Don't you think bandai should bring Tamagotchi ID into america?


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Jun 26, 2011
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You know how Tamagotchi ID's are only sold in Japan? Well, if they were in America, we could read the instructions & they would be a lot cheaper.Maybe... we could make a petition or just suggestion to bandai about it. What do you think?

I don't think they would be cheaper. They'd probably be $60, and only the "collectors" would buy them (not really collectors, just people who take them seriously- not little girls) and all the parents of little girls wouldn't buy them, because how can you expect a 6 year old to be careful of a Tamagotchi. There's really just no market for colors here, hence why they're in Japan. Plus, everyone would be running to Verizon and AT&T and T-Mobile and whatever to find an infra-red phone. They'd have trouble telling 100 people a day (exaggeration) they don't sell them, and by the time they get to phone maufacturers to tell them to make them, little girls will be tired of getting Gozarutchi all the time. Bandai won't listen to us if we made a petition.

I think it is a good idea to get color tamagotchis, but Bandai doesn't think so, apparently. I wrote them asking for color tamas, and they said they weren't planed for the U.S. I must disagree with Violetchilluvr3 a bit (hehe, sorry Dani ;) ). First of all, Tamagotchis are for boys too. Second of all, YOU were careful with your tamagotchis when we were 10, and I don't really think a whole bunch of 6 years olds can get them because they are for ages 7+. And if they don't think kids are going to be safe, why are they even selling them? I don't know the pricing of one in Japan, but I'm sure its a lot cheaper than we expect. Its people's jobs to mass produce these things. So, with all due respect to them, I believe that the more technology speeds up, the cheaper it'll be. Finally, I don't know where you got this phone thing from, but I'm pretty sure not very many people would go get a phone just to match their tama, especially ones with special infared that probably costs more than a normal phone. Parents of 6 year olds wouldn't want to pay for that, either, right? So I think its not a terribly horrible idea, but we should just wait and see what Bandai wants to do and hopefully they will one day decide to make color tamas. :) :)

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I'd have to agree with Violetchilluvr3.

Business wise, it's just not a good investment to sell in America. Tamagotchi's are just not as popular here as they are in Japan, where it's cute and not crazy when a girl has a tama.

And it's not cheap to manufacture and ship those things. You have to pay for labor, equipment, deliveries, etc. and considering the amount of people the could buy them here for the price they'd sell them (probably not any cheaper than $50 a piece) it's just not worth it.

Americans who want the iD will buy them from eBay. It's not like it's impossible for non-Japanese people to find and purchase them.

I think it is a good idea to get color tamagotchis, but Bandai doesn't think so, apparently. I wrote them asking for color tamas, and they said they weren't planed for the U.S. I must disagree with Violetchilluvr3 a bit (hehe, sorry Dani ;) ). First of all, Tamagotchis are for boys too. Second of all, YOU were careful with your tamagotchis when we were 10, and I don't really think a whole bunch of 6 years olds can get them because they are for ages 7+. And if they don't think kids are going to be safe, why are they even selling them? I don't know the pricing of one in Japan, but I'm sure its a lot cheaper than we expect. Its people's jobs to mass produce these things. So, with all due respect to them, I believe that the more technology speeds up, the cheaper it'll be. Finally, I don't know where you got this phone thing from, but I'm pretty sure not very many people would go get a phone just to match their tama, especially ones with special infared that probably costs more than a normal phone. Parents of 6 year olds wouldn't want to pay for that, either, right? So I think its not a terribly horrible idea, but we should just wait and see what Bandai wants to do and hopefully they will one day decide to make color tamas. :) :)
It's not to match their Tama. For the iD and iD L, if you want to get downloads from your computer to your iD you have to somehow get it to your phone, then use Infra-red to transfer it to your iD, hence the need for 7 year olds (ok, whatever ;) ) to have phones for their Tamas.

Yeah, you saw how careful I was. Into the toilet. Gone. :p

I'm pretty sure they're not $10 in Japan like the Tama-go, and remember when the girl in our class (last name benrey) said one stinkin dollar for a Bella Bracelet was expensive? Forget about $10 for a Tama, no way $20, especially not $30, never $40, and guaranteed to laugh at us for $50. I guarantee that's at least what they sell for in Japan.

