November's Election & Your Thoughts


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Aug 5, 2012
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Novembers Election

Personally, I am going to vote for Obama. I've seen many of his commercials and he's very inspirational. For example, in his speech he's kept his promises (2008) He's lowered taxes, made colleges more affordable for families, etc. He's a good speech-men. What I mean is he hardly messes up his speeches, and he knows where and when to look at. When Obama's speeches at go, notice the crowd. There aren't just whites. There are African American, Dominican, Middle Eastern, Portuguese, Indian, Asian, etc. He's been a president for 4 memorable years, I want to make it 8.

I dont have any bad points for Obama, I dont think there anything wrong for him, therefore I dont really have any bad points about him or make up any.

On the other hand,

(Not to be offensive to any Mitt Romney Voters) I didn't really like his speeches. I know what some of you are going to tell me, those are infomercials made by Obama and they're just making you want to vote for Obama, No No. I've already seen them and Romney has also made them, its obvious when you see a real one, and a fake one. Anyways, he didnt really mention his plan. All he said was basically "Vote for me and i'll be your greatest president in mankind!". He didn't have a "plan" like Obama did. Also notice HIS crowd when giving most speeches. They're all whites (no racial). It made the speech seem that only a part of a religion were agreeing and the other for Obama were parts of other religions agreeing. Sum it up, I dont think his speeches are very constitutional.

What I think is good for Mitt Romney is he looks very constitutional. If you have researched about Obama, you know his mother is White and his Dad is Indonesian. Some people think Obama's name Barak didnt sound very well because it didnt sound United American - like. Also, Mitt Romney looks more constitutional than Obama does (I do NOT mean by skin color.)

My Thoughts

My thoughts on Novembers Election doesnt very concern me, if you look at each of their home page, you'll see that Obama has raised over 300 million dollars for advertising fund. (Whoa
) Romney has raised only over 100 million dollars. So its pretty obvious Obama has more chances to win than Romney does. Answer is simple - America hasn't experienced Romney at work. I didnt hear his "promises" for if he wins the election, but I am planning to.

Your thoughts?

Basically I hate Romney. He is selfish and close minded for so many different reasons. He's worth like 200 million dollars or something (that's probably not accurate idk) and he wants to cut taxes for himself?? He doesn't need a tax break, I do! I can't even afford my own place yet! Everyone talks about how Busch screwed up the economy, and he has pretty much the same plan. He says he'll create jobs but that's a load of bull. And he doesn't think that gays should be able to marry, which is just dumb. Love is love, whether you like it or not, and "marriage" isn't "yours" to decide what goes and what stays.

Obama on the other hand gave every penny that he earned from his nobel peace price to like 20 different charities when that money would have doubled his worth, so at least I know he actually does care.

I agree with both of you, however I hope this thread doesn't get too cut throat LOL XD

Also - I would LOVE to be part of Romney's "middle class" with an annual family income of $200,000...... O_O;


I don't live in America, but I personally think that Obama should stay president because, most of the time, each new president is worse than the last. I haven't even HEARD of Mitt Romney before. XD

I agree with both of you, however I hope this thread doesn't get too cut throat LOL XD

Also - I would LOVE to be part of Romney's "middle class" with an annual family income of $200,000...... O_O;

Well it's simple...this thread will stay civil and mature or it will be removed. ;) It will be closely monitored for any issues that may arise over this topic.

Personally, I think the higher unemployment rate(which directly affects me) and deeper national debt are only two of MANY reasons I want to see no more of Obama after this election. Not that I'm crazy over any other candidate in particular.

Well it's simple...this thread will stay civil and mature or it will be removed. ;) It will be closely monitored for any issues that may arise over this topic.

Personally, I think the higher unemployment rate(which directly affects me) and deeper national debt are only two of MANY reasons I want to see no more of Obama after this election. Not that I'm crazy over any other candidate in particular.
Yea.... usually politics is generally not what is best, but what is the lesser evil.... Honestly though - I'm more worried about having the same congress and senate reps.... Really those are the ones that have done the country no good at all. The president does very little in the way of really fixing the country (he can pass things or veto them, yes) - everything has to pass through them and they have gunked stuff up and slowed and screwed things up. I can't remember a crappier congress or senate in my lifetime...... The president is the countries face to the outside world and on that par I think him and his family have done a pretty good job. *shrugs* can't agree with everything someone says, but at least he won't make taxes or unemployment worse than it already is....

