really wish I could unlock Gozaru town. That's got all the cool tamas. XD

So a lot of people name their Tamagotchis... I don't do that. Never have! I don't think there's anything wrong with it or that it's weird, and I wonder if I'm the weird one for not naming mine. I dunno why I don't do that? I never did it for any pokemon or digimon in any version of those games I've played either. I think there's something for me where the name of what it is makes for a good enough name. Maybe it's because I don't like saying names in general? MAN, that's probably some deep-seated psychological stuff! Probably best to not worry about it. XD Either way, I kinda also just like the Japanese names, and I need to learn more of those.

For people reading: Why do you name your tamagotchi? Tell me what you thing! :D

V3 and Morino on the way. Neither has shipped yet, but I ordered them super late on Friday, so I'm not surprised/bothered. Exciting either way!

So a lot of people name their Tamagotchis... I don't do that. Never have! I don't think there's anything wrong with it or that it's weird, and I wonder if I'm the weird one for not naming mine.
Well, if you're weird for not naming yours, then so am I, because I don't name mine, either. ;) I might've done so maybe once, a long time ago, but that's it.

The only exception has been with the Cyber Pet 168-in-1 that I'm currently running, which forces you to pick a name from a tiny list, so that one has Bob the penguin, because Bob was the only name in the list that I liked!

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Your mix looks like a monkey wearing a jumpsuit and scarf. Or, to stretch it even further, a girl wearing a monkey hat, jumpsuit, and scarf :wacko: I should also add these recent buying used tamas note: check for warped backgrounds (a sign of water), stripped screws (a sign of condition), and rust (another sign of condition).

My first tamas were connections and since they all had the naming function, I always named them. Their names never really had a reason to them besides they sounded nice. I did just name a girl on my V4 "Steak" so suffice to say I've never though too deeply about Tamagotchi names. When it comes to my Japanese connections, I try to construct a name out of Japanese characters that suggests an English spelling, since I can't read the Japanese. For example, Sotilde on my Hanerutchi is actually named "So~" with a Japanese character for the "s", and Sandy on my Akai is actually "s&y" with the "s" and "y" being both Japanese characters. The combinations are rather interesting so I'll probably keep naming my Japanese connections like this rather than looking up a chart, which I'm sure is out there. As for my Tamagotchis without the naming system, I never gave them names till I saw other people doing that (the one exception is I've always named my logged vintage tamas). Giving a name really does make a Tamagotchi feel more special and alive, especially if the name is used a few times.

I have a feeling the desire to name a Tamagotchi depends on whether one started with a model that had that function or not. Since both of you, Hoky and Penguin-keeper, started with the vintage models, it makes sense that you are both more inclined to not naming them. It seems that most people here started with connections - heck, most people log connections - so you'll probably read of allot of tamas with names, regardless of the versions. Even though I name my tamas, I have never said their names around people, not even my own family who are quite well aware of them. This might be because I am never in need to say their names or I subconsciously think it's embarrassing.

As for people and names, it always feels easier to not say it, the same as saying "hi" over "hello". As for naming everything else, I always name my Pokemon teams and generally any Pokemon I catch, unless they're just a filler Pokemon. I also name my dolls (doll collecting/clothes making is my other hobby) but this has been more warranted because I am gradually making an inventory of my collection.

Thanks for the feedback on names! The vintage thing makes sense. I think with my M!x, the other reason I don't name them is because it takes way too long to navigate to the english letters. XD Maybe I'm just a little lazy...

Anyhow, quick update.

Gudetama - So I guess this only has two growth stages? So doe the minis, I suppose. Still, it's amazing that a circuit board the size of a postage stamp can do so much.

P2 - Tongaritchi! One step closer to my Zatchi goal. I'm keeping him at 2 hearts for food and happiness. We'll see if it works!

Mini - Mametchi still. We'll see if I get Bill.

M!x - I actually really like the design I have on my M!x right now!


He's a good (dare I say) mix of traits, from the stuck-out tongue and coat of the Decoratchi, to the combo of Kikitchi ears and Wagassiertchi eyes. I feel like this is the M!x really pulling its weight and giving me a combo I was kinda shooting for. It's usually so random, and traits can carry on FOREVER, but I like where this is at. Now that he's an adult, I'll probably wait until the weekend to marry him off. Not sure what I'll shoot for tho. Himespetchi already proposed, but I think he wants to live the bachelor life a little longer!

Other than that, I had a terrible thought today - I realized I have a Digivice somewhere. Then I realized that I could GET A NEW DIGIVICE. This ended with me getting a Xros loader on Ebay for $20, only to find out it's not that virtual pet-y. Oh well. I'll have to start researching there as well.
Meanwhile, my Morino and V3 haven't shipped yet. Getting so antsy waiting! XD I think I'll pull the M!x out of the rotation after they show up. It's a lot of fun, but I've unlocked everything I can unlock with just one M!x, and the lack of control over what I can get (as well as the fact that most of the games are pretty ho-hum) is probably going to make it take a back seat.

In non-Tama news, I met up with a guy I know who grabbed a Transformer for me in the parking lot of Target and bought it out of his trunk. We do this from time to time. It looks SUPER shady, but... that's honestly half the fun since we're just trading robots. XD I then walked into target and nabbed another figure I was missing right as another guy a bit older than me came around the corner. I felt a little bad because I don't like being competitive. Usuall I let people win at stuff because they want to win so much more than I do, but in the case of Transformers... no one wants them more than I do. XD Anyway, it's wave 1 of the new set, so it'll be everywhere in about a week. He'll find one. :)

Also, what's the deal with Angelgotchi? People seem to love the heck out of that thing. I think the shell aesthetic is pretty neat, but what makes that particular Tama so popular?
Hope everyone's having a good week!

