School stuff.


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September 2008 Contest Winner
Nov 5, 2005
Reaction score
Jacksonville Florida
Since this area lost all the school stuff I'll start a new thread.

1. If you're in elementary, hide it in your desk.

Or put it on the timer and fix it; when the teacher comes say, "I'm fixing my clock"

OR wear a big pocket clothing article and hide it in you clothes; take it out only when its safe.

If you hav any tips on how to take your tama to school without getting caught, post away HERE.

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You should include middle/high school tips as well... Unless you're not in middle school yet...


P.S. School isn't pointless... It's to learn, and without learning, we'd all be pretty stupid and wouldn't get friends as easily.

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i find that if u can get a desk up the back and as far away as possible fron the teacer e.g.

()teachers desk

0 ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ sit where 0 is and be surrounded by good ( but not dibberdobbers) ppl

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ my teacher hardly comes up the bak here, but this may be useless

blackboard---------- depending on classroom layout and wot ppl u r next to and where ur

teacer goes i recomend you obsreve ur teacher for a week befor you think about moveing

Good point there.I am in middle school.And i have 6 tamagotchis.Alot to stick in your desk and call it your clock.Hehehehe.Maybe i will talk about middle school/high school tips for hiding tamagotchis from teachers. :) But great information.Great for the younger tamatalkers.

Keep them on pause and keep it in your locker or in your jacket pocket since techers never look in there.

I'm in 5th grade and what I do is keep it on pause and wear it around my neck.If my teacher ever asks i would say i use it as a clock. :blink:

Im in grade 4and I always turn the sound off

PM!me if you don't know how

plus I just want my in the class so no one will steal it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

HI Meowbark. I'm Libra. I'm 14, a girl ,and I live in Virginia.what I've done to keep my tama safe from teachers(and thieving hands) is to put my tama on pause and put its keyring through a pant loop or to put it on a chain and wear it around my neck,but Ialways keep it under my shirt just to be sure no one sees it. :eek: ;) :D :eek: :D :D :blink: :blink: :blink:

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hi im new here and im a boy and have only 1 tama its battery is dead right now but ima get a new 1 soon(in six grade and 12 years old)

the way i kept it safe was that i carryed it in my pocket and when the teacher noticed it i said that it was my clock. :D

what i do is bc im in 3 grade i put my tama in my backpack pocket and ask 2 go 2the coatroom/bathroom 2 check on it.

I heard about 1 teacher who takes care of ur tamas 4 u during class(not my teacher of course!lol)

I wish I knew a teacher that nice. But I would have to know that teacher before I let her babysit my tamas. But anyways, I just pause my tamas and leave them at home. It just takes a long time for them to

Ok, I'm practically in middle school so here's some tips from me:

1. ALWAYS have the sound off.

2. Have a school book of the subject you are in slanted from your desk to your lap, It makes teachers think you are looking and paying attention to your work, and have your Tama hidden there.

3. Aviod connecting with a friend beside you. x3 VERY bad idea. The teacher might mistake it for 'cheating' o-o

Ok, it might be different for you because of the seating thing. =/ here's how the seating is for me.....





| _ _ _ _ _ _

me -> |

| _ _ _ _ _ _ Desk

| |____|

Ack... not a pretty good map but you get the point. =/ *pokes post that keeps taking away the space things* I really sit in the line on the side but w/e...

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