тαмαтσωη123'ѕ тσωη σƒ тαмαѕ


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Well-known member
Dec 5, 2011
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UK (England)
My other log's title was bad. So, just follow this one if you were following that one.

Name: Mametchi

Toy: Boat

Instrument: Drum Kit

Character: Kuchitamatchi

0 yr


Hungry: *****

Happy: *****

Stress: 14


Today Mame woke up and was practicing early. I praised him for doing that, then the doorbell rang. Who was it?! It was the Pre-School Teacher, with a gift. The gift was...a dress....Mame hated it! He was sad when I asked him to play with it, so I gave him a toy :) .

Today Im starting a thing called Tamagotchi Character Mail on my Log. Mame recieves mail from various Tama Characters each day!


You have one unread Mail in your Inbox from Mametchi.

Dear Kuchitamatchi/Mame,

Why are you named after me?! Do you think im famous, or clever, or did you just think of the name?

~ Mametchi ~

In reply to Mametchi's Mail, Mame replied this:

My owner liked the name Mametchi, so she called me it. I think she wants me to evolve into you (Mametchi)

It was nice that Mametchi also clipped a picture of himself with the mail:


You have no unread Messages

Yup, no Tama Mail today, but maybe tommorow. Anyway, Mame didn't evolve into anyone yet, but I have a feeling it's gonna be today, so come back to check this log just incase ;)


Me: I wish you were a girl...

Mame: Did you tell the teacher I was a girl?! That's why she gifted me a dress?!

Me: Maybe..

Mame: How could you! *fake cries*

Me: It wasn't be! I promise! Maybe the Teacher ran out of gifts!

Mame: *sniff* Why didn't she tell me then?

Me: Teachers don't want to hurt anyone's feelings, that's why she didn't tell you.

Mame: So, your saying she didn't upset me now?

Me: Well, she didn't know she would upset you...

Mame: *runs outside and cries*

Me: Toddlers do cry a lot! *sigh*

Mame: I heard that!

Me: Where are you?! Too bad the V6 dosen't let me see the outside of the house

Mame: Hahahaha! *laughs evilly*

Me: Tommorow we're going to Tamatown :)

Mame: Oh yeah! Im gonna go everywhere..*starts packing bags*

Me: Woah..wait..this isn't a plan to leave me...is it?

Mame: Noooo, It's just so I don't need to do this tommorow.

Me: O....Okay....*phew*

Updated Info:

Name: Mametchi

Toy: Car

Instrument: Drum Kit

Character: Kuchitamatchi

1 yr


Hungry: *****

Happy: *****

Stress: 61

So it has updated a bit since last time! Cool! I really wanna get Kuchipatchi...

P.S: Do I even have any followers?

EDIT: New Tama Mail!!:

Dear Mame,

Play with me at school



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Aahh! Sorry for not updating yesterday, guess I was busy, anyway, Mame evolved today into a....KIKITCHI! I'm soooo happy! According to a growth chart, Kikitchi is a "perfect level" character. Yay!


People who follow my log, can just like one of my posts or vote it, feel free to comment on my profile :) (PLEASE!!!) I don't really know when Mame evolved, but....its time for.....


Dear Mame/Kikitchi,

Congratulations, for evolving into a Kikitchi! I heard you are very good at playing instruments!! May you play for me one day? We have an assembly at school and I need someone who is excellent at instuments to play for me when im dancing. Would you? It will raise your popularity!! I would love to work with you someday, can you please accept my offer?



Mame replied, but I had to peek in his cupboard to see his reply:

Dear Dreamtchi,

It would be an honour to work with you, but soon I'm working hard to get a band. I want to raise my OWN popularity, but thanks a lot for the amazing offer! I'm sure there's lots of muscisians out there (some may be better then me hehe) so I think you should look for someone else. It would be great to meet you though. Again, thanks for the offer!

Conversation time! Yay! We have two things in this post to celebrate the evolvation of Mame!

Me: Why didn't you accept Dreamitchi's offer?

Mame: I wanna get popularity myself!

Me: Well...good luck!

Mame: Wait....did you look at my reply to him?

Me: Yeah :) I just took a little look...

Mame: Hmph, does this "log" have any followers

Update: Mame got a band, called Thunder! and he is very proud of his band. He will continue practicing and trying hard to go high!!

