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  1. T

    my V3 log

    ah how'd they both die don't they stay alive if you keep there hearts full? Ah well rest in peace Aimee and Cia (how'd she have a best friend in 1 Tamagotchi was it just like your other Tamagotchi that connected with it?)
  2. T

    My Tamagotchi

    Hey well this was my first one! T_T I didn't know that if you didn't keep all the hearts full they would die :(
  3. T

    My Tamagotchi

    I got it like ummm on Saturday
  4. T

    My Tamagotchi

    ah :wacko: I shoulda paused it :angry: :angry:
  5. T

    My Tamagotchi

    it's like this egg with wings and when I press A button it only shows me stats
  6. T

    Debugging and Undo Debugging ...

    i think that you should really be careful with debugging since if your uncareful or you aren't nimble enough with handling the tech stuff it could really mess some stuff up