Do you have a dysfunction/disorder/disease...


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Yeah yeah, I knew nobody would understand how devastated I feel. =_= I mean, I've been the ONLY daughter for 14 years! I think I wouldn't mind at all if the new baby was going to be a boy, but it's a girl...

It's hard to explain...I don't see that purpose of my existance anymore. The only reason why I'm not putting an end to my life is because my Tamagotchis need me. They're my only purpose in life. Nobody else needs me. All everybody else wants is ANOTHER BABY GIRL TO FUSS OVER and I'm just gonna be replaced and forgotten and I just can't stand it, waaaah! My other two little siblings don't do anything but bash me to pieces and say the nastiest stuff ever to me, and the new sibling probably won't be any different. Why...I just don't understand the purpose of having so many kids...I'm not needed in the world anymore... :(
I know where you're coming from. I was the only child for 13 years. Then my little sister was born... Since I was of age to be able to watch myself at home, I was trusted to take care of my baby sister while my mother was at work. It pretty much ruined my teenage years. I wasn't able to go or do anything after school or really even hang out with friends because I had to take care of my sis (unless I set up a back up sitter BY MYSELF). Besides having to take care of my sister I had to deal with my mother's majorly alcoholic ex boyfriend. I got really depressed though my high school years and turned into the stereotypical "emo" kid. As hard as it was and how much I hated every single day, I waited it out.

Eventually things got better. My mother's alcoholic ex boyfriend can't come around anymore, and my mother moved away and took my sister.

It's a little better, but now I'm stuck with one of my elderly neighbors mooching off me and living in my house. :angry:

Well, bottom line of the story is that things will get better!

-On topic: I'm pretty sure I have Gustatory Rhinorrhea. (Watery nasal discharge associated with stimulation of the sense of taste.)

I have depression and anxiety. My depression has eased a lot this year but it still comes back sometimes but my anxiety seems worse than ever :-/

Not targeted at any particular person, but please avoid self-diagnosis. This is because it makes you afraid of yourself and the evidence starts sounding like this:

I have MAJOR OCD. Whenever I have waffles with syrup, I always have to make sure that the butter and syrup is distributed evenly in each hole in the waffle. Otherwise I go into terror mode. :eek:

I've had problems with doing this. Like the above example (yes I'm paranoid about my waffles) but also diagnosing myself with depression and various phobias, freaking myself out on the way. Then I started really thinking I had those problems and felt worse. Eventually, I told myself, lighten up. Don't you think someone else would have noticed by now? :)

Does insomnia count? aha.

I also used to have seizures a lot when I was a freshman..

& I've been clinically dead for 5 minutes. ~

Hooray for medical issues cx

I have social anxiety, GAD, panic disorder (which has been getting better lately, yey!) and depression. I've just started taking prozac so I'm hoping it'll help.

I have Anemia. It's a lack of red blood cells, leading to iron deficiency. I was born with it and I have symptoms such as poor concentration and pallor.

I also have 'fine motor skills' as Mum calls it - my entire left side is weak, again due to my birth, and it pains me to do some things.

I'm not 100% sure, this is a self diagnosis but I think I have OCD and anxiety, or is that paranoia? Or both? Like I was really scared of zombies taking over the world and I'd have nightmares about it almost every night, and I was also really scared of dying and I thought I might die any second in grade 4, then whenever my parents go out I think "omg what if they die in a car crash and I become an orphan?" and right now I'm thinking "omg what if Adam Young dies?" so I'm like praying everyday to keep him safe, we can't lose Adam, as for OCD... Well, I like washing my hands a lot but not much of the other "I like to clean my house" stuff and if things aren't properly aligned like, for example, my colored markers' caps then I align them because really it annoys me and if I write, for example, the letter A and it's not properly aligned or it's too spiky or something or whatever, anyways if I wrote it wrong then I erase it or cross it out and write it again until I get it right because really it has to be aligned or it annoys me. My classmate also defined OCD (in a presentation once for a research paper) as something you constantly think about as in every second of everyday, you might get distracted from thinking it for a while but it always comes back...yes, that happens to me but I'm not telling you guys what it is that I think about it. I'm also pretty sure I'm anorexic. Not on purpose, I'm just a really picky eater. I'm also terrible at socializing, I've got horrible social skills, there's this one girl in my class I want to be friends with her and the first few months of school were ok, we were friendly and I sometimes sat with her at lunch but now I don't hang out with her and I sorta ignore her and stuff like maybe I'm subconsciously pushing her away even though in reality I wanna be close friends...what's wrong with me? Oh yeah and I have a short attention span. That's about it.

