Ugh, I hate letdowns..


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Well-known member
Oct 9, 2010
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Tamagotchi Town (formerly Music City)
I was watching a Tamagotchi +Color (white shell) on eBay for a while now while I saved up enough money to get it. Finally I got the money, put it through my bank account to Paypal, and waited. And waited. And waited.

And waited.

Paypal takes forever to process money from bank accounts. I do not have a credit card. But finally today I was going to nab the TMGC+C. And then what happens?

Someone nabs it first. All the other ones listed are at LEAST $20 more.

GAH! I'm actually so beyond frustrated right now I could seriously cry! ;~;

Oh well... I have been disappointed like this too. I saw a really cool UraTama on trademe (IN NEW ZEALAND!! You NEVER see them) aand someone else got it! I was so soooo disappointed! I cried and cried for ages. But, I got a Tama-Go instead. Things turn out for the best, so don't worry.

I've definitely had this happen. Some positively awesome deals have slipped away from me but you know what? You'll get more chances! They always come along, so be patient and keep looking out! Maybe you'll score even better deals when they come along. :)

Awh, sorry 'bout that. That's really too bad. :(

I've lost out on some GOOD deals ( an Angel, which I was positively dead set on having ! :p ) and it really crushed me. \:

You just have to be clever and keep trying. In the end, I did get an Angel- new in box ! For just $18.

I think I was very lucky. The prices on a new Angel these days are not cheap ! ^_^

Hopefully the price hysteria will have died down in a bit and you can get your TMGC+C. :)

I Feel you, i just bought a Tamagotchi iD on eBay, but ive been trying to get one for the past year, or however long theyve been out, but still, i had that happen w/the last tama iD i tryed to get it stayed at $21.00 for a week, then it was won at $92.00, and i just bought one for $51.00+$12.00-Shipping

UPDATE!: I talked to my aunt about all of this and she ended up helping me out in buying a white TMGC+C from eBay. it was, unfortunately, slightly more expensive - but at this point I'm so beyond stoked about it to even care. I CANNOT WAIT UNTIL IT ARRIVES AT MY DOOR (hopefully this week!) Thanks for all of the encouragement, guys. You all rock!

HOOT HOOT! :lol:

UPDATE!: I talked to my aunt about all of this and she ended up helping me out in buying a white TMGC+C from eBay. it was, unfortunately, slightly more expensive - but at this point I'm so beyond stoked about it to even care. I CANNOT WAIT UNTIL IT ARRIVES AT MY DOOR (hopefully this week!) Thanks for all of the encouragement, guys. You all rock!

HOOT HOOT! :lol:
Yay, good to hear! :D

I have a Hexagontchi TMGC+C - a lot of fun. :)

What colour did you get?

Cool! I'm glad you got one... But so you know... You can always talk to the seller once you buy and let them know how you are paying. I had done this and they said, Okay, I'll get it set up to mail. The sellers are normally happy to wait a few more days.

Ebay will see your payment As soon as you press submit payment. The seller will too, they will just wait for it to clear with your bank/paypal account. They won't send it until they have seen payment cleared. It will tell you when its cleared on paypal AND ebay.


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