Gifts of the Holidays!


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B e t h y <3

Well-known member
Mar 8, 2010
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Wherever Logan is located ! /shot
What are you asking for for Christmas/Hannukah/Kwanza?

I asked for a pea coat, a new make up bag, and some TOMS shoes. :)

What are you giving?

I'm buying my sister a bra as a gag gift

I asked for a Canon Rebel DSLR camera.

I'm getting my boyfriend The Beatles Trival Pursuit (Collector's Edition), Homestarrunner window clings, The King Of Kong DVD, and various other random things. I got my best friend an eyeshadow palet, and I got my brother a Ripley's Believe-It-Or-Not book.

Oversized Pinapple shirt

Geo NY Shirt

LOndon oversized dolman

Love Birds tank

You are beautiful to me shirt

Flannel (from target)

new frames

university of michigan raglan

a white belt

John Wayne Gacy retro t-shirt (Yes, I understand he killed people, but still. I find him and other serial killers fasinating.)

God Saves tee

Be infinite shirt

You Make me feel like danzig tee(inb4: rude)

Urban Outfitters flannel

Simply soap perfume

american apparel sea blue hoodie

Greetings from Michigan shirt

Come on Feel The Illinoise shirt

Age of Adz CD

Illinoise CD

Michigan CD

Sufjan Steven's Songs for Christmas

Morrissey England shirt


Sister: Probably perfume or a gift card to ae or ulta

Mom: An owl necklace, earrings or a ring. (she loves owls as much as I do)

Dad: Probably this awesome tempurpedic pillow that you can put anywhere on your body (he has like back problems).

Grandma: I'll probably sow (sue? sew?) something for her.

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I haven't really asked for anything.

All I know is that I'm getting an amazing iPod dock, but other than that I haven't asked for anything.

This year, there isn't anything I really want. I'm happy with that though, because then everything else is a surprise.

As for giving, yeah, I don't even know yet.

At the moment, I don´t think I´m going to ask for anything. Sometimes, I don´t even mention it because since my birthday is so close to Christmas, people will insist upon getting me something for both, and I don´t want people to go through the trouble. I´m pretty sure my boyfriend is getting me something for Christmas though and I think it´s Tamagotchi-related. :) As for the giving aspect, I'm most likely going to buy my sister a whole term's worth of textbooks, since she's done that for me before. I will be getting my mom a CD with meditation music on it. Not sure what to get my dad yet, since he usually doesn't ask for anything and guys are harder to shop for. Speaking of guys, I'm probably going to get my boyfriend something to go with the Wii because he did just get one over Thanksgiving break. I will also be getting something for one of my best friends/former college roommate, but I haven't figured out what yet.

I asked my parents to pre-order the 3DS for me for christmas. That's all I really want right now, but it won't be out in time, so yeah.

Not really buying any presents, I did last year, but to buy them for all of my friends requires a lot of money, and everyone still got a relatively small, insignificant gift. Also, I was the only one, no one else bought presents really.

I asked for a Tamagotchi Nano. I'm expecting it any day now... I'm so excited ! :]

As for what I'll be giving? I don't think I'll be giving anything this time either. Even if I did, I wouldn't get anything in return.

I haven't asked for anything yet. To be honest, I don't really know what I want. :/

I got the 4G iPod touch for my birthday in October. Jewelry maybe? Oh I don't know. xD

I don't know what to get my boyfriend :/ I've never had to shop for a guy before, and I want to get something cute. Hmmm...

But I'm making my best friends truffles, and coloring them a disney pixar picture, and making bracelets. :) Oh, and prolly socks. We like socks.

I'm asking for Sims 3 and clothes, but other than that I just want to be surprised. All I know so far is I'm getting my mom an Elton John piano songbook, and my secret santa in homeroom is getting a bracelet and a scarf =)

There's nothing in particular I really want. I already got my haircut, and I couldn't be more upset about how it turned out, but other than that I'll probably just ask for clothes.

I want he 4g ipod toch, I wana vlog &gt;w&lt;

I got my bro an n64

Hopefully I'm getting my ears pierced for Christmas ..I had them pierced before but the holes grew in;D

Dad: Probably this awesome tempurpedic pillow that you can put anywhere on your body (he has like back problems).
I don't suppose you have a link or anything to that pillow do you? &lt;.&lt; It sounds like it might be good for me at night, lol.

I'm not really asking for anything. My dad usually gives me a bit of money so I'll probably get a nano and maybe an ID if the prices ever drop.

I'm hoping for some new slippers xP Mine "talk" when I walk or bend them backwards and if I wear them outside while the ground is wet water gets trapped inside &gt;.&lt; I've already ruined a pair because of that.

As for giving, I'm getting my mom new slippers(I know, original right?). She has the same kind I do, but the fuzz in hers is all worn out so they're lumpy. I don't know how she doesn't complain about them.

I asked for a new wetsuit. My old one was too small and had a big hole in the back. I got it today! Because I hand to try it on and such to check it was the right size. Mum's wrapped it anyway though. Other than that I've just asked for Itunes vouchers.


I've got Dad some Peter Griffin things because I call him Peter Griffin and he calls me Meg. I've made Mum a Candle Holder thing and I'll probably get my brother some lego. I got my freinds sweets. Always the simple option :)

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