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Yeah yeah, I knew nobody would understand how devastated I feel. =_= I mean, I've been the ONLY daughter for 14 years! I think I wouldn't mind at all if the new baby was going to be a boy, but it's a girl...

It's hard to explain...I don't see that purpose of my existance anymore. The only reason why I'm not putting an end to my life is because my Tamagotchis need me. They're my only purpose in life. Nobody else needs me. All everybody else wants is ANOTHER BABY GIRL TO FUSS OVER and I'm just gonna be replaced and forgotten and I just can't stand it, waaaah! My other two little siblings don't do anything but bash me to pieces and say the nastiest stuff ever to me, and the new sibling probably won't be any different. Why...I just don't understand the purpose of having so many kids...I'm not needed in the world anymore... :(
I get where you're coming from regarding your Tamagotchis. I live for my pets. Both the flesh and blood varieties and the electronic/mechanical varieties. Take those away and I'm likely to start looking for a way out. But I highly doubt that you're not needed or that you're going to be replaced or forgotten. I'm sure your parents love you, and if things are bothering you you should try to talk it over with them. They can't help you if they don't know how you feel.

I'm not 100% sure, this is a self diagnosis but I think I have OCD and anxiety, or is that paranoia? Or both? Like I was really scared of zombies taking over the world and I'd have nightmares about it almost every night, and I was also really scared of dying and I thought I might die any second in grade 4, then whenever my parents go out I think "omg what if they die in a car crash and I become an orphan?" and right now I'm thinking "omg what if Adam Young dies?" so I'm like praying everyday to keep him safe, we can't lose Adam, as for OCD... Well, I like washing my hands a lot but not much of the other "I like to clean my house" stuff and if things aren't properly aligned like, for example, my colored markers' caps then I align them because really it annoys me and if I write, for example, the letter A and it's not properly aligned or it's too spiky or something or whatever, anyways if I wrote it wrong then I erase it or cross it out and write it again until I get it right because really it has to be aligned or it annoys me. My classmate also defined OCD (in a presentation once for a research paper) as something you constantly think about as in every second of everyday, you might get distracted from thinking it for a while but it always comes back...yes, that happens to me but I'm not telling you guys what it is that I think about it. I'm also pretty sure I'm anorexic. Not on purpose, I'm just a really picky eater. I'm also terrible at socializing, I've got horrible social skills, there's this one girl in my class I want to be friends with her and the first few months of school were ok, we were friendly and I sometimes sat with her at lunch but now I don't hang out with her and I sorta ignore her and stuff like maybe I'm subconsciously pushing her away even though in reality I wanna be close friends...what's wrong with me? Oh yeah and I have a short attention span. That's about it.
Cheer up, stop getting lost in the problems you might have (phobia-itis?)! You're most likely not any of those things. Seriously. I said earlier:

Not targeted at any particular person, but please avoid self-diagnosis. This is because it makes you afraid of yourself and the evidence starts sounding like this:

I have MAJOR OCD. Whenever I have waffles with syrup, I always have to make sure that the butter and syrup is distributed evenly in each hole in the waffle. Otherwise I go into terror mode. :eek:

I've had problems with doing this. Like the above example (yes I'm paranoid about my waffles) but also diagnosing myself with depression and various phobias, freaking myself out on the way. Then I started really thinking I had those problems and felt worse. Eventually, I told myself, lighten up. Don't you think someone else would have noticed by now? :)
Self-diagnosis is not terribly reliable. If you're worried you might have one of those problems, talk to a psychologist/psychiatrist, and your parents.

I doubt you're anorexic. Some people are picky eaters, just the way it is. Just make an effort to get all the nutrients you need, looking for healthy food you will enjoy.

I too have trouble making friends. It's not a disorder, you just need to work up the courage to go sit with her, and talk about things. If you are subconsciously pushing her away, make sure to consciously be nice to her, talk about stuff, etc.

OCD is the extreme of liking to organize things. Most people have a desire to keep some things in order, but different people focus on different things. We're all a tiny bit "OCD" about something. ;)

I'm afraid I might not see someone else again too. It's often because of outside events, such as local deaths, stuff like that. You should always treat each day like your last.

There are rational fears, and irrational fears. Everyone has some of both. Phobias are huge extremes which lead to actual panic attacks.

Everybody has a short attention span, especially with things they find boring.

bluegreen, please calm down. It seems like you have a lot of built-up stress which makes people feel like they actually have disorders.

