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is it bad that i ship Karcestor/Nepcestor

Yet i still ship KK/TZ?
According to my friend, yes.

According to me, no.

Like she is freaking out over all the Suff/Deci stuff going on, especially on tumblr. She is planning on making violent hate-art. All attempts at talking her out of it failed.

She's kinda freaking me out, actually. o.o

According to my friend, yes.

According to me, no.

Like she is freaking out over all the Suff/Deci stuff going on, especially on tumblr. She is planning on making violent hate-art. All attempts at talking her out of it failed.

She's kinda freaking me out, actually. o.o
That's just silly and pawful :(

omgwtfbbq XDDDD

This fandoooom <3333333333

Look what I made!


I have a tendency to forget he is in my hand and shake him while I talk. No wonder he looks so grumpy... X3

i am cosplaying in kumoricon. homestuck of course.

sweet jegus i am so excited.

oh oh i went to a con last saturday! i had no time to cosplay but i DID wear my tavros shirt. all the hugs, all of them

so many fans so many! lots of gamzees,, and karkats,, and jades

and, i got pizza with a dave <3

but surprisingly, no eridans xO

anyway, i didn't get any pictures :eek: ( but in kumoricon i will take so many so many. and videos too so you can see them on youtube.

oh oh i almost forgot;;

some crappy voice things there, i will try to upload more soon. SHOW YOU MY GAMZEE CANON VOICE

> someone cosplaying homestuck is going to kumoricon

AUUUUUGH now i really wanna go!! i'll have to ask my mom about that. mew, who are you going to be cosplaying as??

on the subject of homestuck cosplay, has anyone here done it? i attempted a nepeta cosplay at sakura-con in april but i didn't finish it so it looked dumb, and now i'm working on a terezi cosplay and an aradia cosplay

I'm Jade in my friends' group.

I was forced into it before I even read the comic because according to my friend I am "exactly like Jade, aren't you Jade?"

The cosplays are a collaborative effort, so no one has theirs done yet. Our Tav is doing the shirts, our Karkat is doing the horns, and Terezi is doing some of the makeup stuff. Out Gamz had to drop out because of money issues (she just got the wig too) and she was going to be amazing so we are thinking of maybe pooling our money together to help get her her makeup. <3

I also heard our Dave had to drop out, but I don't know why.


It was like 3 vs everyone else to begin with XD

I bought my Jade shoes the other day, I'm still looking for the glasses in a nearby store, I might have to buy some online though. I don't have a skirt yet because I'm still not sure if I'm doing to make it blue/denim or white. I tried to e-mail Hussie about the colors of Jade's original outfit, because it really seems to change depending on the art style, but I feel as though that was kinda stupid and I probably won't get a response, much less in time. Either is acceptable though, so if I ever do get a reply I can fix my cosplay accordingly.

Actually I think we have another group meeting this Wednesday~

It's mostly just stupid references and singing, very little work is actually done. XD

Our debut con was supposed to be UB Minicon, but they changed the week it's on and our Terezi who co-runs it scheduled to go to different con with her boyfriend that week before knowing the date change, so I dunno when we are all going to be out and about. But the Terezi and I will be at FanExpo Canada on Sunday, but not in HS cosplay. Though my friend may do Terezi Suzumia, because she did Haruhi one year and still has the cosplay and the only thing missing from her Terezi is the shirt, shoes, and make-up. I have no idea what I'll be doing yet. Honestly I wasn't going to go, but Tom Felton will be there so yeah. I HAD TO GO. I LIVE IN AMERICA. WHEN WILL I EVER GET ANOTHER CHANCE TO SEE ONE OF THE HP CAST?




Oh man, i'd LOVE to cosplay karkat!

Sadly im in the process of making my first cosplay and it isn't karkat ;-;

> someone cosplaying homestuck is going to kumoricon

AUUUUUGH now i really wanna go!! i'll have to ask my mom about that. mew, who are you going to be cosplaying as??
eridan of course!

and my sister is gonna be sollux. she is so short it will be so cute.

i hope you can come, i want to give you a big hug! D:

i got the supplies for my horns [model magic, yay!]. my mom is going to help me with pretty much everything [especially the cape] and i think i know how i will do the shoes [white tennies and sharpies]. i'm going to dye my hair. i'm going to use ben nye.

but but but! i still don't know how i will do the gills! if anyone has cosplayed a sea dweller before please tell me how you managed.

..i have cosplayed once before of karkat, but oh god it was so crappy. the horns were paper, the scythe was paper, the shirt was a crap hand-painted one. note that it was for school not a con. 'dress up as your favourite character from a book or comic or whatever' day.

..i used eyeshadow as gray skin.


I bought my Jade shoes the other day, I'm still looking for the glasses in a nearby store, I might have to buy some online though. I don't have a skirt yet because I'm still not sure if I'm doing to make it blue/denim or white. I tried to e-mail Hussie about the colors of Jade's original outfit, because it really seems to change depending on the art style, but I feel as though that was kinda stupid and I probably won't get a response, much less in time. Either is acceptable though, so if I ever do get a reply I can fix my cosplay accordingly.
<== autumnfeb, I found this, i dunno if it's accurate.

actually, for jade, i think she has a white shirt with blue sleeves, like dave's. that's what i've seen on a lot of cosplays and fanworks and such. her skirt is denim, i think!

and mew, i haven't personally cosplayed a sea dweller - though i'm planning an imperial condescention cosplay yeah!!!!! - so i don't think i can help! i'd recommend taking a peek through the cosplay thread on the mspafora, there are a lot of amazing cosplayers there and super duper helpful people!! link link. i'd love to run into you at kumoricon if i go, though. i'm going to go ask my mom after i post this, but another problem that stands is how i'll get there, and what i do once i get there! i don't really have anyone to go with and i know no one in vancouver

for my terezi cosplay, i'm stuck on if i should buy a wig or dye my hair. i heard black hair dye is really hard to get out and doesn't look very good, but it'd be cheaper than a wig, and i have an awful track record with wigs anyway! i sitll need to get a pair of red converse (not just for cosplay, i've wanted a pair since forever) and locate a good pair of her glasses, but otherwise i'm pretty much set! i guess the cane is optional, and i'm not sure how the con staff would like me carrying around a prop cane.


Am I the only one freaking out about Karkat smiling? Coz that's some pretty serious shiz.

I'm like, "lol" for each panel.

And then.



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