Legalization of Marijuana


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Unless I missed a spectacularly important breakthrough in medical science, I think you'll find that marijuana cannot cure any disease at all.

It is claimed by some that it helps alleviate some symptoms for some people suffering from various disorders - but there's no disease or illness that it can cure.
But also note that painkillers do nothing good for your body either, other than alleviate suffering in patients. At least marijuana isn't as dangerous as most prescription, extra-strength painkillers, which often contain creepy chemicals of questionable origin.

But recreational drug use...just freaks me out. Though I'm not altogether against it being legal, it's gross to think that people are smoking away the time they could actually be doing something useful with their lives. I overhear other people (in public places with security cameras) talking about how awesome it was last time they did marijuana, how they're going to do it again this weekend, etc. I'm a bit disconcerted by how much these teens have materialized their lives already, before they've reached adulthood and figured out what to do with their lives. They should be focusing on school, home, and friendships right now; not on how great they feel when under the influence of drugs.

I do think it should be legal for medical purposes (My brother uses it to help him with some symptoms of diseases that he has and it has made his quality of life so much better), but if it is legal for medical purposes then it should be generally legal as well because (at least in California) it is extremely easy to get a medical marijuana license. You do not usually have to even have a doctors note and this has resulted in the majority of people who regularly smoke/who decide they just want a license in having one whether or not they have a real medical problem. Because of this, it makes sense that it might as well be legalized and controlled as it is now through the dispensaries since most people who want one have a license anyway.

I don't think smoking regularly (ie, once a day or more) is a good idea because it definitely does (whether or not people who do want to admit it) make you less intelligent, but it's not more harmful than alcohol which is readily available and if it was legalized it would probably still be more controlled than alcohol is and not everyone who would use it would smoke every day, just not like everyone who drinks drinks everyday and the people who would already do.

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I chose the first option, but...

  • A World Book Dictionary lists it as "a poisonous drug"
  • It doesn't cure any diseases
  • It might sometimes have benefits somehow in certain cases...?

Still, I wouldn't even touch the stuff. And using it for "recreational" purposes is pointless. Smoking is pointless, too (unless you want to destroy your lungs and not be able to breathe).

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Should be legalised. Only classified "drug" that has never caused a death, as oppose to alcohol which is one of the leading, however legal. Doesn't disrupt and possess the brain as much as alcohol, gives a more "mellow" effect as oppose to /out of control lets jump off a balcony effect/.

People are going to do it regardless if its legal or not, though.

Should be legalised. Only classified "drug" that has never caused a death, as oppose to alcohol which is one of the leading, however legal.....
Actually there are deaths related to use of marijuana... the claim that it has never caused a death relates to a study conducted between 1977 - 2005 where the medical profession had not specified the drug as a primary cause of death.

There are still plenty of deaths that were attributed to marijuana as a secondary or contributary cause in medical notes = in other words - 'related to use of marijuana'...

If you die from bleeding out in a car wreck that you caused by driving when you were stoned on marijuana, the primary cause of death would be recorded as Exsanguination / Fatal loss of blood - not marijuana. But you could easily argue that you would not have had a wreck and not died if you hadn't been affected by the marijuana.

(Just saying, not supporting legalization or otherwise - just wanting to make sure info posted is not misleading).

In health class, we had a discussion about marijuana in general.

The debate came up: is marijuana a gateway drug (substance that may cause people to try more potent, dangerous drugs)?

Even though I think marijuana use is a vile habit, I don't think it is a gateway drug. Rather, the "gateway" to other drugs is your mindset, or values, or friends, or attitude.

But in class, this debate was viewed as a brawl between potheads and good kids. One of my classmates said, "The people here who aren't admitting that marijuana is a gateway drug are people who use it, or think it's ok to use it." That made me kind of mad. Everyone has different opinions on that kind of stuff and shouldn't be judged for it.

Soon in health class, we will have to write a paper on legalization of marijuana, which happens to be this very thread! I guess I'm kind of prepared.

Actually there are deaths related to use of marijuana... the claim that it has never caused a death relates to a study conducted between 1977 - 2005 where the medical profession had not specified the drug as a primary cause of death.

There are still plenty of deaths that were attributed to marijuana as a secondary or contributary cause in medical notes = in other words - 'related to use of marijuana'...

If you die from bleeding out in a car wreck that you caused by driving when you were stoned on marijuana, the primary cause of death would be recorded as Exsanguination / Fatal loss of blood - not marijuana. But you could easily argue that you would not have had a wreck and not died if you hadn't been affected by the marijuana.

(Just saying, not supporting legalization or otherwise - just wanting to make sure info posted is not misleading).
I was referring to it being the primary cause. Related, of course. But I'm speaking of like, long term pot use won't lead to any long term effects which can cause death - being primary.

Where as alcohol or smoking long term effects such as lung cancer or lung problems, are the reason for these.

At the moment, I'm writing an essay for health class on why I think marijuana should be legalized.

That's only because we're only allowed to have one opinion on whether or not it should be legalized. I can definitely see all perspectives.

If I ever get the chance to vote on this, I won't, although I lean a bit toward the idea that it should be legalized.

did you all know that marijuana was made illegal in 1937 because a man claimed that it made white women want to be with black men? how ridiculous is that!

scientists are also currently studying how weed may possibly be able to cure cancer, from what i've heard it destroys certain cancerous cells c:

* removed - site rules*

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I am against it due to biased reasons I admit--I lost friendships because they chose their drugs over being my friend. I refused to hang around them as i was very afraid of us getting pulled over by the police and them find the drugs on my friend and that it would be tacked on me as well, despite the fact I've never touched the stuff in my life. (The smell induces my gag reflex.)

