Color Screen Or Not?


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Should Bandai make all the new tamas with a color screen?

  • I like that version with the red pixels the most

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Well-known member
Dec 29, 2011
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Do you like tamagotchis better with a color screen, or the original black and gray? I really just can't decide. I wonder if Bandai is going to make all the new tamagotchis with a color screen, now that they've started doing it.

In Japan I'm sure they will.

Personally, I like the black and white screens better.

  • You can see them in bright daylight
  • You can watch them all the time (That's not stalkerish at all...)
  • Frankly to me they feel more like a pet without all the features and stuff.
  • Not as expensive... o_O
  • Don't have to worry about breaking them as much, because they're a lot cheaper and if you break it (which is harder if it's black and white) then it's not as hard to replace it.

That's pretty much it, but being able to see them in daylight and being able to watch them is the best IMO.

Yeah... I was wondering if color screens were just something temporary, or if people want them to make the rest of the tamas like that.

I'm sure they're going to release a bunch in color, but they'll still have the Chibis and stuff...

Not to mention making the Tama profys and such. ;)

Ok, I changed my mind. I like color screens better. ^^

In reply to my own post as to why the black and white ones were better...

  • You can see them in bright daylight
  • You can see the colors at night.
  • You can watch them all the time (That's not stalkerish at all...)
  • You can't watch them all the time, but when you do see them they seem more pet-like.
  • Frankly to me they feel more like a pet without all the features and stuff.
  • Frankly they keep me from getting bored when they have features and stuff.
  • Not as expensive... o_O
  • These expensive ones are way better (IMO at the moment) and more valuable.
  • Don't have to worry about breaking them as much, because they're a lot cheaper and if you break it (which is harder if it's black and white) then it's not as hard to replace it.
  • No clever retort here... :p

Even though I don't have a color one yet, I think they are better because you can tell what you are looking at better. I'm getting fed up with pixelated, black and white Tamas.

Even though I don't have a color one yet, I think they are better because you can tell what you are looking at better. I'm getting fed up with pixelated, black and white Tamas.
I can see you're reasoning there, but saying you're "fed up" with the old tamas is just a LITTLE uncalled for rudeness.

(O_O) I just...I just meant that Bandai should release color ones because it's not fair...






I can see you're reasoning there, but saying you're "fed up" with the old tamas is just a LITTLE uncalled for rudeness.
I can see you're reasoning there, but saying you're "fed up" with the old tamas is just a LITTLE uncalled for rudeness.
Actually they were very polite with what the said, and were merely expressing how they felt, its not very fair and a little hypercritical to call someone out for being "rude" (which they weren't) in a manner that is a little rude itself :(

@ EternalMametchiFan - Don't worry about it darl its fine, sometimes people don't come across the way they intend on the internet:p

ANYWAY, I quite like being able to play with my colour tamas at night when I cant sleep, it always does the trick to play a couple of games with it in bed, then put it to sleep and not have to get up to turn the light off :) However on TamaMenagerie they is a modded tama where the cardboard in it is glow-in-the-dark so you can see it at night, as soon as I can find some glow-in-the-dark cardboard I'm going to try it :) Pixelated or colour,I love playing with any Tama :)

I don't think they should all be in color. Like the nano's. I hope they keep on making those with grayscale screens, but I do prefer the color screens. Back-lit-screens FTW.

Though, I really can't imagine a Color Nano coming out... [/shiftyEyes]

(O_O) I just...I just meant that Bandai should release color ones because it's not fair...





...Sorry, didn't mean to offend you.