But if you are worried, do get help. :)

My mother is Bipolar.

I also might have three minor forms of Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD). I don't like odd numbers. For example, if I'm watching TV and I change the volume to 27, I'll move it to 26 or 28. If I touch something with one hand, I need to touch it with the other hand the same amount of times or I feel uncomfortable. And when I go to bed and I put my glasses or my cell phone on the nightstand, I'll need to touch it over and over again to make sure it's still there. I don't know why, it's not like they'd just grow legs and walk off on their own, but it's just the way I am.
I am so glad somebody else has the same condition... I honestly don't mind having it, but others around me seem too. ( Deal with it, others!)

I dont have any.but my brother has ADHD
Don't be so sure. I'm not trying to be negative, or paranoid, but I have seen several cases in which the person(s) do not think they have any sort of phyciatric disorder, but others notice it with ease. Some disorders are not uncovered by their "host" so to speak, until later on in that persons life. The disorder also seems to "hide" in the recsesses of the mind, only to be brought out by another individual. I have also seen several cases in which a hyperactive disorder known as ADD has actually been heriditary. I hope that you do not come upon one of these disorders if you do not wish to, but do not deny the slightest sign of it.

Cheer up, stop getting lost in the problems you might have (phobia-itis?)! You're most likely not any of those things. Seriously. I said earlier:

Self-diagnosis is not terribly reliable. If you're worried you might have one of those problems, talk to a psychologist/psychiatrist, and your parents.

I doubt you're anorexic. Some people are picky eaters, just the way it is. Just make an effort to get all the nutrients you need, looking for healthy food you will enjoy.

I too have trouble making friends. It's not a disorder, you just need to work up the courage to go sit with her, and talk about things. If you are subconsciously pushing her away, make sure to consciously be nice to her, talk about stuff, etc.

OCD is the extreme of liking to organize things. Most people have a desire to keep some things in order, but different people focus on different things. We're all a tiny bit "OCD" about something. ;)

I'm afraid I might not see someone else again too. It's often because of outside events, such as local deaths, stuff like that. You should always treat each day like your last.

There are rational fears, and irrational fears. Everyone has some of both. Phobias are huge extremes which lead to actual panic attacks.

Everybody has a short attention span, especially with things they find boring.

bluegreen, please calm down. It seems like you have a lot of built-up stress which makes people feel like they actually have disorders.

But if you are worried, do get help. :)
Actually, a self-diagnosis is sometimes the ONLY way to uncover a disorder or deffiecientcy. It often occurs when the person(s) with the disorder are denying obvious signs out of fear or maybe just because they don't believe it is possible, but they subconciously relize that it is very possible indeed. It is as simple as admitting to a fault, telling your mind that you might have it pushes it out of denial.

I have an eating disorder, im not sure the exactly sure what its called but its where you dont eat much..... ive been eating very little for brekfast and never have lunch

Also... when I was about five years of age, my step father was jumping hills on a motorcycle with me, and he wanted to wear the only helmet. It lead to a tragic crash in which I was knocked out and unconcious for four days straight. My skull was cracked open, and I lost too much of a vital chemical called ceratonin. This chemical helps the human brain have the ablility to focus. As a result, I now have trouble in math do to it's complex equations, and my mind often wanders. There is no name for my condition, as I assume that I am the only one of one out of VERY few that have it.

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Actually, a self-diagnosis is sometimes the ONLY way to uncover a disorder or deffiecientcy. It often occurs when the person(s) with the disorder are denying obvious signs out of fear or maybe just because they don't believe it is possible, but they subconciously relize that it is very possible indeed. It is as simple as admitting to a fault, telling your mind that you might have it pushes it out of denial.
That's true, once you admit to yourself that you might have one of these problems, it makes you feel a lot more peaceful.

But often, these "symptoms" are actually different things altogether, and when people think they're from a disorder, they feel worse. Often these symptoms actually arise out of stress or traumatic events.

Also... when I was about five years of age, my step father was jumping hills on a motorcycle with me, and he wanted to wear the only helmet. It lead to a tragic crash in which I was knocked out and unconcious for four days straight. My skull was cracked open, and I lost too much of a vital chemical called ceratonin. This chemical helps the human brain have the ablility to focus. As a result, I now have trouble in math do to it's complex equations, and my mind often wanders. There is no name for my condition, as I assume that I am the only one of one out of VERY few that have it.
Yikes, some stepfather!

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