Do you ever feel that you're unlucky to have Tamas as your hobby?


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Dec 13, 2009
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Before you star criticzing the title, let me explain!

You know a lot of people are into lots of different stuff? Most people nowadays are into fashion, stuff made by Apple, shopping, computer games etc. All these people get their hobby available in stores, or online with good prices and fast shipping. On the other hand, I'm actually having to do a survey to find out if they sell anything but Tama-Gos in the UK, and all I have so far are a few TMGOs in Argos. An example is: My brother recently got into Star Wars, about a month ago, and he has already acquired over 20 different Lego Star Wars sets. He got these off Amazon with free next day delivery. He also has tons of friends to share his hobby with - all the boys in his class are into Star Wars too! He has more than 3 movies, lots of books and an Xbox game, too. All collected in one month! By comparison, it took me over two years to collect 24 Tamagotchis, one copy of the movie, one book and two plushes. And I NEVER EVER got next day delivery.

So, do you ever feel like other people are super lucky to have their hobby? And do you ever feel like they act spoiled and always expect next day delivery and to find it in all related stores? I definitely do - when my mom complains about not being able to buy more gardening stuff till tomorrow, or my brother says he HAS to have next day delivery, it makes me so angry...they don't know how lucky they are!

~ Dazzmina ~

Yes,I do.

I often cut myself a deal,though.I never receive next day delivery,which does not matter to me.

My Tamagotchis are my pets,and I only have one *friend* apart from them.

I sometimes overspend a Euro or so,but never more then my set amount.

I see my brother,collecting Angry Birds toys,easily obtainable in Claire's,

and other retailers both online and offline.

I do feel unlucky,everyone else in school with their trading cards,their Squinkies,their Silly Bandz,

Easily obtainable in any bog standard shop.

I get picked on for liking Tamagotchi,as well.

It's so hard to find Tamagotchi,but I guess at the end of the day,it does teach us something.

You should not be snooty about your collection of items,

showing them off.

Think of people like me with one or two Tamagotchis,

Struggling with simply trying to get a Euro.

BanDai possibly discontinuing the Tamagotchi line,and many other problems.

I refuse to give up without a fight,though,and that is my promise to you.

Besides,If you show off,as they say,

"What goes around,comes around."

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i love tamas, never knew Bandai was threating to discontinue :(

i do get picked on from time to time and i only have a few people whom don't mind my hobby, my brothers, two best friends and a girlfriend who all seem to like my interest.

I hear what your saying..but i dont feel unlucky. I feel like we appreciate out tamas more cause it takes more work to get ahold of them. So im just glad to be able to still enjoy them, even though i dont have EVERY singly one i want. lol

Hardly unlucky. It's just a little different and so what if you have to wait a little longer to get what you want. It just makes that day so much better!

I'm just starting but I know sometimes I'll get made fun of. I mean I'm an avid d and d guy as well as many many other games and from what I've found they are MUCH easier to do. Easier to find easier to get people that like it too. But who cares? Do what you want. It is not a convenient hobby, but thats kind of the fun of it. Its like an adventure. I'm excited to start but step one I gotta get the money. We are lucky not unlucky for finding this pass time

Well... the only unlucky thing about it is not being Japanese. Lol, that sounds racist but if we lived in Japan we could BUY ALL THE TAMAGOTCHI STUFF WE WANT! I mean, you can order online but most of the fun stuff is only in Japan... sigh... it makes me sad. :( But my life would be nothing if Tamas weren't my hobby! XD

Nope, never. If anything, I feel lucky to be so different from everybody else. I've gotten picked on for liking tamagotchi by my own friends but this was back when I first started high school. Now as an adult, I show off my tamagotchis lol. I'm proud to spend so much money on my collection and I'm proud to have visited TamaDepa. People need to accept the fact that my hobby is not found here in the states, and I don't take interest in any of the hobbies found here. Tamas make me happy. :lol:

Actually, it's kind of a double-edged sword. I've collected things before that were readily available in stores all over the place and eventually the novelty just sort of wore off. I like the hunt of trying to find new Tamas and although waiting for one that you bought online to arrive in the mail is uncomfortable, it always makes it that much more thrilling when it does show up.


As for it being a 'not-so-common hobby' compared to something like Star Wars? I say all the better. It's unique and stands out to people; whether it's negatively or positively doesn't matter, it still stands out. Being different from the rest of the crowd is always better if it means being yourself and doing everything that you love, even if other people will end up judging you for that.


Trust me, the people that do accept you for being different and love you for who you are at the end of the day are the only ones that will matter in the end anyway. ;)

I see what you're saying, and I understand why you may feel that way, but I disagree. I wouldn't call it unlucky at all. In fact, quite the opposite! I think I'm lucky to have such a unique hobby that I can share with the other Tama-lovers on TT! And as for not having a more popular hobby, I have some other, more common, hobbies as well. I like Kirby things, drawing, doing nail art, and more because it's ok to have more than one hobby.

There's no reason to be upset that their items ship faster. They're just used to it, just like you're used to wait a week or two. I think that if you wait longer, you'll appreciate it more, which may lead to a healthier and better love of your hobby, which means you take it more seriously, which is good! (Run on sentence, wooh)

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