Hazel's TamaLog


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Oct 16, 2018
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So, I recently started running a new V3 that I got in the mail, in addition to my 2018 P2, and someone suggested that I start a TamaLog, since I plan to run a third (a V4) when it arrives.

This is my very first attempt at a TamaLog! So here we go!


I took off the factory paint and fixed up the screen today- will be finding some cute autumn-themed charms for it


Started this one about four days ago. Currently an adult, Pyonkotchi! I had Obotchi as the teen stage and Tamatchi for a child. His name is Chai (the Hebrew word for life, not the tea lol).

Currently fully disciplined. I'm having a lot of fun with the V3, and the games are awesome. Hoping to eventually marry this one to the V4 that is on its way, although I have a feeling I'll need to wait until the next generation to do that.


I am considering taking this one apart to get the paint off as well, since it's already chipping, and the plastic shell is a nice sparkly purple. Will probably wait until this tama passes away.


This one I re-started yesterday, so I'm on my second Generation. It's currently a toddler. I'm hoping for Mimitchi this time around, but I know that takes PERFECT care. I'll probably end up swapping this lil guy out for my V4 when it comes, especially if I get another connection. I've been calling this little tama Jim. I'll update when he evolves into a teen!

TamaLog #2!

November 3rd, 2018


Today, I went on a little quest to customize this thing. Couldn't find any stickers, but I fixed up the chain and added some cute, autumn-esq charms! Will continue the sticker hunt.


Nothing of note has really happened today. Chai is now 5, so I'm anticipating the Matchmaker in the next few days or so. Everything is going smoothly.


Still a toddler, and turned 3 today. I'm hoping it evolves into a teenager sometime tomorrow. I'm also for sure going to take it apart and remove the paint, as it's chipping pretty badly around the edges.

A general update- I now have three tamas on the way in the mail! My V4 should still arrive on Friday, and I got a V1 that I am going to customize like my V3. I also FINALLY found an english Tamagotchi Angel, and I purchased that this evening. it should be shipped on Monday.

Short log for today. Hoping to have more to report tomorrow, with Chai meeting the Matchmaker and my little P2 growing up some more!

TamaLog #4

November 4th and 5th

Sorry for the late log- I had a lot of work to do yesterday and couldn't find the time. A general update: My English Tamagotchi Angel is in the mail, and I should have it by Wednesday- I won't have the batteries until Friday, but that's okay. My V4 is also in the mail, estimated delivery on Friday as well. I'm super excited to get that one started, and connect it with my V3. The V1 is also in the mail (big TamaMail week), and I'm thinking that I might try to actually do a full repaint. Maybe a rainbow pattern, and make some new charms for it.



No huge changes here. I bought Chai the iPod and the Ball at the shop, and the animations are adorable! He's 6 as late last night, so hopefully he turns seven before I go to bed tonight and I can try and get the matchmaker. Really looking forward to starting a new Generation!


As you can see in the picture, Jim has legs! As of today he is 5 years old, and he's been a teen since a little after my last log. I've been keeping a close eye on his Hungry and Happy meters, and I don't think I've let them slip below one empty heart yet. He's fully disciplined, and I'm hoping that he'll become a Mimitchi in the next day or two. I find the aging on the P2 to be harder to track, since it counts the number of times Jim has slept/woken up rather than by the hours like on the V3.

I'm really enjoying running these guys, although I don't know how I'll manage to keep up with FIVE tamas. I'll probably discontinue the P2 for a bit and replace that with the angel while I run the V4 and the V3, and hold off on running the V1 until I have it customized. I'll be sure to post a pic of my full collection (which will finally feel more like a collection once I have more than two) when I have them all!

TamaLog #4

November 6th and 7th

An update: I got TamaMail today! I have added someone new to my little collection! Here it is....


An English Tamagotchi Angel!


Just arrived in the mail, and I started it up less than ten minutes ago. So far? It's pretty basic, but I think it's absolutely adorable. I love the shell, the little angel is the cutest thing ever, and it seems like it's in pretty good condition. I paid a discounted price so I wasn't expecting a lot, I kind of just wanted to try it out. But this thing looks and runs great. There's maybe two small, very subtle spots of damage on the paint and the buttons don't respond as fast as, say, my P2, but I'm not sure if that's just because I'm not used to the feel of this Tama yet. Overall, I'm liking it so far. I think it'll probably end up as more of a display Tama after I run it, but I can see myself coming back to it once in a while. If running three at the same time becomes too much, I'll probably stop the P2 so that I can remove the paint and touch it up.


