Do you believe in Santa?


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I don't.

But I wanted to take a picture with "Santa" at the mall today. But he wasn't there. D=

I was thinking of saying something like, "I want ______ for Christmas."

And if he asks if I was a good girl, I'd say yes.

Then I'd be like, "Are you really going to get me it for Christmas?" And...yeah. I don't know what else after that.

When I was 4 or 5, my brother told me he wasn't real. I threw a tempter tantrum and I got really mad xDD

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I came down the stairs, aged 5, saw my mum un-packing presents. She told me Santa was too busy to do everything. I lost hope in humanity.

Yes, read my post on Nintendohub about it:

Santa is the most high tech dude on earth.His sleigh goes at 10,000 light years a hour...and it's got a built in short term time machine.

All designed for him by Aliens, who call themselves Elves, but whatever they say, they're still little green men.

Dude, if Santa took sides in any earth war (he's a peaceful guy, but) he would win.

This is the dude who could rule the world if he turned evil.

He has a combat force of 102331245790425742579203 elves armed with grenades disguised as snowballs and tanks that shoot white bullets made of frozen water. And they ride on arctic wolves and polar bears.

And he's a blackbelt in all forms of martial arts and a master in all types of combat. He's 81% robot, except for certain organs such as his brain, meaning a punch from him is...pretty bad.

This dude has an AK-47 strapped to his back. An MK-22 in his pocket. And a rather large block of C4 in his fireplace. He has a robotic third eye on his forhead that shoots lasers. He even has a Machine Gun on his roof. And for 364 days of the year he rides around in a 30 foot mech armed with missiles, rockets, lasers, bombs and bullets.

He's also got an evil brother with a black haired beard instead of a white one who lives in the south pole and is a little weaker and has an army of goblins to do his bidding. Santa's the only dude who can save the world from his constant attacks.
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