Argh! He evolved into a dazzilitchi but I turned him into a Dreamitchi with the power of the Destiny star!! I got some food supplies: Fried chicken, and Coco Moco. While that was happening, he ate some sushi (寿司) but he wondered if I got him a special suprise...and I did! I got him a shovel. He was so excited he went out into the garden to dig with his new shovel :)


Oh plus, he got to learn more about the band members. There's one called Elaine, and one called Paul. So there it is, Mame, Elain and Paul. Lets see the conversation between the band members of Thunder!

Mame: Ok...so we need to decide what we're gonna play

Elaine: Im playing TRUMPET!

Paul: Noo, I wanna play Trumpet! :(


Mame: Guys stop fighting! Im definetly playing drums...

Paul: Yeah yeah we know you love drums but im playing trumpet!!

Elaine: I said first!

Mame: Okay..shh!! Elaine, there's a trombone if you want it.

Elaine: A Trombone? I'd love to play that..*picks up trombone*

Paul: *laughs* Im playing trumpet YAY.

Elaine: Hmph.

Mame: Guys stop or the band will brake up!

Paul: *shrugs* We don't want that...

*everyone starts playing their instruments*

Mame: Paul! You have to follow the rhythm!

Paul: Im trying to! But Elaine is too loud that I can't here you!

Elaine: No, your too loud! I can't hear Mame either!

Paul: You can't hear Mame because of yourself!!!

Mame: Ugh, how will this work out? *sigh*


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Quick Update, will update more tonight: Well we cant get past the 3rd judge so we're practicing a lot..Mame's stress has gone up to 72!! I need to pause my Tama for a bit and by the way I will update in the evening so stay tuned. There's gonna be a conversation between the JUDGES! Soo keep following my log..if there is any followers. It's cool cuz Mame got past 2 judges already! We didn't buy anything from the shop today...only 620 gotchi points :( But, i'll earn more..ok see you later with more fun!!

Conversation Time!

I'll call the judges 1 2 and 3

1: Im so impressed by that thunder band

2: They are perfect!

3: Blehh..they're okay


3: I mean they should practice more!!

2: Nothing impresses you -.- *puts the CD of the Band in CD player and dances*

1:*dances too*

3: Are you guys CRAZY?!

2: No, we're dancing to a song we love!!

1: Yeah!! What song do you love?

3: I love MY SONGS

2: Ur so selfish!!

3: Yes I am!! ;) *turns off CD player*

1: So, did they impress you yet?

3: I'll see tommorow, maybe they'll change?

2: Hmph. People are right, you are hard to impress...

That's the conversation..wierd huh? I caught them talking a few hours ago... :)

They have 3,378 TamaFans and their ranking is 999th...almost there? :p

Well, at least he's not a Gozarutchi :gozarutchi:

See more tommorow!

Well, I've been changing the times and auditioning lots of times. I've also made Mame practice a lot of times so his stress is getting higher, Im giving him meal right now :) Just if people don't know, audition times are 2:15pm, 4:15pm, and 7:15pm. So that can make your band get higher! Best of luck to all you V6 owners! That was the tip of the day. Now it's question of the day and you need to answer:


Who is this? The person who guesses will be mentioned here and may get an item code for Tamatown :)

Is it:

a. Watawatatchi

b. Hapihapitchi

c. None of the above..

OK anyway thats for you to solve tommorow, back to my log. At the evening he went into the shower like he does all the time and I love that animation because its really cute. Maybe there's gonna be a double update today. There is TamaMail though! So look here:

Dear Dreamitchi,

May I be in your band?

From Memetchi


Dear Memetchi,

It would've been great to have you in my band but unfortunately I only want 3 people and as you know the spaces are taken. But if lucky, you may have another chance!

From Dreamitchi

Okay, see more tommorow or today :lol:

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Oops sorry for not posting yesterday and too bad no one answered the question :p Anyway, Mame the Dreamtchi slept with 2 hungry hearts and 2 happy hearts..I guess I was concentrating more on his band..I keep trying, and trying! But I can't pass the 3rd Judge! I'll try today, maybe I'll be lucky.

Let's see the conversation between the band Members :newmametchi:

Mame: What do you think we're doing wrong :angry:

Elaine: I don't know, he's strange :huh:

Paul: We may impress him today..

Mame: Fingers crossed... -_-

Elaine: We'll get so much money if we pass him!! YAY!!

Mame: Err..all that money goes to me..

Elaine & Paul: WHAT?!

Mame: I might share with you some..

Paul: Hm...How much? :rolleyes:

Mame: 10 GP maybe?