I've always dreamed of a Color/iD version of the Tama-Go. Like, a color Tamagotchi at a decent size (like the size of the current Tamagotchi color) and decent price. Then instead of infra-red phones, there's a little USB plug somewhere on it like cameras have. This plug could also fit smaller figures if they wanted to sell them at stores. (And each would have more stuff like the Tamagotchi would already have plenty of pre-loaded stuff, and the figures would have more games.)

I know it's probably a too pricy and risky and silly idea but it's a fun thought of what Tamas should be like down the road. :)

Well I don't really care because since i am in japan i can just go buy one XD

Although it would be nice for you guys :)

If someone wants to they can write a leter to bandai and ill send it:)

I think it's a great idea (I'm in the UK, we aren't even getting the TMGO apparently or anything in the forseeable future.)

But perhaps to satisfy loyal fans, make a batch of english orientated TMGC+C/iD/iDL.

This would cut the cost of shipping/deliveries & cost the same to manufacture.

& make it available to the UK/USA throw individual online purchase rather than having to make X amount to supply shops etc.



Just a scottish thought ;)


I think it's a great idea (I'm in the UK, we aren't even getting the TMGO apparently or anything in the forseeable future.)

But perhaps to satisfy loyal fans, make a batch of english orientated TMGC+C/iD/iDL.

This would cut the cost of shipping/deliveries & cost the same to manufacture.

& make it available to the UK/USA throw individual online purchase rather than having to make X amount to supply shops etc.



Just a scottish thought ;)

I am also in the UK ( we are getting the tama-go in august supposedly ) I don't think they would sell. They would lose a Lot of money and overall it would not be worth it. I agree with Violetchilover3

As much of a great idea it is, they probably wouldn't sell well here in the UK. Tamas are discontinued here now, and they're just getting rid of the litter of V3's and MusicStars. Tamas are pretty much dead over here. It would be really unlikely if Bandai decided to sell TMGC+C/ID in here.


I know they are virtually (no pun intended) dead here.

What I meant was so make a small batch (a couple of thousand)in english.

And sell them from Japan, they wouldn't lose money, as we would pay for shipping etc.

I'm pretty sure, there a loyal fans that would (all over the world I mean, not just the UK) splash for an english one.


As stated before me, if they were to bring iDs over to the U.S.. not very many people would buy them. For the following reasons.


1.) Tamas are aimed at ages 7-11 year old girls.

2.) iDs are quite expensive. What 7-11 year old would buy a $60+ toy?

3.) Tamas are basically dead. So who would buy a $60+ one?

4.) It's very expensive to sell/make color screen Tamagotchis. Bandai America probably doesn't make enough money off of Tama's sold to make a bunch of Tamas and then have them not sell and have nothing they can do with them.

5.) You can't get IR capable cell phones in countries other than Japan. (Correct me if I'm wrong on this one.)

I'm afraid Tamagotchi may be on it's last legs even in the States. They just don't seem to be all that popular anymore. I still think sales might pick up if they'd just advertise more but it doesn't seem like Bandai wants to do that. If a $20 TamaGo won't sell I don't see how a $60 color Tama would sell. I'd love to see it happen but the market just doesn't seem to be able to support such a thing in America.

ok hers the deal they need to create some new and better tamas with a one of a kind idea to get people interested again in tamagotchis then come out with a colored screen ... i dunno but i like the 50-60 dollar price tag! i bought an iD L thats in Japanese for 65 dollars and i can't even read it! so if it came out in the US in English my parents would buy it for me just because i want it! and i got a lot of birthday money last year (i spent most of it) but anyway BanDai needs to get their prioritys straight wit hwho they're targeting there audience at and then maybe the colored tamas :rolleyes:

Here's another idea to toss around: How about making part of the instruction book in English? The Tama would still have Japanese language, but the book could have English language as well, and with illustrations. The Tamas sold here in the USA have English, French, and Spanish instructions. At least all the ones I've bought have. I just throw the French and Spanish instructions away.

That makes a lot of sense. Bandai should consider translating the instructions and making a guide that could be downloaded offline or bought (probably online).

Well, bandai is going to stop the tamagotchi line really soon so >_>

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