As you can probably see, we have a new generation! Right after I finished my last log, Chai turned 7, and I decided to bring in the matchmaker a little early. All went really well, and he ended up with this adorable baby girl! Because I paused this tama and my P2 last night, I set Chai to leave today, which he did while I was at work. I've named this little girl Macha (I'm sticking with a tea theme, and the full Matcha wouldn't fit) and I adore her! It's really exciting to have a second generation... I think I'm going to try and see how many I can manage to rack up.


This little teenager has been annoying me all. dang. Day. Jim refuses to grow. Refuses. I've had him paused a bit, but I think that I've made up for that with late nights and just days in general. I've been trying very hard to keep up my perfect care, and I think so far I've done it. He's 8 as of today, although that is mostly due to me setting his time back too late last night and him falling asleep. But it's still been a while. I have to say, I'm getting a little tired of the P2. I'll probably replace it with one of my connections when they arrive, as it will give me more to do in combination with the V3. Holding out hope that Jim will grow up tonight, maybe even into Mimitchi, the character I am trying to get.

General Update:

I have more TamaMail on the way! I'm expecting my V1 to arrive tomorrow, and my V4 to come on Saturday. I'm super excited to get the V1 and take it apart, give it a good cleaning and polish, and then decide how exactly I'm going to paint it. One of the groups I am in is thinking of doing some kind of Pride-Themed hatch int he future, so maybe I'll paint it rainbow, or the colors of another Pride flag. As for the V4, I remember that one always being a favorite of mine, and I'm really hyped to try it out again!

TamaLog #5

November 11

Wow! Sorry for the long wait! School and work have both picked up, and I've been swamped with papers (I have one I should be doing right now actually...), but I figured it was time for an update!


This is the full collection! As you can see, I did some custom work this weekend. I also got my V4 in the mail and started it up- I love it!


The multicolored one is a V1 that I bought with damaged paint, and the first custom I've ever done! I like it, but I do think I could have done better. Tempted to maybe sand it down and start over, do a gradient like the purple one, my P2. I am SO happy with how the P2 came out- I love it! I used acrylics for both. It was super fun, and I'm thinking about customizing my other two because it's just so fun!


On Gen 2, and Macha is a teenager! She's 3 right now, almost fully trained. I've had to pause both of my connections and the Angel quite a bit, so I'm a little behind in their growth. I've been connecting the V3 and the V4 pretty much every day, and I hope that they have a baby or two when they are both adults!


This one has been... odd. I'm still not 100% sure how it works, and today it just vanished? I think it took a stroll, but when I called it back and tried to praise it, nothing happened. it did evolve into an adult today, and I thin it looks super adorable! Currently it is 6 years old. I think once this one leave, I'm going to shelve the Angel for a little bit, although I can see myself coming back to it in the near future.


By far my favorite version. I named this little guy Basil, and I am really enjoying running this one. It's much more fun to have another connection to pair it with, and if I decide to purchase another connection, it's probably be a V4. I love the school function, the games seem to run more smoothly, and Basil is just so cute when he does that little close-up animation! I'm still figuring out the skill points, but I love it! I might customize this shell next- a friend recommended trying a sunset gradient, and since the P2 came out so well, I want to do that next. Super excited to see what adult I get- I really like the V4 characters.

I'll try to update more regularly in the future... Once I finish this term paper. See y'all next time!

Whoa I freaking love the custom shells! I don't know why I never thought about doing that before! You inspired me to create my own, and I hope you continue to do more. Maybe you could make a business out of it ;) Also love the blog! <3

TamaLog #6

November 12 and 13

Before I start, thanks so much! I'm glad you like the shells! I'm hoping to do another in the near future, once I have some time to breathe between school and work!

Well, this was a BIG couple of days for my Tamas, and for me.


A general update- I'm currently debating what to do next. I might want to actually customize my V4, because I really like the way the V3 looks just plain green. But it's still up in the air- I would want to do another gradient, and I think some pink, purple, and yellow sunset colors would look nice on the V4.


Matcha grew up this morning, at the same time as my V4! They both woke me with their beeping. Not 100% sure what this little girl is called, Bunbuntchi I think? But she's doing well! I've been connecting her with Basil on the V4 quite often, and they're already in love! Hoping that they have some adorable little lumps soon to kick off Gen 3!


