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Well-known member
May 6, 2011
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Where do you think?

Yeah.. I need alot more advice than usual.

There's this guy I really like.


Some people know 'bout it

but still

I'd be Tepiged if he knew

If I want to keep the ryumour secret, what should I do? I've only told 3 best friends. 0vov0

all i can say is tell him

you don't have to walk straight up to him and say so, you could just wait until he is alone or something

it also helps to get to know him a bit first

-Nazo25 :nazotchi:

all i can say is tell him

you don't have to walk straight up to him and say so, you could just wait until he is alone or something

it also helps to get to know him a bit first

-Nazo25 :nazotchi:

i agree, if you don't want anyone to tell him, but it's certain that they will if you don't, the only thing, logically, to do is tell him yourself :)

Trust me, guys like it when girls are confident. At the end of the day, you're young, and just realize fear doesn't exist! EVERYONE is scared of approaching people so just do it! And guys will like it. Just say you like them. Or talk to them more. And if nothing comes out of it, oh well, on to the next one! No biggie!

Well if you want anything to happen with him tell him otherwise just sit there and let it die(your crush) and you'll get over it. Unless you tell him he'll never know. you can dream "Oh he'll like me so much he'll just walk on over and ask me out on a date" all you want but certain guys can be timid and some might not want to take the first step. I know you might be like I'm the female he should come up to me, but thats not always how it works. Talk to him if things are meant to be they'll be, and if not you'll get over him and move on. Just remember when dating under 18. Healthy Marriges almost never happen when dating under 18. So just have Fun! If you break up for some reason Don't get too hung up on him as your under 18 and there are plenty of fish in the sea, that just means he wasn't the person for you and now you can go out and find that person.

Well, if you REEEALLY don't want him to know, then just go to the friends that you told and explain to them how you'd really appreciate it if they didn't mention your feelings to anyone. They should understand.

Also, I agree with everyone else that commented. You should tell this boy how you feel. Not straight out of course. Maybe you guys could become good friends. Hang out all the time. Find out if you REALLY like him, as in, for his personality and things, as opposed to just a little crush that'll go away within weeks. After spending some time and establishing a real friendship where you're comfortable talking to him about stuff, then you tell him how you feel :) .

You might be surprised if you tell him... He might feel the same way you do. If not... Become friends... Maybe offer to help on a project or something simmilar. Maybe little hints like the help might let him know without you actually saying something. Yes easier said then done sometimes, but if you really like him... Even a smile in his direction would be better then nothing.

Follow your heart.

Loads of people have said you should tell him but that is probably going to be really hard for you. I'd say the easiest thing is to get to know him, whether its through your friends or his friends if you're to nervous to talk to him because when you really get to know him you might not actually like him at all or realize theres nothing in common between you two. If you like him even more just tell him because if you don't someone else might and you'll only kick yourself because you missed your chance.

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