How old do people think you are?


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Well-known member
Jun 22, 2006
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What the title says. =]

Lots of people who don't know me too well, as in they dont go to my school or anything, always think I'm in grade 9 or 10.

Once, this guy even thought I was in grade 11.

According to alot of people, my facebook pictures could let me pass for at LEAST a grade 9.

And most guys are often really surpsied that I'm not in highschool, and sometimes are disappointed.

I'm actually in grade 7. :$

I'm only 13, but I've had a few people tell me I look around 15. That's caused me a few problems, for ex. when I go to buy a train ticket, they usually charge me for an adult which sucks big time. :/

Well, it's getting better, but I look younger than my grade.

I'm going into tenth grade, but I could easily pass for eighth.

Like, nearly two years ago (When I was ENTERING eighth grade), I was at the mall and this one lady my mom was talking to was like,

"Oh sweetie, are you ready for school? What grade are you going to be in? Sixth?"

*face palm* "No. Eighth."

"... Oh."

So I definately don't look like a sophmore, though I am starting to look more my age now. xD

Seriously, it varies.

I have had people tell me I look like I'm in grade 8, and I have had people tell me I look like a Grade 5'er.

I sucks to be late bloomer/short. :I

On the web, like here, people think I pass as a 16+.

IRL, I'm asked with my sister "So, how old are you two? Ten and Fourteen?"

...I'm only 12 ._.

When people see me, they think I'm 14.. 'Cause I'm considered tall in Thailand. I'm actually really short when compared to others here ._. But I personally don't LOOK like a 14 year old.

People think I am Older, because of my height. People think I'm 14-16, When I'm actually only 13 right now

At my Orthodontist, there was a new lady that thought I was a Senior @_@

people have asked if im in high school........... im 12...... unless.......

Mixed. My facial features look older, and my size is younger.


They think I'm 7-10 years old.





I'm actually 12.

When I was 11, people told thought I was 14/15/16, because I'm considered tall here.

I'm turning 14 very soon, but people often mistake me for being around 11.

I look twelve, and i'm fifteen going on sixteen!

its cause of my height.

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