Basil is an adult! I was hoping for a different character, but this one is pretty cute, too. Still would say that the V4 is my favorite that I've run so far- I love sending him to school and keeping track of my skill points! It adds something that I think is really missing from previous generations.


All grown up, and hopefully going to evolve into another character! I'm not really sure what I can get, and I kind of want to keep it a surprise. But this little fella is adorable. I've only caught it praying twice now, and it's deeds are super low- not sure how to remedy that. I was initially going to shelve the Angel after this run, but I've been having so much fun with it, I might do another. We'll see.

Thinking about running my V1 next, since it's been a really long time, and I love the connections. i also want to keep the generations going on my other two, so if I do shelve the Angel, it'll be a connection party! Probably won't ever be able to run more than three at a time, but that's okay!

Again, thanks so much to mimitchi for the sweet comment! I'll keep all of you posted on my customs and will definitely post pics if I decide to do another!

I absolutely adore this tama log! ♥ Your customs are so beautiful! My favorite is the pan flag V1, by far! I definitely agree with mimitchi about making it into a business, when you have the time. But I understand how work and other things can really get in the way sometimes! Can't wait to see more posts! :D

TamaLog #7

November 15, 16, and 17

Hey everyone! Thank you SO much for your kind comments! I'm so glad that you're enjoying my TamaLog!

A quick general update- I got a case for my Angel! I was always super worried about the paint getting damaged or the plastic, so I got a cute little vintage case from an acquaintance and it works great! I also love the color- the picture doesn't quite do it justice. Technically this log is for the 15th and 16th, but since it's past midnight and I'm taking care of these little fellas, I'll include the 17th too.


Anyway, we have some Tama News! Two new little babies!


A LOT has happened in the past two (technically three, since it's past midnight now) days. Matcha married Basil (V4) and they had two adorable little boys! I've named this little fellow Pekoe, which is another kind of tea. I've decided to stick with the tea theme, mostly because my girlfriend loves tea and she always has something new for me. Right now he's just a needy little baby, but I'm very excited to see what he grows up into! This is my 3rd generation on the V3!


Basil has returned to TamaTown, leaving me with his kid, little Chive! This is only my second generation on the V4, but I'm already having fun (I've had to stop typing this twice now to tend to them and play games). I do wish that I had another V4 or a 4.5 to connect this with, and the 4.5 is next on my list of tamas to buy. On a technical note- I have notice that the buttons, especially the middle button, don't respond as well as they should. I've lost many a game of Jump Rope or Flag because of this. I'm feeling like this will be the next tama I customize (maybe a nice sunset gradient would look good), so I'll take another look at the hardware when I remove the shell. I've opened it before and everything looked alright... Maybe I just need to clean the contacts. I'm really excited to be on my second generation and see what this little guy becomes!


The Angel still vexes me. As of today, my little Chestnut is 11, I think. I was hoping to get the Twins, but it hasn't changed, and I'm not really sure what I have to do differently. The Deeds meter is full, I keep the hearts full, and the AP has never dropped to zero. Oh well. I do love the Angel, and when it comes time to decide if I'm keeping it running or going with three connections, it's going to be hard. I like how it's a pretty low-maintenance tama: it's easier for me to deal with when I'm working or in class than the connections are.

Alright, that's all for today... tonight? This morning? I'll keep you guys updated, and if I decide to do a custom this weekend, I'll post some pics! Thanks again, so much, for all of your sweet comments!

Nice log! I too like your custom shells - too bad my nonexistent practical and artistic abilities inhibit me from doing the same thing! In regards to your Version 4's unresponsive buttons, the culprit to my experience usually is grime on the contacts, as you mentioned. Just rubbing off the grime with a tissue or paper towel works for me - afterwards, they pretty much work like new!

Special Log: Custom Tama!

Hey everyone!

So, I couldn't sleep (it is now 3:15 AM) and I decided that I wanted to get started on another custom. This time, I plan on mixing the Pride theme and the gradient, and I'm going a pink to purple to blue on my V4. The bi flag is hands down one of my favorite color combos out there, and it also fits with the sunset theme I was planning for my V4.

I see a lot of people posting about their customs, and I figured that, since I have a TamaLog now, I would go ahead and make a special post or two about my process. This is only my third custom ever, so there'll probably be some bumps, but I'm hoping that I learned something from the previous two.


