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  1. Q

    Tama Town glitch?

    Ok, i visited my grandparent (bunbuntchi) on my v3. So when bunbuntchi gave me a famous picture and entered the password for it, instead, it gave me a fishing rod. is this a glitch, or am i crazy? plz post. thanks! :furawatchi:
  2. Q

    Dating show host asleep?

    oopsies. i accidentely married a violetchi... :nazotchi:
  3. Q

    Dating show host asleep?

    I know that, but can you use a different creature?
  4. Q

    Dating show host asleep?

    Oh, one more question. Do you need a Chantotchi to get a mame family? Can you use a different type of tama spieces?
  5. Q

    Dating show host asleep?

    That realy works! :huh: Thanks
  6. Q

    Never adult ?

    Try bonding with it. I bonded 100% and they were adults in 2 days! :huh:
  7. Q

    Dating show host asleep?

    Ok, i only tried getting a Chantotchi 3x to get a Mame Family, but in my fourth try, the host was asleep. Why is this? When will she wake up? Please post. Tankies! :huh: P.S.:I attempted this at 8:45AM.
  8. Q

    How do you go on the dating show on V5?

    My tama V5 just elvoled into adult and i tried going on hte dating show, but it won't let me. Why? Plz help! B) Thankz! (P.S. : I have a Sukatchi, Mametchi, and a Memetchi! :D )
  9. Q

    Some questions for V.5

    I konw the answer to question 1 and 3. 1. 3 people in blended family, and 4 people when you get married (I think) 3. Binary posted items that increase bonding easily.
  10. Q

    Tama Expo

    You guys are lucky enough to get a tama town for v5. Bandai's doing their best in making tama towns.
  11. Q

    Can you tilt things on the program Paint?

    Can you tilt things on Paint in Windows?
  12. Q

    Easy Bonding?

    So i tried playing lots of games and stuff, but it never raises there bonding level? Why? Is there an easier way to bond? PLEASE POST. Thanx! :huh:
  13. Q

    Sleeping? At this time?

    OMG! I just found out the prob! Somehow, it timed warped from 3:50 PM to 3:45 AM! Why?
  14. Q

    Sleeping? At this time?

    I got my V5 today. But just 45 mins. ago, they evolved into todlers. And then, it went to sleep immediatly and they won't wake up. What happened?