Tamagotchi v6 Tips


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Jul 17, 2009
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OK so if you need help with your v6 here are some tips.

step 1.when you get a baby and you name feed it some baby food and some MILK (not baby milk) but if your on your 1st generation then try to go shopping for some milk if you don't then its fine but if you do feed it that milk.

step 2.play games with your baby , let it practice until it evolves.

step 3.when it evolves it should be a very special child (when i mean special i mean very healthy) have fun with your child take good care of it and wait till the next day.

step 4.when your child evolves it will be a teenager.so if your Tamagotchi was a girl and you took good care of it and you wanted mimitchi then it would be chamametchi ifit was a boy and you wanted it to be mametchi then your tamagotchi would be kikitchi.

How to get Mimitchi-if you got Chamametchi you most likely will get Mimitchi but if you got Ichigotchi (the one that looks like a straberry) then you will less likely get mimitchi ok so max out you stats till you get 999 take good care of it and it will be mimitchi.

how to get mametchi-if you got kikitchi then you most likely will get mametchi but if you got hinotamatchi ( the one that looks like fire) then you will less likely to get mametchi.max your original stat to get mametchi.

Hope this helped it did for me!!

I had over 500 for all of my stats and i still got memetchi

My teen was chamametchi and i thought I took very good care of it!!

I've kept stress level on 0..?

What's the problem? :/

i ound out why i didnt get mimitchi,

because i didn't feed it that often..

only twice a day and when the hungry meter was onl on one full heart

:/ but.. she got married to dorotchi XD he was my first tama :D (for music star)

and she left this morning

All of you guys who say they've taken "perfect care" of their pets are sadly wrong.

You MUST not miss any attention beeps. If you miss one, eventually the icon will fade so you really can't notice anything except maybe a little poo at the side.

I've gotten perfect care for all my generations, even if my stress got to 35 once. STRESS DOES NOT CHANGE THE EVOLUTIONARY PROCESS--the original happy/hungry levels do.

Oh and another thing was that I didn't feed it milk

I got a baby boy on my v6 for the second gen and as soon as his parents left I named him and I gave him NORMAL milk nit baby milk (after I fed it normal milk I fed it baby milk)

I then took okay care his teen character was nonopotchi and then he evolved into kuromametchi!!!!

I tried the trick when he left the baby and I got mimitchi just by feeding it normal milk when it was born (not baby milk)

I hope this works for you guys cause it CERTAINLY worked for me!!!

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