This was step one- I sanded off the factory paint. On my first custom I used PolyWatch to take the paint off, but I found that roughing up the plastic really helps the acrylics to adhere better. It's always really weird when I see a tama without the factory paint, but it also gives me an idea of what I'm working with. I think that the black border around the screen is going to look nice with the colors I've chosen.


Next is a LOT of painting. To minimize brushstrokes, I take white acrylic and water it waaaay down, and then apply it in thin layers. Because there's so little, the paint dries quick, but it still took me about two hours of painting and drying over and over to get it to this state. I got some paint on the border, but I'll either scrape it off or just paint over it with black paint later. I think I've got enough white paint down, so the next step will be to block out where I want what colors, and then to start sponging! I used paper towels for my last gradient, so I'll be doing the same here. My biggest concern is that acrylics dry, as I said, really fast, so blending the paints can be difficult. But, I managed on my P2, so I'm going to cross my fingers and hope for the best!

My only other concern is that this V4 has a weird yellow ball at the end of it's antennae (I removed it for painting and sanding), which isn't going to match the final color pallet at ALL. I'll be honest, I'm not the biggest fan of the little toppers on the V4 and 4.5, so I might see if I can leave it off and cap the antennae, like on the V3. Alternately, I would go looking for a defective tama or a V4 shell that isn't being used that has a purple topper. Right now, I'm leaning towards trying to make my own topper. Maybe pick up some clay and see what I can do.

I'll post another log on this tomorrow, when I have more time to work on getting the colors started. For now, I'm going to leave the shell to dry overnight, just to be extra sure that the white paint doesn't wipe off when I start going at it with paper towels.

Wow, I'm loving this process! The idea of making your own topper out of polymer clay is genius! I'd love to see what you come up with. :)

Special Log: Custom Tama Part 2!

Alright, we've mostly finished!


Today I sat down to some perfectly dry paint and was faced with mixing the right colors. That took me a good long while, but I eventually got it! I blocked out where I wanted the colors, and then got down to doing the gradient. I don't have any sponges, so I use paper towels... A lot of them. I probably spent about two hours just dabbing paint on, trying to get the colors to blend the way I want. And in the end...


It worked! This is before any varnish was added, and I almost wish I had some matte topcoat, because I really liked the way it looked. Might give that a shot for my next custom- and there will be more. I think I'm a little addicted to this now.


I started adding the varnish, and built up layer after layer until I got something I was happy with. The second picture is where I am now. I'm thinking that this is it- I just need to make sure the top coat doesn't dry all sticky, and figure out what I'm doing for the topper. Still leaning towards making it look more like the V3, and I might be able to work on that over Thanksgiving break. But for now, I think I can call this custom probably mostly done, barring any issues with the varnish.

I'm thinking about trying to maybe start doing customs for other people, although I'm really not sure how to go about it. I can't paint detailed things, so it would be pretty much all gradients or simple patterns (think like, a Pokeball kind of pattern). But I love painting tamas so much, I want to keep doing it. Might try to get my hands on some more of the re-releases and see what I can do with those.

Thanks again for all of your sweet comments! I'll post a final update when I figure out what I'm doing with the antennae topper. See you then!

TamaLog #8

November 22, 2018

Wow... Sorry for the delay! Things have been a little bit nuts! You might notice in the picture below that my sheets look different- I went back to my parent's place for Thanksgiving! Just got home, and unpaused all of my Tamas. A quick general update- I ordered a 4.5 with a really cool shell this past week. It should be waiting for me when I get back home on Sunday, so I'll maybe include that in my next update. Tempted to replace my V3 with it, since I am liking the V4 so much. I also pre-ordered the Eevee tamagotchi! That should be arriving in a few months, in early February. But I'm super happy that I managed to snatch one up, since they ran out so fast!



Pekoe is 3 years old! Most of these little fellas have been paused for the past few days, with traveling and the holiday (and lots of prepping and cooking). I'm still having fun with this version, but I am finding myself more and more focused on the V4. I think I might shelve this after Pekoe is an adult- possibly look into doing another custom paint job. I'm a bit torn because I like the games on the V3 better- especially the one where you catch the music notes. I think that's my favorite. But running more than 3 really isn't realistic for me, so I'll probably switch this one out for the V4.5 when it arrives.