Elaine: *looks at paul and frowns* -_-

Mame: Okay Okay, 20 GP

Paul & Elaine: :(

Mame: 100 GP

Paul: Not even close :angry:

Mame: As you can see, im very busy. I shall pay you the amount that I feel most comfortable with and contact you immediatly. For now please be patient. B)

Okay, not much today! I played a game or two to earn coins..but I didn't get any..im trying to lower its stress level...please keep following and you WILL see big updates tommorow!

OMG guys, I'm so sorry for not posting yesterday! This log means a lot to me and im sad im missing a few days, let's get it up and running ;) Anyway, i'm trying to lower Mame's stress level, and it's not going down!! So I let him play with his Toy a long time...im just gonna get him now :)

My Current Collection:





Tamagotchi Party On! - Wii

My To-Do List:

Pass The 3rd Judge

Get More Batteries

Get a good/OK/Perfect character in my next generation

Well, I hope I get something in my To-Do list. Not much happened today, but Mame's stess is at 0 :) I'll update tommorow with more news!

Yes! Someone is following! Thank you - it means a lot to me.

Note: I know a log is boring without pictures, but im trying my best to make this log fun, including TamaMail, Conversations, questions and more. If you want me to do anything else (except pictures) I would be greatfull :)

Mame's bands music has changed to Hip Hop, Cool! Unfortunately, im still not getting a Matchmaker nor passing the 3rd Judge, :( But i'm getting there 'cuz Mame's band has over 30,000 fans!! Hopefully, and probably, there's gonna be a double update today. He's 5 years old and his stress is at 16, it used to be at 40 yesterday :p Good improvement :) Hopefully if I pass the 3rd Judge today, i'll scream with joy! (not really) But Mame is gonna for sure. I did a typo in one of the previous posts in my log - I said Dazzilitchi but it was supposed to be Gozarutchi :rolleyes: So please don't think "Her Tama turned into a girl character?" Anyway, boys turn into girl characters in previous versions ;)

Expect an update tonight!

~ Tamatown and Mame ~


Dreamitchi (イケメンっち)

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YES! The Ultimate Doomer and Eternal Mametchi Fan are following my log! And thank you EMF for answering my question you are right, your gift is..5 like points :)

Okay, still the 3rd Judge no wetting wittle Mame pass! :( :( It no fair :( So we'll see this night (yes again! -.-) if Mame can pass the 3rd Judge. The wierd thing is, his favourite music keeps changing. First it was Rock and then it was r&b and then it was pop and then it was rock and now its POP AGAIN?!? Wierd. Okay next question of the Quiz since the first question was answered:

What does this say: たまごっちミュージックスター

Lol, you can cheat if you really wanna :D

You get no options for this question - you just have to answer yourself :)


Expect a double update today - I will be doing it tonight ;)

EDIT: EMF Won the Flower Hills Quiz. Now someone answer the question above! :)

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Ringotchi123 is CORRECT! It's "Tamagotchi Music Star". I'll do my real update later :) 5 like points for you

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Unpaused my tama this morning - poor Mame. I decided to earn him money because he deserves a few snacks, no? Then I wondered "Why not go on a pretend trip to tamatown? It's not working but It will be pretend :) "

Mame was jumping up and down when he heard this idea.

Tamatown Trip - Part 1


While Mame and I were walking through Tamatown..a Kuchipatchi and Memetchi welcomed us in to Forest Falls. They introduced themselves, talked about the parts of Tamatown and also talked about how popular Mame the Dreamitchi was in Tamatown/Music city.


Then we decided to go to Swirly Sweet City and sit on the outdoor table. Maybe a sip or two from the big Coffee cup ;) "Oh look" Mame said, pointing to a shop "We must go there!" I agreed so we went into the lovely shop. We went there and then we went to Flower Hills.


It was quite and peacefull at flower hills. We also saw a Mametchi and he said he was a guest. All the statues were lovely but Dreamtchi was angry because there was no statue of him :p

Look for part 2! :D

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Since Flower Hills was so lovely, I decided to stay there for a bit longer. Dreamtchi hated it - he hates flowers - and anything to do with flowers. A few hours later it became night:


We decided to go to the Main Entrance to see the pretty lights. Dreamitchi thought "Yay!" Wait - it became morning already? Time has passed by!


Then we went to Dreamtchi's room (this pic was from ages ago xD) and we saw some people visiting it. They said it was a very lovely room and they wanted to buy it but we said no because we love our room :)

Part 3 coming soon :)

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