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And that is why I put a spoiler tag up and a warning, so those who don't want to be offended can skip it.

I also think that man is brilliant. I've watched his stuff on religion, war, politics, advertisement, germs/diseases, etc. While he can be rather direct, I feel that he causes people to think about things. People may not change their minds in the end, but I believe his whole approach was shock factor and to get people to think outside of the box instead of following blindly what they were raised with/told.

Also, I don't know about your country, but in the USA you can't put someone in prison for freedom of speech. There are very certain specific instances where I am sure you could and they do, but for this sort of deal, no prison. Or prisons would be absolutely filled to max if we were to try to jail all those who spoke out freely.
I found it extremely offensive as well. This guy comes across as a hate monger. I personally feel that pro-life or pro-abortion, it's no laughing matter and to perform a stand up comedy act about abortion is really just low. There are better ways to share an opinion than promoting what could be defined as a prejudice view of pro-life people. I'm pro-life...and I don't act or feel the way that this man claims that pro-lifers act. To be thrown into a definition that he thinks is funny and true and is preaching to his audience is really offensive. I understand that everyone is entitled to their opinion but he never identifies this as just his personal opinion or etc...

If someone stood up and spoke in the same fashion as him, claiming that all African Amercians are criminals, it would create absolute outrage. It wouldn't be funny. We don't approve of anyone putting African Amercian people into a box with a big ol' label that says "criminal" on it so why should he be allowed to throw pro-lifers in a box and label them as this or that? Not everyone falls into his definition of pro-life. I hope that people don't blindly follow him...simply because he speaks a good speech.

It just doesn't seem right and as I said it's not funny. I watched it with the attempt to see it from both views and not my own so that I wouldn't take it personally. Instead I just found it awkward and concerning that he voiced such an outrage over the subject. People weren't laughing as people normally do with a comedian on stage...they were cheering and agreeing with him like they were at a weird abortion rally.

Anyway, that's just how I feel and what I think. I've stated my opinion before on Abortion. I am against abortion unless in extreme cases where the mother is in danger or etc...

I don't go around on comical speeches labeling pro-abortion people as baby killers or horrible people because I don't believe that all of them are. Also, usually those that can get away with prejudice comical remarks are those that are making fun of themselves. This guy is quite clearly a pro-abortion person which makes the whole act even less funny because as I said before...it just comes across as prejudice and hate mongering.

I am strongly convinced that if he were still alive (I believe he has passed away) and I came up to greet him and he knew I was pro-life that (form the impression I have gathered from his videos) he would shut me out or react aggressively towards me possibly even go on a speech about who I am before even meeting me. His behavior indicates that he is very stubborn and set in his ways and not afraid of throwing a label on someone who doesn't agree with his opinion. On the other hand, when I've come in contact with a pro-abortion person or someone who has or is thinking about an abortion I don't act angrily or aggressively or shut them out. We're all sinners and far from perfect and I accept that. Hate the sin love the sinner. I certainly won't hesitate to share my opinion and share guidance if they are willing or encouragement but I'm not going to look at them and call them a baby killer or some other harsh label. Personally, I feel that being aggressive and scary towards someone with a differing opinion on a matter does not help to convince them or persuade them to assume your opinion or agree to some extent it really just turns the person off. As a Christian, I don't go throwing the Bible at every person I see doing something sinful because they'll never listen to me if I do. I can't force anyone to be a Christian or believe in God. They have to want to on their own. I get frustrated with Christians today for being insane. They're just insane. Protesting at funerals, calling for murder of gays etc... It's nuts. That's not the Christian way! I just want to slap them on the hand and tell them to stop it. I feel like Christians are falsely labelled as well :) because the last time I threw a Bible was when I slipped on a sock while carrying it in the kitchen and it flung out of my hands :) We're not all crazy. We're loving people...really we are!

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In a way i guess you'd call it 'dark humor' but again, it was a shock factor he did to get people to stop and think. This same man was also the one who regarded men as inferior and women to be superior, who admitted that he and all males were essentially 'dumb' in a way of speaking.

Remember these are not my words, so please don't have anything towards me. I agree and disagree with him in certain things, but I admit I like his style, the tactlessness and blunt way of putting things as I am the same way in different aspects when I feel I need to be heard.

We all get offended to a certain degree. Heck i get offended when people tell me I'll 'change my mind' about kids all the time. I try to be nice about it, but it still rubs me the wrong way. I also feel anger when someone, as you said, lumps all African Americans as criminals. Or anything like that.

I also think that when he was talking about pro-lifers, I think it was in regards to the extremists who were picketing around abortion clinics all those years ago and who were harassing the staff and patients. These videos are kinda old, and the guy has since passed away, mind you. But I do remember hearing about those times, where they tried to prevent women from going into the clinics. My memory if fuzzy, though, and I don't remember the times it happened, but I remember hearing of them.

Again this is not me or my words, so if you feel anything negative, please don't have it towards me. I am just pointing out possible reasons of why he said what he said in the video.

EDIT: I asked someone to remove it. I did put it in tags to hide it and gave a warning, but before anyone else takes it personally and feels disdain towards me, guess I'll opt to remove it.

You think he's bad, though, you should hear the comedian Tosh and the things he's brought up on abortion and other subjects. That guy is just a straight up a-hole in my opinion. He is way worse with his views and 'solutions' and I think he personally loves to offend people.

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Is....is it just me or did a ton of posts suddenly disappear? Lol o_O Usually, if an admin removes posts they explain why. Maybe my computer is flaking out on me.

