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  1. K


    Ok thank you. :) is there a list of all the possible gotchis u can get somewhere? Cuz I ended up with necktietchi and he married a mametchi.
  2. K


    Ok I have a Tama-go and my gotchi just got married today from the dating place and I was wondering how long til babies, and what all else does being married do/mean?
  3. K

    Tama-go pets

    So what all does it take to get a pet? I just finally got a tamatown account but I don't have net at home and it doesn't work on my bb lol so I don't get online much.
  4. K

    Someone on tamatown was controlling 2 characters at once?

    Yep. I did that today accidently. Lmao you can have up to 3 tamas logged in at once I think.
  5. K

    What is your Gotchi ID?

    Mine is KM8384. My initials and bday lol