Tamagotchi Devil Log (Comments OK)


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TamaTalk Angelgotchi
Oct 10, 2016
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I started my tamagotchi devil up last night, waited til today to start a log because I didn't know how to properly upload pictures: special thanks to Penguin-keeper for the help :)

Started it up and it hatched into a Zukidebitchi


The first night was fairly uneventful, he went to bed at 9pm as per usual.

Then the pranks started. I really need to keep him in a different room because he actually woke me up three times during the night: once at 1am, again at 3am and then finally again at 6am.

He actually woke up at 9am and needed only one food and one game to fill his hearts. 

This is him smiling after a game 


He asked me for a handshake, I wanted to keep his devil power higher to try for different characters but I actually couldn't say no to that. So after the handshake his devil power went down to 25, then later raised back up to 40 over a few hours. The picture below is what Zukidebitchi looks like when he asks for a handshake, precious. almost makes me forget the triple sleep disruption last night lol


I was going to check his devil power again now but he does not want to let me. I've tried four times and always get him pranking me. Actually kinda funny lol


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I had to discipline him, it was getting to be too much.. I couldn't even get him to play a game with me without pretending to be asleep five times in a row haha

so now his DP is down to 10


but I plan to let it raise up over the next two days or so when he should be evolving. For now, my sanity requires the DP to remain low lol

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Four days of pranks and late night disturbances later, he evolved into a Pukudebitchi

very cute!


Tried to play a game with him since his friendship meter was only at 2 hearts.


then he pretended to be asleep during the game and did this


I swiftly disciplined him and brought his devil power down to 75. I will be working on getting that down quickly lol

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I just wanted to quickly drop in and let you know that I'm thoroughly enjoying reading this log. I've never seen anyone log a Devilgotch before, and it's one of the versions that I don't know much about due to their scarcity, so it's good fun to follow! :)

Pukudebitchi is 5 years old today

starting the day at 0 DP but still pulling pranks. He pretended to be asleep when I tried to play a game with him


actually a pretty cute sleeper

Then he had some poop for me to clean up and his expression looked like he was yelling at me lol


But then he became very happy after I cleaned up after him


The little guy is seven today. Not much has been going on, just relaxing pretty much. Still Pukudebitchi. 


I've been keeping his DP low, between five and ten. He hasn't been very needy. I've noticed that if DP is kept low, the devil is less needy. And when there are empty hearts, the DP raises quicker, so if you don't care for it properly it kinda just snowballs out of control haha


Still pulling pranks at zero DP though and making noises at night lol

Nothing too new with Pukudebitchi, eight years old today.

Straying off topic for one post, I had started a Tamagotchi On after reading Ginjirotchi_lover's log.

I was kind of going for a Devil Mametchi type here. My first gen, I had perfect care with Mametchi and then found a girl who looked like Majoritchi to marry on the app.

The teen version of the child is here, was looking pretty good for a Devil Mametchi with the Mametchi ears and black wings.


Then the adult version surprised me and became


Not sure where the green skin and red wings came from but I actually like it a lot. I think the two colors together really pop.

This is my first family tree since this one is my generation two


Her favorite toy is the magic set, fitting for a tamagotchi riding a broom lol


my first experience with the tamagotchi on and am very happy with it so far :)

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Pukudebitchi is 9 years old today.


DP is at 80 because I have been neglecting the handshakes 


But I have been keeping his hunger and friendship(happy) meters at full, so he's not in any mortal danger


This is the hunger meter, they look like the little pies you feed the devil


This is the friendship (happy) meter which looks like stars because the game has you feed stars to the devil, actually one of my favorite games across the vintage tamas.

Don't get me started on the completely RNG based treasure chests of the Ocean where you have a chance to find a squid that not only causes you to automatically lose the game but it removes all of the tamagotchi's happy hearts as well LOL...it's unreal.

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Pukudebitchi just evolved into Debiru Mametchi or Devil Mametchi! Just what I was trying for, didn't quite work out as planned for the Tamagotchi On (although pleasantly surprised there anyways lol) but I got him here.

He has really adorable animations when walking around normally



this one is the best though haha


also when he pranks you, he sticks out his tongue haha


His DP is still pretty high, 85. so I'm gonna be disciplining him and shaking that hand every chance I get (hasn't yet asked me for a handshake)

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Devil Mametchi looks so cute! He and The On Tamagotchi (Majorimametchi? Mamejoritchi?) are very adorable (and match together somewhat)! It's exciting seeing what happens in every post, your misadventures in babysitting your Devilgotch are highly entertaining - knowing me I'd sleep through its midnight calls and probably kill it!!  :p  Entertaining stuff. :D

Devil Mametchi is 10 years old today. He goes to sleep at 9pm and wakes up at 9am just like pukudebitchi, but I wake up around 6-7am. 

As I was getting breakfast together for myself, I noticed that I could see Mametchi's sleeping sprite, the light was turned on.. I know for a fact I turned off that light before I put him in the other room to sleep at 9pm. I know how tamagotchis work, you gotta turn off their light at bedtime, I've been doing this for a couple decades haha.  He actually must have turned it on himself while sleeping? lol

anyways, I turned it back off and went about my business.


Then later on in the day as I was just finishing up feeding him, I saw something move across the screen out of the corner of my eye. I grabbed his shell to get a closer look and there was a tamagotchi angel flying across the screen and Mametchi was sticking out his tongue at it haha.

I couldn't get a photo of it because it went away too quickly but the angel here looked exactly like the iconic tamagotchi angel on the packaging of the angel like this:


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So a friend of mine got a Tamagotchi on and raised a Mametchi as well, so we decided to marry our tamagotchis this morning. See if we both can try for a couple of Devil Mametchi's on the tamagotchi On.

I luckily got a set of twins, one yellow like Mametchi and one green like the mother.


I can't believe I've waited so long to play the Tamagotchi On, its absolutely so much fun.

The twins look so cute having a bath together


Then this is them after they grew up to the child stage. They have the Mametchi ears but no wings, still super cute though


My friend and I had a playdate, all three of the identical children running around was adorable. One yellow, two greens but all have the Mametchi ears.


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Vindication has finally arrived for poor Devil Mametchi.

i would get upset with him for beeping at me for no reason. He would beep when there no poop, no prank being pulled, full happy and friendship meters.

turns out he was yelling for help from the angel pestering him!


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I woke up at 7am this morning and went to check on Devil Mametchi.

His lights were on again. Apparently this is permanent occurrence. This is his life now.


I want to know what's doing this, whether he wakes up to turn them off during the night, the angel does it or some other entity meant to pester my devil? But that would require staying up all night and I need to go to bed at a reasonable hour lol

He does always beep at me when he goes to sleep to ask for the lights off, so presumably he likes to sleep with the lights off...but who knows? Maybe he has nightmares of the pesky angel and feels too scared to keep the lights off...we may never know

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Straying off topic to my Tamagotchi On devils, they grew up to teenagers today and look exactly like their two parents. One green and red, the other yellow and black.

They had a play date with my friend's tamagotchi who changed from green to yellow. So now the 3 kids are two yellows and one green instead of two greens which is interesting to me.