Also, what's the deal with Angelgotchi? People seem to love the heck out of that thing. I think the shell aesthetic is pretty neat, but what makes that particular Tama so popular?
I'm pretty surprised people love it so much also, including the well known tama collector Ra who declared it his favourite. I have one, an English version I got second-hand, and my lingering feeling is being frustrated with how hard it is to get any other character but the one at the top of the growth chart and then the secret character. Actually, most of my frustration is probably directed towards the secret character the Twin Angels as I like the past evolution Kuriten, but then it gets replaced by the dreaded twins. The Twin Angels evolution is probably on par with getting an oldie on a connection as both can get awfully repetitive.

The Angelgotchi probably has the mini's level of hardiness and while most people get awfully skittish about care, there is no need for that. While I quickly started full-on neglect, I think I documented giving my Angel 10 care mistakes with meters filled up to 1 and 0 AP (discipline) but I still got the best character. I think what people like about it is the tender whimsicality of the theme as Angels, the winged souls of deceased Tamagotchis, live on pies and heart shaped chocolate, leap over shooting stars, whisk away for the occasional walk, preform prayers, and sleep on clouds. It is a cute version with a bit of surprise potty humor with how all angels have a distinct bathroom sprite and on the Japanese versions, the bathroom icon is a rump with wings (my brother found this hilarious). One of the strange programming quirks is that if the lights are turned off when the angel is awake, it will get sick which kind of adds to the cutesy nature.

Despite my mixed feelings on the version, I'm going to end up with a second one as the lot I bought with a P1 came with it... and I didn't notice how rusty it was. Aside from the hardiness, Angels are also known for having a dragged out needy stage. This combination might make it an easy vintage or somewhat of a pain (one could turn the sound off, remedying the repeated beeping in its old age).

Yeah, I'll probably see if I can grab an Angeltochi at some point, if not just for the collection. I'm not super big on cute stuff, but I do like the shell designs.

Anyway, V3 should be here tomorrow if the friggin' ice storm that's on its way doesn't keep it from happening! I also buckled today and preordered 2 20th Anniversary Pendulum X digivices from Japan You Want... Man, I need to cut myself off for a bit. My collection that's on the way is bigger than the collection that I have in my possession. >< Oh well, still in budget, so that's cool.

Gudetama - Nothing new here. We'll see how long he sits in adult mode. My friend has the manual translated but forgot to bring it in today. Hopefully I can share that with everyone soon! Meanwhile, my wife has it with her at work, and she's saying it's helping her get through the day. She's working 'until things are done' tonight in preparation for a lot of Super Bowl related stuff. In other news, she's fantastic. She's always so humble about what she does but she's one of the only women in the nation who does it, and no matter how much she thinks that's not a big deal I'm always just super proud of her and still blown away by the fact that she puts up with me. XD

...oh wait, Tamagotchis. Right, yes.

Mini: Currently still Mametchi. I really like the fact that the minis run around the screen more than the old ones. Aside from that, just waiting to see if I get Bill. I'm also currently babysitting one of my coworkers' mini's, because she keeps getting Nyorotchi and doesn't believe me when I'm telling her she's doing something wrong. XD I'm gonna try to get her a Mametchi, and then we're going to sit down and talk about her parenting.

P2 - Still a Tongaritchi. He might evolve tonight, actually! Interesting fact: The P2 and my mini both poop at exactly the same time. I restarted both of them at the same time when I last started them up, and so I wonder if there's a way to map out pooping schedules.... am I ambitious enough to do that?
....ehhhhh.... no, no I am not. I need to work on my next novel instead. It's gonna be a Wild West Fantasy genre. I actually got honorable mention in Writers of the Future for a short story set in the same world, so that's cool! I need to use less commas.

M!x - Same as last time I checked in. I spent a lot of time tonight having him repeatedly play with his favorites. It's fun seeing all the little special animations that go along with the favorite items (since they're different than the normal animations), but they're... REALLY LONG. It feels like some are almost a minute. I wish there was a way to skip them. Memories of summons in Final Fantasy VIII flood back to me, and I am all at once nostalgic and kinda bored.
That said, he's doing well. I can't take him to town anymore because every girl tries to propose to him. On one hand, it's kinda funny. On the other, I just want him to be able to hang out with them. He's not ready for marriage yet. Probably this weekend when I have a chance to take care of his needy kid. XD
Still wish I could unlock Gozaru town. I need to persuade someone who can crack the software on this thing to get into tamas...

That's about it! Work's good, got some wendy's, enjoying some new Transformers... the usual state of blissful rhythm that I like in my life. It's funny; my job is super chaotic right now, but it balances out the calmness of my out of work life, and so even though there's reasons I should be stressed, I'm just feelin' pretty good. Hope you're all feelin' the same Or if not, hopefully this log helps somehow? I mean, if you're reading this you're cool and like radical stuff like tamagotchis, so if not anything else you definitely have that going for you! :D

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<Hoky's big hilarious log-entry>
I just want to say that this particular entry of your log repeatedly made me laugh out loud. :lol:

I vote that you should indeed map out the pooping schedules, by the way. ;)

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I just want to say that this particular entry of your log repeatedly made me laugh out loud. :lol:
Yes, Hoky makes us laugh and boosts our self-esteem too with:

I mean, if you're reading this you're cool and like radical stuff like tamagotchis, so if not anything else you definitely have that going for you! :D

Ha, thank you! I'm glad you're both enjoying it. I was writing this one and realized that I shouldn't just be jotting down what happens but also trying to share some of the good vibes I get from coming here. Also, every time I write is a good time to practice writing better, so I decided I should put a little more effort into being entertaining.

For real though, it's really great to find a group of cool and supportive people on the internet, especially when I'm probably a bit outside the usual Tamagotchi demographic. :)
