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  1. T

    Sound related question

    I've been using my Connection v2 a lot lately and I have realized that the sound is getting weaker and weaker. I really only hear it when it is completely silent whereas my v1 and v3 is still very strong. Is there anything I can do from it getting even worse?
  2. T

    V2 Child Stage only lasts 24 hrs

    Hey, yesterday I started a new generation of my V2 after having the Baby screen (where you are supposed to enter the name) for a month due to lack of time. I got a Kuribotchi after one hour, and then today, I had to replace the battery and this afternoon it already turned into a teen (Young...
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    Unusually dark screen

    Hey, so I finally managed to get a V6 Music Star at a decent price *yay* It is used and I noticed that its screen is particularly dark. Not as dark as when it sleeps obviously, but sometimes when I am in a room without artificial light or in winter when it’s darker outside, I find myself turning...
  4. T

    Connection - smirking after gifting bad present

    I have read several times now that when Tamas of the Connection series connect and one gifts a bad present like a snake or a poo to the other it smirks when it comes back into its shell. You would need to discipline it then to gain one training point. Do we know if this only happens when you...
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    Angelogotch Wave 1 & Wave 2

    Hey, I am about to purchase a Japanese Angelgotch and I am trying to determine if it Wave 1 or Wave 2. From what I have heard, the only difference is the menu icon designs, but other than that they should be the same. Could anyone confirm and is there an overview of the icon differnces somewhere?
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    V5 no download function after battery change

    Hey, I had to change the battery of my V5 today and like with all the Conncection models, I expected there to be a download function so that I could continue with where I was before (generation 6). So what happened when I changed the battery is that a screen appeared that said "WAIT !" and...
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    Short battery life cycle on V2

    Hey everyone, I've been running several Connections at the same time for a few months now. It's a V1, V2, V4.5 and V5. I have noticed that the battery life cycle of my V2 is much shorter than for the other ones. Like I cannot really say how long cause I also have to pause them for a week or so...
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    Any idea what my Ura Yattatchi is doing? 😅
  9. T

    Familitchi / V5 Games

    Hey, quick question regarding the V5 games: is it correct that Golf Putt & Shoe Pairs are only there to increase bonding? I finished Shoe Pairs completely and Golf Putt up until 24 I guess and I was really surprised that none of the Happy Hearts had been filled up.
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    How to get Ginjirotchi on the P1 re-release

    Hey everyone, I've been trying to raise a Ginjirotchi on my P1 re-release and have so far failed each time. I always seem to get either Mametchi or Maskutchi. Does anyone have any tips? I've tried to follow the guides for the original P1 that you can find online but it obviously didn't work...