How old are most tamagotchi users?


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Jul 22, 2011
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Apparently in japan it's more socially accepted to have a tamagotchi when you're older? Maybe I should move there hahaha

How old are you guys?

hahah okay cause I'm 17.. I think my tamagotchi is going to be like a little secret agent and stay hidden and NO ONE will know about it!

Or something

I just got the the tama-go, haven't had a tama since my v1 v2 and v3.

It looks like I missed some really good ones.. I kinda want to buy v5 or music star or something.. or the color one though it's way expensive

I feel like they got rid of a LOT of features on the tama-go though. It seems like all the changes (the size, the simplicity, the separately bought figures) are all based on some dumb marketing studies.

19 here. I've been playing with these things since i was 4, when the originals came out in 1996.

Im 23, and have been playing with them for several years now!

I am 27 will be 28 in Jan next year. Have been into Tamagotchi when I was 14 and then got bacck into them this time last year and have over 50 Tamagotchi in my collection.

I'm 23 and married lol :D But ya know, My husband is 2 years older than me and he plays video games on his PC all the time. So what's the difference between that and my tamas? (he doesn't mind my tamas and knows they make me happy and he thinks some of the characters are silly too :p ) It's a lower tech version of a video game - doesn't have the fancy graphics and things that newer games do, but I still like them a ton! :)

I don't think anyone should be ashamed of something they like if it ain't hurtin them or no one else :) Vpet owner since 97'-Represent!

i'm 14 but i have 33 tamagotchi's and i don't care if anyone knows that i like and play with them! (i'm in high school) but i don't have them hanging off my back pack or anything but if someone where to ask me about them i would br like " REALLY YOU PLAY WITH THOOSE TOO!/ I THINK WE ARE BEST FRIENDS STARTING NOW!!! " lol but i don't HIDE that i LOVE them!

*i think of them like children you DON'T try to HIDE your child do you? NO! you don't lol :D

I'm 11 years old. I love tamagotchis so much! This is the list of my tamagotchis:

1.Tamagotchi V4

2.Tamagotchi V4.5

3.Tamagotchi V5

4.Tamagotchi V6

5.Tamagotchi V6

6.Tamagotchi V7

7.Tamagotchi V7

8.Tamagotchi iD-L

You can see them at my signature. ;) Tamagotchis are nice little pets. I don't have a dog, cat, fish, etc... So, tamagotchis are my pet. :)

I'll let you guys guess for yourselves (13-16) ^-^

I've been selling old toys to buy some tamas (I just bought a v4.5 and v5), so my collection is currently at 8. With more additions coming as soon I sell my littlest pet shop stuff.

I am eighteen. And just got back into them about a month ago after about a year off. <3 I love them. Starting to make a collection. I am looking into buying a +color next!

im 13, totally normal and i dont even really play with the toys. i just go on music city :) i have a question for you all, how does one aquire 20 tamas? and how do you even play with all those? thats what i've been hearing...gosh i only have 4 tamas!

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