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  1. Rinametchi

    Tama-go figures not working?

    I bought a second tama-go and four figures today at target, they were all on clearance. The ichigotchi figure works, but the ponytchi, sebiretchi, and kuromametchi only have coin catch and don't count as extra characters for some reason!! I tried it on both of my tama-go's, and even reset the...
  2. Rinametchi

    Wanna know something really sad that just happened at Target?

    I bought four tamagotchi figurines and a tama-go for about $7. They were on CLEARANCE, no one must be buying them. The figurines were on sale for $0.98, and the tama-go was $2.48. Though this was a suppeerrr deal for me, I DON'T WANT TAMAGOTCHIS TO BE DISCONTINUED.
  3. Rinametchi

    How old are most tamagotchi users?

    Apparently in japan it's more socially accepted to have a tamagotchi when you're older? Maybe I should move there hahaha How old are you guys?