Chive is a teenager! He's still 0- mainly because I had him turned off for custom painting, and then paused for travel. I think there might be a glitch, because he's already in regular school and hasn't aged... Maybe I messed with the clock too much. I'm loving this version, and this time around I'm actually focusing on his skill points. I'm going for the little bumblebee looking guy, can't remember his name. But he's adorable, so hopefully I do this right. In terms of the paint job, I am a little concerned about the finish. It's tacky, so I'll be looking for a better varnish and seeing if that helps to harden it up.


My Angel left me yesterday at the age of 18. Pretty sure I had the "good" ending, and then I started over again! I'm trying to get a different adult, so this time around I'm being a bit more neglectful. I'll probably shelve this one, too, in favor of trying out my V1 connection. But I'm really glad that I have it, and it's so cute!

I'll keep you all posted on what happens with the V4.5, and my V4... I'm hoping it starts aging like normal and I don't have to do a full reset on it. I'm only two generations in, but I really don't want to start over.

TamaLog #9

November 29, 2018

Hey all! Back with another log and some general updates! As you can see int he picture below, i got my 4.5! I've been absolutely loving it- the 4 and 4.5 are without a doubt my favorites. I love the 4.5 shell- I think it looks beautiful, and I'm planning on getting some matching peacock themed charms for it. I picked up a V5 earlier in the week, as I've never had one before, and today I decided to take up an offer on a Plus Color! I got the red and white shell, and it should be here in the next couple of weeks! This will be my first ever color Tama, so I'm really excited!


I also discontinued by V3 and Angel. Work has been picking up, and with finals approaching I decided to cut down to just two tamas.


Chive is all grown up! I got the adult that I wanted, and he's such a cute stripey boy! I have to say that I really like the skill points on the 4 and 4.5. It makes it a little bit easier to go for characters that you want, and it's fun trying to manage those points and hoping for the evolution you want. The games are also a total blast on this one. Chive has become a teacher, and supervises the kids getting onto the bus, which is super adorable. Last time, I mentioned that he had some... aging problems, and those are still there. He's only two years old, even though he's been an adult since Thanksgiving. My biggest concern is how this will impact the MatchMaker- I'm not sure if that's based on hours as an adult or the actual age. I suppose I'll find out soon enough. I'll probably have to put Chive on hold when my V5 shows up, so I can take some time to get the hang of it, but given how much I love the custom shell I'll be back. I also still need to make an antennae topper- I have the clay, so it's a matter of molding and baking and painting it. Oh, and I also added a coat of some new varnish I got. It fixed the issue with the shell feeling tacky and I think it looks a lot better.


This little fella is Phlox! He evolved into this party-cracker-looking-thing about two seconds after I finished my paper, so that was very appropriate. I've never had a 4.5 before, and I am LOVING it. It's basically the same as the 4, but I would say maybe better? I like some of the games more, I like the characters (I'm going for Ura Mametchi this time), and I honestly just adore the shell. It's such a lovely color and pattern. I also think the animation looks a tad bit smoother on the 4.5 than on the 4, but I could also just be a little biased. I'm looking forward to Phlox evolving, graduating, and moving on to the next generation- there are SO many adorable characters in this version. There is also apparently a secret character that I can get? So I'm looking forward to that. I also read that what characters you have after Gen. 1 is determined by the parents, so I'll have to figure all of that out.

I'll post another update when my V5 arrives! Really looking forward to starting that up, since I never had one of those either. Also SUPER excited for my tamagotchi color. I know I'll have to devote some time to playing with it and figuring out what everything is, since it's in Japanese, but that'll be fun!

I'm glad you're enjoying the V4 and V4.5! They're by far my favorite connection versions as well. ^_^ Also, I love the custom designs that you've done for your tamas! The V4 has such a wonderful color scheme and you really improved your P2. I got the same P2 design and mine has been chipping horribly as well. -_-

I hope you enjoy your new V5! The V5 celebrity was my first Tamagotchi, so I have a lot of nostalgic feelings for it. It's also just a super charming and unique tama. :)

TamaLog #10

December 3, 2018

First off, thanks so much for your kind words! I'm glad you like my customs- I absolutely LOVE making them. I have a little update- my V5 came in the mail today! I just started running it tonight, so i have some comments on it! My Plus Color was supposed to arrive in the mail today, but it seems USPS dropped the ball and I'll have to wait. Hopefully it comes tomorrow (and not Thursday, as apparently we aren't having mail on Wednesday?? My doorman mentioned that.)



