A little help please


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Oct 24, 2005
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Well I just recently got my tamagotchi, yay! So anyway, my sis and I each have one, one boy, one girl. And I was wondering.... Can ANY tamagotchis of the opposite gender become partners? Or only some as in "compatible"? Oh and I need help because we wanna get this one :huh: . So we both have UFOtchis so we need the same help. So help please??????

Oh and another thing, tamagotchis arent for girls only...

Yes, any tamagotchi adult character can mate with any other - as long as they are a boy and girl of course; lol :huh:

I can't tell you how to get a ChoHimetchi as I have never had one - BUT I CAN tell you that you only get them on even number gens - and I'm afraid that you only get Ufotchi on odd number gens - so you and yr sis won't get one this time - but try for the next one! B)

Good Luck!

Best, etc.


Well I can give you some information, if you want to pause the game hold the A button then push the B button while your holding the A button. Then your game will be paused! Just do the same thing to unpause it. Also your right tamagotchis are also for boys...Because I'm a boy! So rock on! La-La-Laaa! :D B) :huh:

Well, thanks Tama :huh: . Also I forgot to ask this, does anyone know the number of connections you need to make in order to become partners? I dunno but I think that you can only become best friends with tamas that r 4 yrs or older rit? I hope so

I'm not sure how many times you need to connect to become best friends (4 smiley faces) - but this can happen during childhood and teens.

You won't get 4 hearts - potential partners - until both characters are adult and have been adults for at least 24hrs (unpaused) - then it is just a question of connecting them a few more times and they will make babies.

Hope that helps

Best, etc.


Well thanks tama :huh: . But anyway between the time you and I posted my sis and I made our tamas best friends *yay*

Anyway, this is my last question, does your tama have to be an adult to use a bow or a costume?

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Yes, it has to be an adult to use a bow or costume - and once the costume is on, it stays on all day until your Tama goes to sleep - but if you get fed up with it you can take it off by changing the Tama's clock to its sleep time, let it fall asleep, the costume comes off then change the clock time back to normal time - presto - one Tama without costume!

Best, etc.


Thx a lot, now another question, what doz training do? I have it full. Oh and we have four faces now.

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