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  1. L


    I'm 100% Persian. Proud to Be Persian,baby! =)
  2. L

    Dumbledore or Santa Claus?

    Yeaa....Well the guy who plays Dumbledore in the movies, he died because he was old.
  3. L

    Dumbledore or Santa Claus?

    I don't know. People in my class say hes a wizard. I just think hes a fat elf whos had too many cookies.
  4. L

    Is it wrong,

    I feel your pain. I really want to move too. I would miss my freinds but at least I could meet new people. I've been going into the same school since 2nd grade. I'm in sixth now.
  5. L

    Dumbledore or Santa Claus?

    Well today in Logic, our teacher (hes really funnny) he made us debate about which wizard was better. I dunno why. Hes random and we had this discussion today and yesterday. We had to be a "logical thinker" In the end Dumbledore won. It was 7 against 5 kids. Who do YOU think is the most...
  6. L

    I'm Depressed.

    I think this topic should be closed now. Since my matter is resolved.
  7. L

    Happy Thankgiving!

    No school today. Happy Thanksgiving to Canadians!! I should probably call up my freind and tell her that! Shes canadian.
  8. L

    I'm Depressed.

    Hey no problem!! ^^ Thanks for apologizing. I think my mood swings are lowering some.
  9. L

    I'm Depressed.

    Thanks guys. and Aerostella, thats just cold.
  10. L

    I'm Depressed.

    I feel horrible and selfish. I am mean to my freinds and I've been getting into fights. I feel like people are talking about me behind my back. I want to change myself because I've become a different person. Someone who is rude, and talks back.I don't know what to do and it's not because I'm...
  11. L

    Am I sick?

    Maybe you could talk to your mom. She would know what was wrong. And even is she didn't you can always go to the doctor. Or even though your sure its not your period you never know. Theres a chance you might get it soon.
  12. L

    Bats xDDD

    Aww poor bat!! I don't know why but I just love them now. Hahah.
  13. L

    What kind of fashion do you like?

    Meh. None of them.Not really my style.
  14. L

    do you like

    Yes Yes couldnt agree with you more Mametchi_Queen.
  15. L

    As I Promised..

    Yep No problem!!! Mrs.Joe Jonas: LOL!
  16. L


    Whenever I would go visit my grandparents, the country that they lived in had a lot of bugs. Every night when I was trying to sleep i would ear a really annoying buzzing sound next to my ear. I would see a huge mosquitoe. So then I would put my head under the covers and plug my ears, because the...
  17. L

    As I Promised..

    Thats pretty cool. I don't really like the Jonas Brothers as a whole. Just Nick really. Yea but thats pretty sweet that you got to meet them! Congrats!
  18. L


    They probably used the tag. [ you ] but without the spaces. Its a joke.
  19. L

    do you like

    Yep. Joe Jonas did it too. I'm shocked. Well not really. Its pretty obvious that two bratty teenagers would let fame get to their head and act like their all that. EDIT: ChellyBell: It really did happen. My mom's freind told her and I was their too listening.
  20. L

    do you like

    Ok well my mom's freind works backstage at the Energy Solutions Arena where Miley Cyrus performed for her 3-D movie The Best of Both worlds Concert/Tour. And this little girl got backstage passes. So she came up to Miley and said Hi. Miley leaned over to one of the people who worked backstage...