Mean ppl in tamatown


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People can never really be 'mean' on a website where they have restricted the things you can say to people. On a website like Club Penguin, where you type what you'd like to write, however, it is perfectly normal to see people being mean to others, although it doesn't happen often.

People being annoying is different. There's no way to say 'go away', so it looks like you'll just have to ignore any annoyances.

Hmm, well I don't know if it's really mean or just sort of weird... there's this guest on Tamatown that's like KQ6442 and somehow they like know me and they will follow me around and keep doing the shy icon and then the heart icon. Agh!!! Just logged in and they sent me a chocolate maker and a bouquet.... and a postcard that says what's up... it's like kinda creeping me out... last time I was on they were really bugging me so I went in my house thinking safe haven, right? And then like 3 minutes later they appear there and say "hi". I jumped straight out of my chair. -_-

It's just kids trying to be friends with you , geez. Also thought I'd add in that all of us had to be level ones at some point and had no idea what we're supposed to do on that site. I just started a few days ago, and I just say hi to ppl to be nice. That's the point of an online INTERACTION game haha. You guys are funny. The purpose is to INTERACT lmao. And there's no way for ppl to be mean, Theres some annoying ones that put up angry faces sporatically, but most of the others just offer you gifts as a nice gesture. They're just trying to make friends. I'm CR0787 and I've tried saying hi to plenty of ppl who ignore me. I'm only on level 12 now so I bet you guys just walk away when you see I'm new.

Everyone should be a little bit nicer:) Most of the ppl on that website are little kids who don't know any better. I'm 24, and that site is very childish which is why I only go when I need to replenish points or items. But when I do go, it's always a nice surprise when someone wants to send smileys and come visit. All friends are welcome in my opinion. Come and find me!

It's probably just a few people like you trying to be friends, since they're actually saying "Wanna be friends?" If they're sending you gifts, it's just a kind gesture for your benefit. They're nothing to complain about, just try to enjoy it. As for the people standing on "your spot", why don't you just move away? You don't really own that spot anyway.

I am CE4321 lv7... or 8...or 9... anyway I like chatting to people it annoy's me when people stand there and won't talk!!

I AM ACTUALLY LV 18!!!!! YAY!!!!

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I know right, It's so cute to see the characters chatting :) It gives me a smile when I bump into ppl chatting throughout the village. I just wish we had the ability to type a message instead of selecting random ones lol.

It's probably just a few people like you trying to be friends, since they're actually saying "Wanna be friends?" If they're sending you gifts, it's just a kind gesture for your benefit. They're nothing to complain about, just try to enjoy it. As for the people standing on "your spot", why don't you just move away? You don't really own that spot anyway.
In all fairness when u move the guests follow, it isnt the spot they want to stand in. They like blocking ppl which can get really annoying

that day when i was playing tamatown one person who is level one just came to me and said hi how are you and i answered back because i like people with good manners and they are in no way annoying.i had a disco ball in my inventory so i gave it to her because she was so nice.

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