I don't trust Romney as far as you can chuck him.....


Yea.... usually politics is generally not what is best, but what is the lesser evil.... Honestly though - I'm more worried about having the same congress and senate reps.... Really those are the ones that have done the country no good at all. The president does very little in the way of really fixing the country (he can pass things or veto them, yes) - everything has to pass through them and they have gunked stuff up and slowed and screwed things up. I can't remember a crappier congress or senate in my lifetime...... The president is the countries face to the outside world and on that par I think him and his family have done a pretty good job. *shrugs* can't agree with everything someone says, but at least he won't make taxes or unemployment worse than it already is....

I don't trust Romney as far as you can chuck him.....

I completely agree, back when I was collecting unemployment they started passing extinctions, but the republic senate kept rejecting it...causing it to keep getting delayed. With all of the extensions the unemployment office near us had problems, and I ended up getting more in unemployment then I was supposed to...Now I owe the state $1900 which I'm contesting.... why should I pay for their computer mistakes?

As for who I think should be President I am going for Obama, he has helped make getting health care easier to get for the people who need it. I unfortunately got laid off from my job while pregnant, getting any insurance while pregnant is impossible. There are other reasons, but most of them have been listed. However I am tired of seeing the whole "Obama isn't a us citizen" still...I thought we got over that? -.-

As for Romney I still would love to see his taxes... and maybe what he has in those so called off shore bank accounts he doesn't want to really talk about. I don't trust him....Not as far as I could throw him or anything. And even if I helped Purn chuck him so we could chuck him farther, I still wouldn't trust him.

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I don't live in the States, but have a close and gay friend who lives there. His rights will be taken away with Romney, and honestly Obama has done so much more than most think. They just don't research it. Just because nothing has happened to you specifically, doesn't mean he has improved the USA for so many people. Romney flat out lies about the other candidates in his commercials and just spreads hate.

I don't live in the States, but have a close and gay friend who lives there. His rights will be taken away with Romney, and honestly Obama has done so much more than most think. They just don't research it. Just because nothing has happened to you specifically, doesn't mean he has improved the USA for so many people. Romney flat out lies about the other candidates in his commercials and just spreads hate.
Amen! And yea, there are some unlikeable things about Obama, but is Romney really better?

Honestly when I see Romney the words "white supremacy" float in my head. If he gets elected Obama should move to Canada with the rest of his supporters and be free in Canada! :)

Honestly when I see Romney the words "white supremacy" float in my head. If he gets elected Obama should move to Canada with the rest of his supporters and be free in Canada! :)
I would love too! No matter whose president! I love the country it's soo pretty. I have visited there many times.

But what if Mitt Romney's even worse? o_O`
Honestly - Obama has tried to fix things. Mitt Romney is completely delusional as to what "average" Americans are doing to try and survive. Obama may have some weird ideas and policy plans, but at least he seems to be in touch with the reality of the situation.A lot of people give him crap for not doing much since he's been elected, but really it's more so congress and the senates fault on that. I will probably vote for Obama again (because I truely believe Mitt is a complete wack job....) but more importantly we need to start electing offical reps for our states that really are going to try and work for us instead of waste time and tax payer money playing whos got the pickle while in session. It really makes me mad that they have used EVERY excuse to try and avoid doing what we pay them to do for this entire term. >:c


I completely agree, back when I was collecting unemployment they started passing extinctions, but the republic senate kept rejecting it...causing it to keep getting delayed. With all of the extensions the unemployment office near us had problems, and I ended up getting more in unemployment then I was supposed to...Now I owe the state $1900 which I'm contesting.... why should I pay for their computer mistakes?
It sounds to me like you are saying that (through absolutely no fault of your own) you received more unemployment money than you were supposed to.

But even though it is not your fault, and you got more than you were entitled to you, you don't you think it is right you should have to pay it back?

What about the difference between right and wrong? What about other people on unemployment who are also entitled to payments - could that $1900 be used to pay the money they are supposed to have got?

I can understand it is scary to find you owe money to the government and if they are expecting it back in one lump sum without giving you a chance to find ways to pay it back that won't leave you completely broke then that is not right ... but keeping money that is not yours because of a computer mistake..?

Just feels wrong to me.

(I'm not a US citizen and I won't be voting but this was something that is outside the current politics of who should be the next US President)

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