I will say, though, that medicinal purposes, it could work, but keep it as a pill form and remove the stuff that makes a person high. That way they're not under the influence of anything, and I wouldn't feel safe driving on the road knowing people of driving under the influence of something and could potentially cause an accident. Yes alcohol is worse and I'm not going to argue over what is worse, but the fact of the matter is, cognition is still being impaired and that makes the person dangerous on the road.

As for the cancer deal, they found out the poison from bee stings can attack cancer while leaving the rest of the body unharmed. Marijuana affects the brain, bee poison, as far as I know, doesn't. Most people are, in my opinion, using the supposed 'facts' about marijuana to hide the true reason they smoke. It's just like alcohol, they just want to relax and numb themselves from all the stress in their lives. I don't agree with that, same with those who turn to alcohol to much.

As for effects, marijuana has been linked to birth defects and lowered academic rates in children who have grown up in an environment/was born to marijuana-smoking parents.

Okay so I've switched my vote.

Over the past few days I've been thinking about it and I've decided that I do support the legalization of marijuana.

I would never do it myself. I believe that it should be:

  • Only allowed to be used in the marijuana user's home
  • You have to be over 21 to buy and use it
  • Raise awareness of the consequences
The main reason I've switched my vote is because it doesn't make people violent and there are much worse drugs out there like alcohol that are socially and mentally accepted by society.

I personally have just put behind me the fact that I am on the same side as the many ignorant hipsters that also approve the legalization of Marijuana but for the wrong reasons. c:

I believe that it should be fully legalized. Cigarettes and alcohol are legal and I'm pretty sure that they're more harmful than marijuana. Cigarettes lead to lung cancer and you can get alcohol poisoning; pretty sure no one has ever overdosed on marijuana.

So many ppl state the reason that it should be legalised is because other substances are legal which are "more dangerous" or "worse".

If we have alcohol and cigarettes why does it make sense to legalise something else that could be dangerous?

If you can get killed driving a car when you were drunk, how does it make sense that you should also be able to get killed driving a car when you are stoned as well?

(You may not think it makes ppl violent but if you hit another car or an innocent pedestrian it's kind of violent).

Mood changes can go both ways - ppl can become mean and aggressive on marijuana too. (I've dropped "friends" before for just that reason).

Smoking marijuana in joints can also lead to lung cancer (and passive smoking affects those around you in a similar way).

I'm just saying that there should be more rational points to support legalisation than "because smoking and alcohol are legal"

there have never been any reports indicating that someone has gotten lung cancer from smoking weed. just sayin'

I am against the use of marijuana except for medical purposes. I don't like the fact that people choose to ignore what is real and use drugs to make themselves "feel better." But I support its legalization because of the dangers that come from it being illegal, and because my misgivings with marijuana are my opinions and shouldn't be imposed on others.

Currently, to obtain marijuana in many places, you have to get involved with some serious criminal activities and hang out with really sketchy people. Often, these same people who sell marijuana are also dealing (and using) much more dangerous drugs like cocaine, crack, heroin, and meth, so they may encourage you to start using a much harder drug so that they can get more money. Marijuana may be contaminated with cocaine or meth as well, making the drug much more dangerous for the user, and the marijuana user may be none the wiser.

If marijuana was legal, it could be regulated and safe to obtain. The government could put restrictions on it the way they do for alcohol, and they could keep conducting anti-marijuana campaigns.

In terms of alcohol being legal, there is a difference between alcohol and marijuana that is worth pointing out. People can get drunk from drinking alcohol, but many "drink responsibly" or just like the taste, rather than the effects, of alcohol. When smoking marijuana, the idea is to "get stoned" and marijuana is not often used in moderation. Alcohol is much more harmful than marijuana when people overdose on it, but people more often drink in moderation than smoke marijuana in moderation.

i could sit here all day and argue why alot of points against marijuana i've read in this post are not true or don't have much proof to back them up but i can't be bothered. i respect everyones opinions as everyone is entitled to one :) but, those of you that are against it should be a little more open minded. there are alot of recent studies on cannabis to find the benefits of it. it really cannot compare to gear, ice, cocaine, etc. do lots of research, from reliable sources. don't just flick through the first google search page. you'll all find alot of really interesting things that i'm sure will change your minds a little. i'm not telling everyone to go out. pick up an ounce and start being a stoner but just be a little more understanding of why people choose to smoke whether it be for recreational purposes or medical. i know that i use for both :)

also @Amat Gotchi; the chances of weed being laced is very small and i don't think many people would use cocaine to do so without making the price of it waaaay more expensive as cocaine is one of the most expensive drugs aha d: i'm not saying that from personal experience FYI. i just happen to know. i'm against man made illegal drugs. i've seen them ruin lives of people i've known and it is not pretty. weed on the other hand, i know adults that have smoked since my age (17) and have had minimal repercussions. it really isn't something i would consider "dangerous" :)

I have a friend. She had some weed, smoked it, and then found out it was laced with meth. But she didn't find that out until after she got dangerously high and started doing very psychotic things.

I don't think she uses marijuana anymore.

Edit: and I mean the marijuana may be purposely or accidentally contaminated with other drugs. Sorry for confusion.

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yeah i've heard of stuff like that happening too it's horrible D: that's why people shouldn't re use bags when they sell their weed. careless people frustrate me so much!

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