Anyway, wanted to tell Midorime that while I do still believe that the comedian was acting like a hate monger I don't believe that you are one :) so no worries about thinking negatively. I hope that what I said caused you to stop and think about how you view this man and the way in which he handles and communicates his personal opinions to the many people he has the ability to influence.

It did, it did. And I guess things got removed, yes, because offense was taken. I asked for the video to be removed since it was clearly upsetting people, didn't expect all the posts to poof.

I agree with only some of the things he says, and others not so much. He can be harsh in how he puts his opinions out, but again, i think he did it for the 'shock factor' really, and to perhaps make people think. When he was talking about pro-lifers, i am pretty sure he was referring to the protesters who were outside of abortion clinics who were harassing the patients and staff, and in some cases were physically harming people. But he does hold women in high regards, especially since they have to "put up with men."

I also did say that this man has passed away a while ago, and while he is very controversial, sometimes controversy is needed to have discussion and (hopefully) provide a solution.

I was also adding to the fact that I feel, in my opinion, Tosh or whoever that guy is who is also a comedian, is worse. His dark humor I think crosses the line even more and i feel that he purposefully likes to offend people for his own amusement. Him i can say for sure I do not like. I won't post the video, but he makes a rather rude abortion joke you can see on youtube if you type "tosh abortion" in the search. He also not long ago got in trouble for a really bad rape joke that apparently caused some young women to flee the show in fear.

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in my opinion, a woman should be able to choose for herself. its not necesarilly (spelledwrong) killing a baby. its killing a group of cell that when mature, will be a baby.

sometimes the pro life people get out of hand. I was at an easter parade with many children present a few years back. There were anti abortion men with very graphic posters marching right where you could see them. in front of babies. It got so bad that some teenage boys on skateboards snatched some of the worst posters while skating by. lol. everybody cheered and the boys left.

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tamalover207 said:
sometimes the pro life people get out of hand. I was at an easter parade with many children present a few years back. There were anti abortion men with very graphic posters marching right where you could see them. in front of babies. It got so bad that some teenage boys on skateboards snatched some of the worst posters while skating by. lol. everybody cheered and the boys left.
It's good that they show it, because it is the truth. Would you rather not know it so that you can be okay with it?

It's good that they show it, because it is the truth. Would you rather not know it so that you can be okay with it?
That's a good point.

However, it is common knowledge that you are NOT supposed to show anything that graphic and violent to little kids: be it a violent movie, violent story, violent pictures. A very good portion of those kids probably couldn't read and would have those terrible images stuck in their heads forever.

I think abortion is a surgery; thus people shouldn't show images like that any more than they do with other surgeries. Is any surgical footage really pleasant?

That's a good point.

However, it is common knowledge that you are NOT supposed to show anything that graphic and violent to little kids: be it a violent movie, violent story, violent pictures. A very good portion of those kids probably couldn't read and would have those terrible images stuck in their heads forever.

I think abortion is a surgery; thus people shouldn't show images like that any more than they do with other surgeries. Is any surgical footage really pleasant?
Well, Amat Gotchi. I don't think the intention was to show those pictures to the children. And I don't think it can really do harm to a child. This horrible truth may chock him, but it may be edifying.

Anyway, the difference with these pictures is to show that what has been killed is a human.(The form of the fetus is very human-like).

Well I don't find it appropriate to parade around like that with the signs in such a public place, mostly because of all the children there.
this exactly.

it isn't appropriate for people who do not support gay marriage or gay couples to post photos of them having sexual intercourse.

so why should this be allowed?

have some respect. people who are against murderers don't go around showing photos of murdered people do they?

this exactly.

it isn't appropriate for people who do not support gay marriage or gay couples to post photos of them having sexual intercourse.

so why should this be allowed?

have some respect. people who are against murderers don't go around showing photos of murdered people do they?
No, it isn't the same. The same would be showing pictures of people with AIDS.

These pictures show the negative outcome of these things.

And if murderers would start slowly getting allowed, I would show pictures of murdered people.

Showing children what abortion looks like is like bringing home roadkill or killing an animal in front of them to show what death looks like. You're going to traumatize them. That's why there's the phrase 'not age appropriate' for things not suitable for young children. Would you allow a child to stay up and watch a Jason or Freddy movie? Would you allow them to watch a graphic show with rape in it to educate them on what rape is and the outcomes? How about videos of people getting tortured during the Holocaust and all the dead bodies? Or surgical procedures that are not edited and show everything being done? Animal abuse?

I'm sure when we talk about children, we mean about 10 years old and under, give or take.

And if you think that's okay to show a very young child then I'm sorry, but I'd be questioning your parenting skills should you ever decide to become a parent.

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Look, I though I said that I personally wouldn't have done it. But the problem is there'll always be some kids around. And I'm not going to stop doing something which is VERY important to me on the cost that some kids see it.

Here’s a test:

I’m holding a baby in one hand and a petri dish holding a fetus in the other.

I’m going to drop one. You chose which.

If you really truly believe a fetus is the same thing as a baby, it should be impossible for you to decide. You should have to flip a coin, that’s how impossible the decision should be.

Shot in the dark, you saved the baby.

Because you’re aware there’s a difference.

Now admit it
Just gonna leave this here...

I believe that having a fetus is a petri-dish would mean it's already dead.

If not, I would not decide.

I believe that having a fetus is a petri-dish would mean it's already dead.

If not, I would not decide.
Actually, to the best of my knowledge an egg can be fertilized by a sperm inside a petri dish. Later, the zygote/embryo/fetus is placed inside a mother.

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