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  1. B


    Oh and another thing, I just re-bugged my tama and it took me three minutes by figuring it out by my self. My tama is still in perfect condition and is not damaged. It took me a lot of courage to press that reset button :kuribotchi: It was easy. But I do know that not everyone has the...
  2. B


    How do you reverse it exactly?
  3. B


    Thx, but now three other questions surface... 1) Is the permanently-damaging thing the rebugging or the debugging? 2) How exactly do you choose the character? 3) Do you think debugging is good or bad? (I should make a poll)
  4. B


    Questions: 1) I was debugging it a when I rubbed the debug button, the battery slipped but just before it turned off I saw a bar going across the screen, is it debugged? 2) Do you see imidiate effects after debugging? 3) Can it have any negative side effects? 4) Can someone tell me what...
  5. B

    does anyone know how to get furawatchi?

    Well, I'll tell you soem info. They say you can only get it on even generations, they are wrong. I got a UFOtchi and a Furawatchi on the first genereation. I took perfect care of it but gave it toothaches like no tomorrow. :furawatchi:
  6. B

    the tama who had no happines

    flew him to the moon on his U.F.O but then....
  7. B

    Help! Something happened!

    Well, once my sis bit a button of my V1 and I threw it away, she was 10 uears old at the time, not a big deal as I had a V2 :angry:
  8. B


    Um, this is so obious I can't imagine why you're having trouble, but I will help. Switch to the time screen and press A button (First one to the right). Easy :angry:
  9. B

    Help! I need help making a desicion!

    Well, the way I see you got two choices: 1) Smother her and let her die then begin with a Tamagotchi completly different from your Pochichi. :angry: 2) Or, Let her have a baby and that baby will always have a part of your Pochitchi with you inside of her. :angry: What ever you choose...
  10. B

    A little help please

    Thx a lot, now another question, what doz training do? I have it full. Oh and we have four faces now.
  11. B

    A little help please

    Well thanks tama :huh: . But anyway between the time you and I posted my sis and I made our tamas best friends *yay* Anyway, this is my last question, does your tama have to be an adult to use a bow or a costume?
  12. B

    A little help please

    Well, thanks Tama :huh: . Also I forgot to ask this, does anyone know the number of connections you need to make in order to become partners? I dunno but I think that you can only become best friends with tamas that r 4 yrs or older rit? I hope so
  13. B

    A little help please

    Well I just recently got my tamagotchi, yay! So anyway, my sis and I each have one, one boy, one girl. And I was wondering.... Can ANY tamagotchis of the opposite gender become partners? Or only some as in "compatible"? Oh and I need help because we wanna get this one :huh: . So we both have...