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Well-known member
Nov 23, 2010
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:rolleyes:Hi I Have A Tama-Go I read the instructions but they dident help much theirs a couple of thinggs i dont get Here's One:Discipline,Mine Which Is Currently Hoshitchi Keeps Beeping His Hearts Are All Full What Do i Do? :rolleyes:Caring For:I Have Had Experience With A V4 and v5 So Im Used To It Dieing Quickly But On The Tama-Go I Have Ignored It For 2 Days To See What Would Happen But It Only Turned Into Violetchi! :furawatchi: Can The Tama-go Die?Thank You!!! :blink:

Yeah, the guide that comes with the TMGO is pretty scant on details. It is a quick-start guide after all. Here's a rule-of-thumb I've come to associate with the TMGO: when there's an exclamation mark over your character's head, even though the hearts are all full and such, I'm pretty sure you praise it, thereby filling a training bar. If it beeps for no reason and everything else is full, with no exclamation mark, you need to give it a time-out.

Regarding your other question: the newer Connections don't really die of old age. I've heard tell of people taking absolute horrible care of their TMGO, with mountains of poo and all, and it still took several days for it to "die" or "leave."

Discipline and praise is a sort of do at your own risk action for the moment since there isn't much known about it yet relating to the Tama Go. But your Tama Go doesn't just beep for that. It will also beep every three hours to get attention, pressing a button when it does this causes the training meter to fill up. Catching it in time to press the toilet icon also fills the training bar.

As for the dying part I'm not sure. I'm pretty sure the Tama Go can die but that its more durable then the previous versions since they would die if left alone that long. For the Tama Go its probably more pron to dying of old age then from illness, hunger and being unhappy. I think it would be more likely to die of illness and hunger and unhappiness when its very young.

Does that help at all?

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Yeah, the guide that comes with the TMGO is pretty scant on details. It is a quick-start guide after all. Here's a rule-of-thumb I've come to associate with the TMGO: when there's an exclamation mark over your character's head, even though the hearts are all full and such, I'm pretty sure you praise it, thereby filling a training bar. If it beeps for no reason and everything else is full, with no exclamation mark, you need to give it a time-out.

Regarding your other question: the newer Connections don't really die of old age. I've heard tell of people taking absolute horrible care of their TMGO, with mountains of poo and all, and it still took several days for it to "die" or "leave."
Oh...Ive Never Actuaully HAD My Tama-Go Die I Dont Want To I Feel Like A monster when i do :( I Thought It Just Died Of Old Age On TMGO Cause Thats All It Seems To Do If You Ignore It

Discipline and praise is a sort of do at your own risk action for the moment since there isn't much known about it yet relating to the Tama Go. But your Tama Go doesn't just beep for that. It will also beep every three hours to get attention, pressing a button when it does this causes the training meter to fill up. Catching it in time to press the toilet icon also fills the training bar.

As for the dying part I'm not sure. I'm pretty sure the Tama Go can die but that its more durable then the previous versions since they would die if left alone that long. For the Tama Go its probably more pron to dying of old age then from illness, hunger and being unhappy. I think it would be more likely to die of illness and hunger and unhappiness when its very young.

Does that help at all?
Mhhmm Thank You :D But My Tama-Go Just Keeps Beeping And Saying My Username On It what do i do! :huh:

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