Blank Screen On Tama-Go?!


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Well-known member
Nov 23, 2010
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I Went To My Friends House And We Were In Her Moms Van We Were Going Skating First So I Was Gonna Leave It On My Seat But Then She Said 'No Someone Could Steal it' So She Got Some Bubble Wrap Wrapped It Up With My MP3 Player Too And But It Under My Seat And When I Got To Her House I Picked It Up And The Screen Was BLANK I Left It Alone And When I Got Back To My House Their Was Kuromemetchi Just Like When I Left Him In The Car :eek: I Was Really Confused Cause It Was Barely A Month Old And Brand New Batteries!!! :mellow:Was It A Glitch??? The O

nly Thing That Could I Could Have Done Wrong is Dropping It On The Floor But That Was The First Time I Got It :eek: Is Their Anything I Can Do To Prevent It happening Again?

That happened to me. I dont think it damaged your Tama-go. (I hope not either)

What possibly could of happened is that something happened with the batteries.

The batteries are sort of glitchy.

Take them out for a few seconds and pop them back in.

That should work.

I don't know where you live but heat/cold can mess with tamas sometimes. It could be the bubble wrap was had static on it and touched it just right... It could be it had a minor malfuction...

I would recommend getting a pouch to put your tama into when you leave it in a car or whatever.

I don't know where you live but heat/cold can mess with tamas sometimes. It could be the bubble wrap was had static on it and touched it just right... It could be it had a minor malfuction...

I would recommend getting a pouch to put your tama into when you leave it in a car or whatever.
Washington It Wasent A Hot Or Cold Day It Was Medium But Her Car Was Kinda Cold..And Thanks :D I Have One I Just Forgot It P.s could it have also been a glitch?

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