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  1. I

    Are you gay or lesbian?

    wow this topic is more popular then i thought it would be
  2. I

    Hannah Montana's email!

    i knwo im just saying ( im voicing my opionon)
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    Hannah Montana's email!

    how could you!
  4. I

    how is cuter

    u forgot zac efron he is SOOOOOOO HHHOOOOOOOTTTTT!!!!! ;)
  5. I

    Hannah Montana's email!

    did she email back yet?
  6. I


    i have a pig and my brother has a golden retriever dog
  7. I

    Hannah Montana's email!

    you should try [email protected] it worked for me she emails back really fast!
  8. I

    Hannah Montana's email!

    you can also try [email protected]!
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    i guess i can swear only in liek songs liek in grilfriend it goes and hell ya im th emother effinf princess or in what the hell were you thinking they don't care if its in songs
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    Can you swear at home? i can't but i do it anyways ( not in front of my parents though) lol
  11. I

    Are you gay or lesbian?

    pomo and bi sound like the same to me
  12. I

    Are you gay or lesbian?

    i agree with th eappropriate topic thing liek sweet kandi said y isn't it theres nothing wron with it its real life
  13. I

    Are you gay or lesbian?

    ya thats what i meant!
  14. I

    Are you gay or lesbian?

    gay means your a guy and lesbian means your a girl
  15. I

    Are you gay or lesbian?

    thats cool we all have dif beliefs im not gay or lesbian but i think if people an tto do that choice its their opinion theres nothing i can to do stop that
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    Are you gay or lesbian?

    i have nothin gagainst it im just wondering!!!! if u r then its cool with me! feel free to comment! Note from Tama-Love: Just a little heads up--     The Staff Team chose to keep this thread open, on one condition. Please keep all posts mature and sensible, just like the puberty topics we...