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  1. S

    What's on your Copy and Paste?

    EDIT: GUMMY BEAR SONG Haha. I was looking for the song on Youtube. xD
  2. S

    Serious question regarding Lady Gaga...

    One time I was on Lady Gaga's website, and their are all sorts of topics regarding this rumor on the forums. Its kinda odd. I mean, who would want these things on their fan site. Even if they were true, it would bother me if I were her, honestly. :/
  3. S

    What's on your Copy and Paste?

    Nothing. How boring. xD
  4. S

    Where did you learn about Sex?

    For me, it's pretty much the same. I guess I learned that sex, uhh, existed? when I as young. But I didn't exactly learn what it was until I was in 5th grade. I pretty much learned from my friends, the internet, etc. before my parents talked to me about it or we learned in school.
  5. S

    Serious question regarding Lady Gaga...

    Have any of you people heard rumors or something that she is actually, like... a man? Are they true?
  6. S

    VMA Awards.

    Kanye is a stupid-head. -.- That is all.
  7. S

    Do you have a superiority complex or...

    Neither, or both, whatever. I guess it depends how you look at it. I'm just me, I guess xD
  8. S

    What are your parents doing right now?

    My dad's watching TV, my mom's doing Sudoku. Nothing new at all.