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  1. S

    Named family please...!

    are there anybody who knows how to get a named family (smart, cheerful, or easy going)? i know that u have to marry 2 tama from a same type family, & in fact i already did it. but why i always get a blended family with three eggs. (that already happens in about 15 generation). are there any...
  2. S

    v5 mating question

    does anyone know what will happen if i marry two different type of family characters? example: my mametchi (smart-f)with memetchi (cheerful-F)? am i going to have the smart family or cheerful family parents? can i have a two different parents, for example papapatchi as father & mamametchi...
  3. S

    universal tama on v4

    i want to know how do i get the universal teen / adults on v4? are the rules still the same like in v5? i already tried to overfeed my tamas on v5, & it works cause my tamas became a large family (osumotchi). but on my v4 i already overfeed my toddler tama several times (until the weight...
  4. S

    v5 final stage of life

    can anyone tell me whatt will happen to the adults on v5 when we let them not marry??? are they going to become oldies, or die? how long can adults live??? :)
  5. S

    Please explain...!

      I'm a new owner of V5 tama, & i just want to know how do you get the 'extreme' family such as large, petite, or ninja. Do they only come from parents type or any adults? Can the first generation also change into 'extreme' adults?   i'm on the first generation adults (one of them is...