Chive is a parent! He is 5 years old today, turned five just before 3, and the Matchmaker showed up while I was at work! he has an adorable baby girl. I'm super excited to keep on racking up the Generations- I've never actually tried to see how far I could get before, so I'm looking forward to that. I still need to attach the antennae topper. I did make one- it's a super simple clay piece, looks like the V3 one. I'm going to go and get some strong glue and paint it ASAP.


I got UraMametchi! He's the character I wanted, and I love him! Really looking forward to continuing in Generations on this one, too. I have to say, the characters on the 4.5 are SO cute! I love how all the Ura-versions have extra cute features, like tails and horns and wings! I'll probably try to go for one of each Ura character, as well as the original ones. I like the games a lot, but I have been having issues with the buttons responding. I opened it up and everything looks alright, but I think I need to give it a wipe off with rubbing alcohol or something.


This is my very first V5 ever! I really like the idea of raising a whole family- it always did make me a little sad when the parents on the other connections left and I just had one baby. I also like how there are different family types and family names. I was VERY original- mine is the Tama family. The sound seems a lot louder than my other two connections, the animations are a lot smoother, and everything seems to move just a bit faster. Based on the hour and a half I've had it running, I love it. I'm still not used to the games and I need to figure out all of the functions, but it seems very cool. I did find a nice thread with all of the codes for extra items and meals, so I'm starting the process of putting all of those in. I think the characters on this version also look cute!

On a related note, I am thinking about customizing my V5. I do like the shell a lot, but the paint is a little damaged, so I'll either totally strip it off and come up with a new design (probably a gradient, let's be real, i can't get enough of those) or I'll touch up the existing design and give the whole thing a coat of varnish. it's still up in the air. I was also going to customize my V3- I came up with a really cute white bamboo design, but I can't get the screws out of the back. They seem like the might be stripped, so if the superglue trick doesn't work I'll either take it to a jeweler or just put some cute stickers on it.

Woaaaah that V4 is so pretty! You're right about it being the best version, that's something I'll never let down hehe~ The V4.5 is a good version too, but it's hard to find good listings for it around my area oops :( this blog is pretty cute tho! It's amazing how you keep managing to find all these good deals, I am so jealous of your english angelgotchi (but happy you managed to get one anyway :D )

TamaLog #10

December 6, 2018

Hi everyone! Here with some more Tama news! A general update- my Plus Color has STILL not arrived. I filed a missing mail report, and I'm hoping that USPS gets with the program and delivers it to me by the end of the day today, or maybe tomorrow. Anyway-


The gang's all here!


Chive has left me with his daughter. I named her Anise (keeping with the herb theme), and she is now a bouncing lil toddler! I'm on third Gen. now. I think I'm going to try for Memetchi this time around, although it all depends on what teenager I get. I've had her on pause for most of the day because of class, but she's doing well! She's still at 0 years old, but I'm hoping that I don't have the same aging issue that I had with Chive. I'm trying to pause and change the time less, but it's hard with school and work.


Phlox is a parent! Another baby girl, and this will bring me into my second Gen on the 4.5! He's still sticking around, but I think he should be going away either tonight or tomorrow night. I'm looking forward to seeing how far I can go in terms of generations. I'm still loving the 4.5- I think the games are more fun. But I am still having button troubles. I gave the contacts a little clean which hasn't seemed to help much. Hopefully I figure out what's going on with it.


Okay, I love this version. There's something so adorable about having a little family, all running around. I like the two games available, tea time and TV surfing. I'm really looking forward to getting some parents and being able to play the other games as well! All of them are teens now, so it shouldn't be too much longer. I might have the makings of a Mametchi family, although I'm really not sure how the "pure" families work. I'll figure it out, I suppose! I am very much considering doing a custom paint on this as well- maybe a light blue and purple gradient. I think it would look nice with the bright green accents, and it kind of matches the existing color scheme already.

I also wanted to share with you how I've been storing my tamas! The ones im not using are set up on my dresser, but the three I am running have been taking up space on my night table until now. I kept knocking them over, so I came up with a better idea!


Here they are! This is on the wall beside my bed. I'm using the little command hooks, and I gotta say, I love it. They're within reach at all times, but I'm not constantly knocking into them or having to rearrange them to put my phone down. Eventually, when I have a more permanent apartment, I'll probably find a little shelving unit or something to store them in, but until then this works perfectly! I'm not sure what I'm going to do with my Plus Color, if it ever gets here, but I'll find a place for it.

Thanks so much for all of your sweet comments!
