What do you think about Dreamitchi and Dazzilitchi?


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Well-known member
Oct 5, 2010
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Melbourne, Australia
What do you think about the Music Star special Characters?

I think having Drreamitchi around is weird because he's kind of ugly and it is like having a HUMAN living on your screen instead of your good old Mametchi.

Dazzilitchi is a little bit better but it still looks like a HUMAN rather than the good old Mimitchi, and her hair looks just like there is a colourless rainbow curved around the top of her head.

What do you think about Dreamitchi/Dazzilitchi? :blink:

I don't really like them. I only have them cause they're the "best". I don't really like either, as I said.

I never thought they were really ugly, but I never wanted one because they do look to human to me. Nightpelt, you are so right, who wants a human tamagotchi?

I think they're okay. I wouldn't go so far as to say "ugly" but they're definitely different-looking than the "typical" Tamagotchi character. One has to work awfully hard to get them, that's for sure.

well their the cutest tama's on tamatown so... :D thats a good thing :D at least their not as ugly as the tamaOtch to me their kind or like a nano-pet anyone agree?

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