Genjintch general information


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Jan 23, 2010
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a few months back i bought a genjintch, the 'caveman tamagotchi,' but barely played with it. i remember i paused it because it was simply too needy as a toddler (teen?) and the sounds it makes, while cute and charming at first, end up getting annoying (double beeps ALL the time!? no ty!). a few days ago i picked it back up and decided to give it another go. i thought it was SO needy but powered through, mostly giving it candy to keep its happiness up, and got the second monkey adult down the growth chart. i figured he'd be less needy as an adult but no! not even! he's as needy, if not needier. it's rather unpleasant. i've filled his discipline bar max, too, as an adult, and am wondering when these tamagotchis actually die? i've read that they regress if treated poorly, but it hasn't happened to me. how badly must i treat it? for how long? will it die if i keep taking care of him? wouldn't it regress before dying? therefore never dying..? he's 6 right now. might he change into a secret character by 7? does anyone have specific information about the secret characters? e.g. what care to give what character, general age range, etc..

the neediness factor is what really gets me. the animations et al are adorable, but the neediness + volume of sound kills meee. there's not much info about this one online, either! i'd say the neediness matches one of an umino right now, although i haven't played with an umino in a while. i did hatch one last night but only took care of the baby stage then it went to bed promptly after it changed. i'm going to compare both side by side today when they wake up !

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I'm currently running a genjintch I just got. He is 9 years old today (this morning, just checked, but he's still asleep) and I am actually really confused. He grew into I think the same character you got - the cute monkey not the gorilla looking one, and he was needy - needed attention about every hour. I kept powering through it giving him attention ever time he asked and it wasn't till he was about day 7 or so that he actually started to make pottery and I got his discipline to full. Then he changed to the Hanitchi - the cactus looking one when he was 8 I think. Hanitchi is actually a lot less needy apparently. I think I needed to play with him maybe 4 or 5 time yesterdayday. Also, I was apparently confused about the evolutions of this one hahaha. Here's a link to a good view of the stages:


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hey thanks for the reply! that link is super useful. it's very different from the other growth charts i've been able to find. did you play games with your ukitchi (small monkey)? do you mind telling me what general care you took of him? his discipline is full right now but i can't be bothered to play the games so his weight is at 99. i wonder if i'll for sure get the mammoth, lol, given its weight. i had no idea it hadn't reached adult stage yet? this tamagotchi is much more interesting than i thought. it's actually pretty neat that information is so sparse! if i had known genjintchs were so needy / lived so long, i wouldn't have started an umino last night! ahhhh!!! ultimate challenge.

looks like you could get a secret character from hanitchi. hopefully someone can answer about the changing ages! very very interesting. i should have known ukitchi wasn't an adult when it changed at 3.. the pixelmood chart does put him as an adult though!

hey thanks for the reply! that link is super useful. it's very different from the other growth charts i've been able to find. did you play games with your ukitchi (small monkey)? do you mind telling me what general care you took of him? his discipline is full right now but i can't be bothered to play the games so his weight is at 99. i wonder if i'll for sure get the mammoth, lol, given its weight. i had no idea it hadn't reached adult stage yet? this tamagotchi is much more interesting than i thought. it's actually pretty neat that information is so sparse! if i had known genjintchs were so needy / lived so long, i wouldn't have started an umino last night! ahhhh!!! ultimate challenge.

looks like you could get a secret character from hanitchi. hopefully someone can answer about the changing ages! very very interesting. i should have known ukitchi wasn't an adult when it changed at 3.. the pixelmood chart does put him as an adult though!
I was confused by that as well LOL. I was like, what - why do you need this much attention!!??

I played games with him. I barely if ever use treats on my tamas (mostly cause if you do it on some versions it almost always seals their doom...) and I think actually the one time I did give him one he got sick. I've also never had a tama weigh 99lbs XD That would be cool if you got the mammoth! Like I said though, in the next stage if it evolves for you and not regresses it should get less needy. Actually it's almost 11am here and the one I'm running isn't awake yet XD. I think I've taken good care of him. His weight was the lowest possible and I always made sure he didn't go very long with empty heart levels. His training was maxed out and all that jazz too. so I think he's a good character. I thought he had regressed actually when I first got Hanitchi cause of the same chart from pixelmood XD but I thought it was weird that he suddenly became less needy hahahah

I think so far the changing ages is:

DNA for about an hour

changes to Kuromarutchi

3yr old changes to some sort of monkey stage

8yr old turns into next stage. (mine just woke up and now says it is 10 today.)



I've only fired my Genjintch up once, and I made the mistake of taking it to work with me. Suffice to say, it had driven me potty by lunchtime, and I turned it off after a couple of days. It's way needier than a P1/P2; I'd compare it to an Umino, without irritating polar bear-related deaths.

I might give it another shot one day when I've got more free time.

I am trying to decide between a genjintch or a morino right now. I think I will go with the morino, I can't handle needy tamagotchis at all.

The sprites do look adorable though :)

I am trying to decide between a genjintch or a morino right now. I think I will go with the morino, I can't handle needy tamagotchis at all.

The sprites do look adorable though :)
I thought it was kinda needy, but no where near as annoying as a Umino. The Morino is fun, but I find the whole getting stepped on thing to be annoying kinda like the polar bear. :<


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