Do you remember your first tama?


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This year marks my 7th "anniversary" since getting my first Tamagotchi; it was Christmas of '06, and I was 7 years old. The one I got was the yellow-with-stars V3, which, to my dismay, is long since lost at this point.

Oh dude, I remember getting some double pack when I was probably nine because it was cheaper than to buy two separately, one for me and my sister each. It was like light blue with these weird stripes and honestly really ugly. I wasn't that bright of a kid (which never changed) and would but it in a fuzzy sock then in the refrigerator. It actually didn't break or anything.

So like I was all happy getting specific characters on it and stuff, and then one day when I joined Tamatalk, people ridiculed me for getting such "low level" characters. Yeah I'm just not very likable on Tamatalk. Ever. But I'm happy now which is what truly matters.

Man, nostalgia...

I remember this day so clearly!
I think I was four or five at the time, my family lived in the US back then and one day we'd gone to Toys 'R' Us to buy some... well, toys.
I was sitting in the shopping cart and being pushed around by my mom, I think my cousin was there with me too. Anyway, we were lining up to pay at the cashier when I noticed that there was a series of egg-like keychain things hanging from the stands they have next to those checkout counters... I found the coolest design and asked my mom if I could buy it, and she said yes. That's how I got my first tamagotchi (which is currently MIA. I think it got lost when we were moving - *tear*). I thought it was the coolest thing ever, and I carried it the whole time - wouldn't let them put it in the cart, hahaha.
It was this one, in case any of you were wondering:


Ahhhh, I remeber my first tama with delight and squee. It was christmas season 2005, when the V2 had stormed in with popularity. I remeber playing with my friend's V2, and she got a not-so-good care character (Hanatchi). My friends literally treated their tama's like it was nothing, and it made me so sad! I vowed to take amazing care of my tama, and I did. I ended up getting a :pochitchi: which I read is good care! She was so cute, too. I never wanted her to leave, but she got married and had a baby boy.

When I looked under the tree christmas day, I found a red hearts V2! I literally cried, this tama was PERFECT. I took her with my everywhere, even annoyed my mom a bit because I paid so much attention to her! I promised to myself I would find out how to properly take care of a tama, hence me lurking tamatalk. I was so upset after about 6 months, when someone broke my tama. I cried for a few days. And now at age 16, I vowed to myself to get my red hearts V2 Back.

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First ever tamagotchi:


First ever virtual pet (green nano puppy):

but with this background:

And i remember that the game menu didnt say "game". it only said "I or II". have yet to see another that didnt say "game". but it was legit, new in package. i wonder why it didnt? hmmmm

My first Tama wasn't really mine. I was at my Grandma's farm with my cousin last year and I was looking for something to do. I was looking for a DS stylus at the time but instead came across a Tamawalkie. My cousin and I are 20 days apart agewise so we have similar interests. I asked if it was hers. She said that she had gotten it for her birthday but hadn't any idea how to use it. We carried it around when we went on a walk to a field on the farm. Sudddenly we heard a series of bleeps and it said we had arrived in Tokyo. We worked out that it was a pedometer based Tama. We later found V3 Tama I think.

My first Tama wasn't really mine. I was at my Grandma's farm with my cousin last year and I was looking for something to do. I was looking for a DS stylus at the time but instead came across a Tamawalkie. My cousin and I are 20 days apart agewise so we have similar interests. I asked if it was hers. She said that she had gotten it for her birthday but hadn't any idea how to use it. We carried it around when we went on a walk to a field on the farm. Sudddenly we heard a series of bleeps and it said we had arrived in Tokyo. We worked out that it was a pedometer based Tama. We later found V3 Tama I think.
TamaWalkies don't walk to Tokyo

my very first, wasnt a tamagotchi at all it was a knock off red panda pet, same shape as a p1 but very different the rock, paper, scissor game.

the very first tamagotchi i have ever had was in 2004 it was the blue camo design v3, i want one back eventually ^.^

the very first v4 was the glow in the dark verion im looking for that one too ^.^

the very first v4.5 was my fall leaf design which i still have <3

The very first vpet I've ever had was an Apollo 8 in 1 Pet, that looked like this:

I got it for Christmas when I was like 4 or 6, don't remember exactly, but I loved it with all my heart. I always raised a puppy in it and it was adorable. <3

As for the Tamagotchis, the first one I've had was a white and black v3, that my dad brought me from Paris when I was 13-14 years old and I still have it, although now it looks a little bit different. xDDD
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Yes, I remember it well, i have stuck with Tamagotchi since the P1

My first tama was white and blue, i have most of them still, and have stuck with tamagotchi for the whole 15 years or so. The only problem is that they aren't so popular in Australia, and i doubt they will ever be in shops here again.

I'm now 30 and just bought an english ID L

I lost my P2 somewhere :s I should replace it sometime.
I think they're in Myer in Sydney and Melbourne although when I was still living in Melbourne I didn't see them there. The toy department in Myer has always been crap anyway

My first Tama was an Australian v1, it looks like this:


I still have it, but I'm unsure if it still works. Some of the pixels are dead because for some reason I swung it around a lot until I realized I was damaging it. I should probably open it up one day and take a look.

My first virtual pet though was a fake tama the shop keeper told me was real. It was blue and had numbers on it. It was interesting, to say the least.

I still have all my tamas except my v2 which I lost a long time ago. Perhaps one day I'll look on ebay for a new one and power it up along with my v3. ^_^

Ooh yes I remember and always will.

Back in summer 2009. My 2 bros and I had each won a gift card for this little shop in Montreal at a sport competition (we were super good haha-). I had a 20$ balance. So we look at the toys and it was quite small so not many things, but on the wall was hanging some toys called Virtual Pet, and they caught my eye asap. :)

There were blue ones and pink ones. On the box it said it was a pet that you had to take care of to make evolve, and that you could connect with others and make babies. I had just enough money so I took it. In the car I opened it and pulled the tab, but I didn't realise the was this sort of sticker on the screen so I couldn't see anything at first xD then we went to Dollarama for stamps and there were other virtual pets on the counter o_O dad got mad because he was scared the salesman thought i stold my since it looked awesome and brand new, haha... old days.

I still have it. :)
