Why do I keep getting a girl?!?!


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Well-known member
Aug 3, 2007
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i donno
For the past 4 generations on my Music Star, I've been getting a girl each time, and it's really annoying.

I mean, I like the girl characters, but it wouldn't hurt to get a boy at least a few times.

So is there any technique I have to do to get a boy?

And no, I won't restart it. I'm on generation 26 (almost 27)and I don't want to try to get to that generation all over again. :p

no you cant do anything. babies are completely random. you get what you get, there are no "tricks". sorry

I've found on my Tama-Go... When I marry certain characters... I will get the same baby. I think I had a girl each time I married to a Mametchi... Regardless to who I raised... So to say, I think the marrying partner has something to do with the baby being a girl/boy...

Yes, I am aware you aren't playing a Tama-Go, But I could only imagine its simmilar in the way babies come forth being girl/boy...

Don't complain! Better than all boys! I mean... never getting another memetchi again... and didn't you just get a kuromametchi? or was that like two weeks ago and I'm just imagining it? :p




i had the same problem! i had a girl 11 times in a row. i reset it after going through 4 generations, and kept resetting until i got a boy. which i currently wish to reset, because i got the ugly chicken nugget guy with big lips :angry:

have you DEBUGGED your tama? :mellow: <_< :ph34r: anyway if you have it probably effected your future tama babies. :eek: hope i help!!!!!!!!!!!1 :furawatchi: P.S. The ''chicken nugget guy with big lips'' is named Kutchipatchi. :lol:

It's not kuchipatchi, it's a chicken looking guy with stick legs, he's tan colored in the pictures and he has just a tuft of hair on his head.

It's not kuchipatchi, it's a chicken looking guy with stick legs, he's tan colored in the pictures and he has just a tuft of hair on his head.
It's a Tarakotchi. :)

But anyways, I got a boy a while ago after my 4 baby girl streak, so can someone close this topic?

Edit: And no, I've never debugged my music star, and I don't even think u could. :/

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I have had the same problem! It happens at random. I think bandai programed it this way, also there is more female characters than male :D

If you don't want to reset it in Generation 26, well you need to accept it. well i am in Generation 28 now. well i had a girl always but accept it. anyway, i got a boy after a few days.. :) but you could only have it if you passed the girls generation.. that's many problems of tamagotchi owners.. :) it works!!

rightio here is the deal with genders on music stars:

.breed with another music star= 2 boys

.breed with a v5= 2 girls

.breed by matchmaker =random

.breed with band member = 1 boy and 1 girl

hope this helps!!!

rightio here is the deal with genders on music stars:

.breed with another music star= 2 boys

.breed with a v5= 2 girls

.breed by matchmaker =random

.breed with band member = 1 boy and 1 girl

hope this helps!!!
Wait Once I married a V5 to a V6 and they had 1 baby boy. So thats what happens if the V5 goes to the V6.

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