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  1. S

    Hey..where's my welcome back party!?!?

    :D Welcome back! :)
  2. S

    Im back!

    Well, it's been a long time since Iwas here. Stuffs been happening at home school etc, but now I have more "me time" so I decided I should come back. So, here I am! Bye for now sprogs
  3. S

    Picture of you

    Well, maybe instead of getting into an argument here lets just get a guide 2 close it, shall we? Maybe thats the best option, cos arguments never are!
  4. S

    If you could meet 5 tamatalk members

    7 pages and no-one picked me! :unsure: Lol, don't really mind tho. Erm, i would pick: Jinx3295 Cenas Girl Wine_Deer TGD and........EVERY1!!!
  5. S

    Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows spoiler

    I CANT BELIEVE NONE OF U HAVE MENTIONED DOBBY!!! :unsure: Dobby was one of my fave characters, and Hedwig. I was so sad that Tonks and Lupin die, just after they had a son :P :angry: :angry: The ending was kinda predictable, and my littlest bro wants her 2 write about their...
  6. S

    Tennant or Eccleston?

    Totally agree with La Rhette, and I think he had better episodes as well.
  7. S

    More for Teen-ish girls/boys

    Ugh, have 2 put down what happened 2 mi m8 on fri. We were walking back from the shops, and these random 17 year old came past going "oh shes fit" and one of them pinched her butt!!
  8. S

    English Fairy Tales: 1

    Once, there was a widowed :ph34r: , Sam, and his young daughter :unsure: , Elinor . Sam was intent on finding a mother for his child, and came across a beautiful :furawatchi: , Hannah who also had a daughter, :blink: , Kate . Elinor was badly mistreated by her stepmum, and her only...
  9. S

    Guess whos posting next

    Yep!!!! I predict..................................PPPG(purplepowerpuffgirl)
  10. S

    I am REALLLY scared!

    I agree! Besides, I like my glasses. They have Dennis the Menace on the side. He he he. I love The Beano
  11. S

    1 sentence story

    turned into a toad that
  12. S

    1 sentence story

    give him a magic wand.
  13. S

    More for Teen-ish girls/boys

    Once, i was walking back from my trumpet lesson (Its in da middle of 5th period) and i had straightend my hair, and had a bit of make up on, and these yr 10's (i am younger, but cant say what yr), were leaning out the science windows on the top floor saying things like "Your fit!","Will u d8 my...
  14. S

    Big Decision Ahead

    Why dont you halve it? 2 1/2 with your mum 2 1/2 with your dad??
  15. S


    Ditto. Its hard, but you get used to it. They have been seperated about 4/5 years, getting divoced soon
  16. S

    Are you gay or lesbian?

    I am straight, but I have no problem with gays or lesbians. Its what they want that matters. BTW, someone said (cant remember who) "how can you have kids with someone of your own gender"They can adopt, cant they!
  17. S


    1: Dont worry if you lost a contest, theres always next time. Dont worry, and tell people you dont care, and tell them to drop it. 2: Tell your friend how you feel, ask how she would feel if you went out with him. If she would feel bad, dont date him, and vice-versa
  18. S

    Hard life right now. Very sad.

    Getting into an argument will not do anyone any good. So dont fight. Im glad your mum and dad are happy. If peoople are rude, tell them its none of their buisness, and if they are perfect, they can criticise. I highly doubt anyone is perfect, everyone has done something wrong in their life. So...
  19. S

    13th birthday!

    Have a masked ball! Lol, my friend had one when she hit double-digits (10) It was really fun, u had 2 guess who your friends were. Sounds a bit weird, but its cool
  20. S

    Kate's New Life

    Dear Diary, Today was one of the worst days of my life. I have never been so embarrased! 4 things happened today.... 1: I put on my cutest outfit, you know, my black leggings and white satin blouse, and when I got to school, Carmen was wearing the same. She was really mad, even though hers...